Friday, November 12, 2021

Belarus-Poland border standoff; Russian President needs to act fast with the intention of giving relief to migrants stuck there; 45 million people across 43 nations on brink of famine

Belarus-Poland border standoff; Russian President needs to act fast with the intention of giving relief to migrants stuck there; 45 million people across 43 nations on brink of famine

Thousands stranded in Belarus-Poland border in freezing temperatures. As reports emanating from different sources suggest thousands of migrants are stuck on Belarus-Poland border with no signs of any breakthrough. EU says this is nothing but Belarus manufactured crisis primarily hinting at Belarus acting like "gangster regime". Thousands of people are without food, shelter and medicare and with no potable water, they are in a situation that multiplies their trouble with each passing day. 

Migrants seek relief with none coming from Belarus side. It would have been appropriate for Belarusian President Mr Alexander Lukashenko to show some heart and none of that is coming. It is time for Russia to act and and act promptly. Russian President Mr Vladimir Putin should use his good offices to exert pressure on Belarus to resolve this border standoff. If Russian President shows the will and brings pressure on Belarus counterpart at least migrants would be saved from manifold tragedies that is unravelling with each passing day. In freezing temperatures they are out in the open and they have no escape route. Mr Putin should understand that migrants have been forced to get into this dire situation and they risk losing everything at their disposal if no prompt help comes to them. These migrants have been there since October and we are almost in the middle of November and there is no solution in sight. It is no time for Mr Putin to settle scores with the West and he needs to be benevolent enough to be seen resolving this border standoff and giving relief to migrants soon. How can Mr Putin remain silent and put all blame at the doorstep of European Union and describe this situation that can only be resolved by EU. EU is helpless and has blamed Belarusian President of fomenting border crisis in retaliation for sanctions imposed on Belarus. And here Mr Putin should impress upon the Belarusian authorities to give relief to migrants and not cold shoulder them. If Mr Putin doesn't act now in the history books he would be remembered as a leader who had the gumption to act but did not do so as he had the intention to show West in poor light. Mr Putin act now for the sake of migrants. We don't want the situation to come to such a sorry pass where more EU sanctions against Belarus come into effect and here Mr Putin needs to mediate between Belarus and EU and see that migrants miseries are erased once and for all. 

Forty five million people across 43 nations on the brink of famine

As we understand nearly 45 million people across 43 nations are on the brink of famine. This is partly to do with lopsided priorities of governments concerned in these nation states and partly to do with climate change. Nearly 30 million people in Afghanistan have no food to eat and don't know from where their meals would come. Innumerable meets on Afghanistan involving Pakistan, US, Russia and China are futile as the primary challenge of feeding the unfed is never discussed across tables. We need to provide food to the unfed spread across provinces of Afghanistan and that should be the aim of Giant Nations who don't want to partake the blame that the unfolding situation in Afghanistan is essentially to do with competing claims and counter claims by nations at different points of time. As we try to gauge the situation in Afghanistan, chilling reports come of 72 drivers of World Food Programme being detained in Ethiopia by Tigray rebels. These drivers have been detained in the capital of AFAR region of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia's Tigray territory there is widespread famine and Tigrayan rebels are accused of abusing women at the point of gun. These rebels are advancing towards the capital with Ethiopian forces at the receiving end. To put it straight 22 per cent people in Ethiopia's Tigray region are malnourished. 

The unsettled weather across countries (rains pounding vast swathes of Sri Lanka, parts of Tamil Nadu in India to rising sea levels in Miami in the US), rebels upsurge in different continents, naval exercise in the Red Sea by UAE, Bahrain, Israel and US, Ukraine holding multiple drills to prevent migrant incursions, Ethnic profiling in nation states after nation states, Nicaragua President Mr Ortega winning fourth term by keeping the opposition behind bars (the polls in Nicargua were a big sham), China US negotiations in cop 26 leaving much to imagine and fathom, we are living in uncertain times and here succour needs to be dispensed to the unfed and displaced men, women and children.  

Mr David Beasley of UN World Food Programme believes nations after nations are on the brink of starvation and urgent steps need to be taken to ameliorate the conditions of underpriviliged. As virus cases rise in Germany, the Incoming Chancellor Mr Olaf Scholz has a tough task on hand and hope he has access to gains in combating the virus.

The coup in Sudan has sent alarm bells ringing and we hope democracy is restored soon with Army General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan showing intention for negotiations and taking little but solid steps towards restoration of democracy. Do it in 2022 and not procrastinate till 2023 as public anger would surmount.  

As China readies itself with a template that should not be expansionist by any thread of imagination giving undiluted term to the President should not stoke fear-mongering in territories like Taiwan and Hong Kong. As Cuba readies itself with opening the country for tourists, hope the tourists flow is met with success and all challenges are nipped in the bud.

We hope the world is at peace with itself with migrants at different locations able to withstand infirm policies of nation states. Migrants should be given a head start and they should be rehabilitated with enough food, water and other essentials at their disposal.

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