Tuesday, June 14, 2022

To Get Going This Summer

To Get Going This Summer

Summer is at its peak with temperature going beyond 40 to 45 degree centigrade and here scorching heat has an aura of invincibility and for some it is no less than a treat. To stay afloat one has to put into motion host of measures with no fissures. Stepping out in this scorching summer for some it drains out their energy and there is less likelihood of continuation of synergy. To partake benefits of warm weather stepping out may be mandatory as it gives enough vitamin d fill and this is something to thrill. Summer sets in action multitude of men, women and children to hit on a hill station trail and this sees large quantum of outflow of cash for the very urgency shown in hill station benefits and opportunities to avail. Summer sees less number of individual seething with anger and if it is not that the case they may be on a short fuse after meeting persons named Doughty Langer. 

To keep scorching heat at bay it is all the more necessary to wrap yourself well and stepping out of home is a tale to tell. Once having stepped out and stayed outside for long the return journey to home is not an aberration with listening to songs of Beyonce.  Once at home drinking plenty of water and energy drinks like buttermilk, lassi and shake as in the big city of Delhi there is no sighting of lake. The onset of summer augurs well for the majority as it increases resistance with no brevity. 

Hitting on a hill station trail for some may not suffice their needs; stay put in Delhi as unwanted elements haven't so far laid a siege. The onset of summer carnival makes more prone to the idea of having lumpsum curd and this testimony in the corridors of power heard. As mayhem of sorts is being witnessed in the country we hope the vindictive agenda would lie flat and run out of battery. This vindictive agenda is bound to collapse as people so far haven't displayed their ability to pole vault. 

Solan or Shimla (Solan and Shimla are in Himachal Pradesh State in India) may not give you reprieve, stay put in Delhi as it is none's fief.  In summer you are at your best as it augurs endurance test. The heat wave conditions may set a stage of lull and there are enough occasions when you rise from this stage to ring the door bell. 


The story on Indonesia's eco-friendly mosques was good. With innovation water usage has dropped by 30 per cent and electricity bill more than half. Hope Mosques across world replicate this success story. 

The story on Thailand's Mekong Market signalling the surge in tourism in Thailand. In 2019 there were 40 million visitors and this year the govt hopes there are 15 million visitors.

The story on Italian group training children for circus performance in besieged Gaza Strip showed the need to bolster sport. As one accessed reports of thousand of refugees moving from Southern Mexico to US hope they get over their trials and tribulations. 

NFL (National Football League) to talent search in Africa is one way to bring Africa in the mainstream. 

Carbon emissions is a big challenge to be dealt with and here EU nations are toying with the idea that from 10 years from now there won't be plying of petrol/diesel vehicles in their countries and bringing emissions to pre 1990 level. As for India '80s and '90s were the best decades when majority of proceedings had a tinge of innocence. 

We Relish Listening And Watching GOVINDA NAMALU On Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel (SVBC). 


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