Tuesday, November 7, 2023

From Rapidx Train Story To Gold Coin Free Theory

From Rapidx Train Story To Gold Coin Free Theory

There was an ad and a story which raised irreversible set of query. Ad may be comforting of sorts but Rapidx train story won't connect the dots.  The story on Rapidx train connecting Delhi to Meerut (Delhi and Meerut are prime territories in India) invited rebuke and irreversible movement of troop. This ride to Meerut won't see commuters shirts neatly tucked in as it would set them back by Rs 4,000 a month and fewer would pitch their tent. Some passengers alarmed at this astronomical fare see this Rapidx train ride encompassing apprehension of sorts as shelling out Rs 4,000 a month against monthly pass of Rs 350 is a losing toss. Why shell out over Rs 3700 for a ride on a weak wicket and by no means easy to forget. As prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing and those who have set aside Rs 350 and for this ride required to spend Rs 4000 is no less an act than furnishing a new CV. 

One Gold Coin Free And This May Make Some Plant A Tree

As ad of One gram gold coin free with every Rs 50,000 purchase this offer made not-so-early morning risers defuse traffic jam trace. For this wannabe customers would have to do a series of work to gain access to gold coin fast disappearing from territory housing turk. One gram gold coin would come provided purchase is made in a country where there are split up colonies and less number of people willing to man the gate. Customers would have to make a beeline to the store and express satisfaction at entry point not having come in cars that roar. 

Commute From Place Of Residence To Place Of Purchase

For the commute from place of residence to place of purchase would vary depending on the colony one stays and road one takes. The commute could be anything between 1 hour to 3 hour and those gearing up for purchase would take a vow that in jewellery store they won't take a decision in haste. With traffic jam all visible and fisticuffs breaking out and making some tremble most riders would park their vehicle aside and wait for heat to settle and they anticipating no trouble. With all smooth customers would start afresh and reach jewellery store address. With the rush inside huge they would visit nearby cafeteria and have delicacies with a reminder served to the owner it is no time to run ACs. Post snacks and having opened their bags they would again make an attempt to visit jewellery store and once footfall having dropped at a particular hour they would step inside with resounding claim that their near and dear ones have stopped visiting bar. 

Gold Coin Attained And This Was Perfect Aim

With Rs 50,000 spent and One Gram Gold Coin attained they would keep the coin in car dickey as these days traffic warriors rarely check the car including those carrying passengers named Nicky. Once they reach their homes they would restore phone connection to distant Rome. All hullabaloo would be about the Gold Coin earned and opportune time would be to display when Republic Parade takes a different turn. The night to sleep and morning to peep won't be any different knowing fully well they are in possession of Gold Coin and this may not entail acts of foin. While at their place of work unfailingly thoughts would be on Gold Coin and they would narrate to their peers Gold Coin brings cheers and largely takes away the pain in the joint. 

As this ad and that story kept you engaged happenings in South India is something to chase. South India has won laurels from world at large and from Tamil to Telugu to Kannada to Malayalam South Indian Stars on multiple occasions know when to get to work and earn their bread as they have enough patience. From West Bengal to South India news channels can be watched even if the anchor goes by the name George. 


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