Thursday, November 16, 2023

India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru And His Acumen Skills

India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru And His Acumen Skills

Had it not been for Jawaharlal Nehru's foresight and association of ideas with Mahatma Gandhi India would have to unquestionably wait for a longer duration probably months turning to years to gain freedom. In 1947 India gained much-cherished freedom and in came a leader Jawaharlal Nehru who brought spark in the gathering and his extempore speech enough to move many. Unity In Diversity was his mantra and he was architect of Modern Secular India energetic enough to withstand challenges from any quarter. Not the one to differentiate between majority and minority he took along people from all walks of life that subsequently instilled faith in nurturing nation state INDIA much celebrated beyond Asia. For whatever period he was at the helm he played cameo of an innings in restoring order, stability and strengthening secular filament of country. 

Championing The Cause Of Downtrodden; Etching The Roadmap For Pioneer Institutes

One who championed the cause of poor, open to the very idea that could uplift the downtrodden he was in command to pilot India that would be free of sarcasm and scars. An illustrious innings he visualised for the country and thanks to him the education revolution that country has witnessed is an apt reminder that he was for one and all with a special place in his heart for youth icons of the country. Eminent and durable careers that students are able to chart out after passing out from IITs and IIMs the sole credit goes to him for listing establishment of pioneer institutes as his foremost priority. Except for aberration primarily China invasion in 1962 his foreign policy was largely based on an independent footing the nation state should have and to this date many acknowledge that through his innumerable ideas the country secured much wanted helping hand and a vision tank. 

Bloodshed In Gaza And Reprieve Coming By Following His Teachings

Had he been amidst us today, the bloodshed in Gaza would have pained him and he would have left no stone unturned to see hostilities cease with no ifs and buts. The Gaza invasion and those in the red would have irked him knowing fully well this was no less than war crimes and humanity was at the very risk of losing sanity. When sane voices would prevail no one knows and here we need to take a leaf from Jawaharlal Nehru's teachings. 

A Leader Leading From The Front And An All Weather Guide Well Read And Well Researched

A leader needing no coaxing to perform for the country. A leader whose stint brought collection of ideas bear fruitful results he had the pulse of the nation and looked as an all weather guide well read and well researched. His daughter Indira Gandhi learnt a lot from him and for all right reasons she was called Iron Lady. Let Nehru Ideas float and foment an India the one enduring enough to take more than baby steps to differentiate none on the lines of caste, creed and colour with the intent to reap electoral dividends. He set India on a trajectory of growth and self reliance and as years after years wind up there would be many to recall the peace role that he orchestrated with aplomb and tact. Nehru would be remembered for centuries to come for his magic to spell Success with Capital S and whichever endeavour he set on irrespective of riddles here and there he flourished and persevered and persuaded others to do the same. Not the leader to be relegated to history books alone time and again people trying to gain insight would try to relive Nehru's tenacity and tone that had laid the foundation for an India to be heard in world capitals for the very visionary theory that it was home to varied ideas and ideology. Let Nehru's India rise and rise to remain crystal clear where to initiate and where to pause. Let Nehru's India be the one that mirrors landscape of a nation on move with enough layers of alacrity and proof. 

He traversed East, West, North, South and had keen insight illustrating his clout. The Discovery Of India Penned By Him One Recalls In Times We Are Living In. 
Let Jawaharlal Nehru Ideas Prevail. Let Jawaharlal Nehru Ideas Guide This Nation In Times Of Distress. 


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