Monday, November 11, 2024

Kerala Lottery Results Announced And Tales Of Triumph And Trounce

Kerala Lottery Results Announced And Tales Of Triumph And Trounce

As Kerala (Kerala Is A State In South India Sharing Borders With Tamil Nadu State And Karnataka State) Lottery Results were announced On A Sunday which was a holiday some had fun, some had not-to-count bottle of rum. As winners from Kerala were declared accolades poured in fast and those who did not trace success decided to wait for opportune moment to access lottery ticket minus ruckus. Lottery tickets they would continue to tail till the very day they don't smell success and sail. This Kerala Lottery Results people waited for days turning to months as the prize on offer was double the entire income of likes of Biden and Trump. Biden And Trump they wished well and wished there was no emergence of oscillation trend. With those winning and whispering they were whisked away by authorities soon after declaration of results to a secluded spot to make them understand that their names shouldn't come in print. By doing so this can set in motion robbers who have all along known that in the past the money was stored where now stands Eiffel Tower built in 1887 when there were less places functioning as tavern. Beware of robbers and their rubbers and time to invest in schemes that is done at random by followers of Economist Keynes. 

Money Prize Huge And Winners Deciding To Go On A Holiday To Delhi

Money Prize turning to be huge the winners were in no mood to go on a ship cruise as there is every probability of they getting kidnapped by those who have not for months taken nap. Money Prize huge the winners wished well for society and their interaction with bank managers in brevity. Money Prize huge the winners decided to go on a holiday to Delhi for which flights from destinations of Kerala depart during day time hourly. With flight tickets booked they were in no mood to book rooms as in Delhi the AQI was hitting the base of tourists and their dreams quite early. 

Boarding Flight To Delhi

With the dawn of D Day they boarded flight and on the way to Delhi the plane was circling in the air for multiple times as it was not getting in order Landing Instrument Giants. For over two hours the plane circled despite carrying large number of Aunty and Uncle. Once having come out of aircraft and out of airport wing they preferred to put on hat as airport premises could well be chased by BIG CATS. At airport itself they zeroed in on hotel in Central Delhi they would stay with assurance money would be kept in safe lockers and brought to their rooms in tray. Once in hotel rooms there was no pressing need to switch on ACs as temperatures across Delhi were dipping given climate aching. Climate aching was all to blame for haze surroundings in and around Delhi and with no clear sky the days they spent in the hotel they did not give lunch a try. During early morning hours they used to visit nearby Golf Course where they were briefed on Full Scale Carriers vis-a-vis Low Cost Carriers of Indian Airline Industry and for now sitting pretty.  

Environs Of Delhi Had Seen A Drastic Makeover

Environs of Delhi had seen a makeover with large number of trees felled and in came apartments with terrace tent. Some were left fuming how could landscape of Delhi change so drastically over the years and these Kerala residents took pride in the fact that their State had green imprints to make tourist come in multiple and with multiple money power taking a well deserved sabbatical. 


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