Saturday, March 8, 2025

Discourse On Delimitation And Attempts To Nip In The Bud Agitation And Evening Dictation

Discourse On Delimitation And Attempts To Nip In The Bud Agitation And Evening Dictation

For the sake of peace and giving peace a chance delimitation exercise should be halted and none of the act should be seen as one getting hectored.  As protests have been raging across India against delimitation some are eager to know What is morning delimitation? Is it different from evening dictation? Delimitation and difference of opinion are two sides of the same coin and more pressing agenda of powers that be to push it against range of protest it is pitted against may not be welcome and some finding this as democracy not free even if members have applied powder that is talcum. Delimitation is meant to raise Parliament seats fleet in Lok Sabha (India's Lower House) coupled with an understanding those who get elected to new seats would have an aura of invincibility if they visit Cuba. Cuba and host of Caribbean nations are watching with interest the developments linked to delimitation and in doing so giving their followers the necessary dictation. 

Once North-South balance goes awry it would be akin to dispute over River Cauvery

Dictation is about present strength of Lower House which is 543 with cut off mark 272 based on 1971 census and the first census held after 2026 may see the tally of Lower House go up by a big notch and some fairly in good numbers would like the new arithmetic as and when agreed upon to be botched. Delimitation demon is meant to increase stranglehold of Hindi Heartland with notable absentee being the South Caravan. Delimitation demon is meant to upset the North-South balance which over 70 years after Independence has been splendid and once this balance goes awry it would be akin to dispute over River Cauvery. Never in the history of Independent India has Delimitation demon skittled the chances of one bloc and raised prospects of another who would invariably baulk. This delimitation demon would be horror of sorts as South would view this whole exercise as the one to showcase who is the boss. 

Some Would Be Decimated, Some Would Be Celebrated

With this delimitation demon some would be decimated, some would be celebrated. Celebration would break out in Hindi Heartland as that would be the zone that would be given credit for accretion of seats and this being the trigger there would be more feud and less feast. In Hindi Heartland the celebration in the initial lap won't be muted and the Southern Avatar would be all by himself whose story would be narrated. Some in Singapore and Malaysia would least like the South Indian States to lose their fief and brief and would send more married couples to settle in these States knowing time is still ripe for South to be Chief. 

Hindi Heartland Over Course Of Time Lose Supremacy And Needing Repeated Dosage of KYC

Despite numerical strength the Hindi Heartland would be a picture of discontent from farmers' unrest to large scale unemployment and this would take the sting out of Hindi Heartland supremacy and make its innings needing repeated dosage of KYC (Know Your Customer). In Hindi Heartland the States would be fighting among themselves knowing fully well that South alone knows its pulse. Much of the South would still be at peace with itself and leading a growth trajectory that would make the North Envious and Southern Frontier pious. So to keep the North-South balance intact the innumerable dictation to this effect be to rein in delimitation and usher in stable equation. So For Peace To Prevail Never Let Out The Delimitation Whale.

We Pray For Peace. We Pray For Peace. 


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