Friday, October 29, 2010

Manmohan to Wen Jiabo: "Jiyo aur Jeene Do"

Manmohan to Wen Jiabo: "Jiyo aur Jeene Do"

When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabo, he was bold enough to tell him that these stapled visas would have to be a thing of the past if encirclement of China was to be avoided.
MS to WJ: "Of all the places on earth, you could see Kashmir as the best frontier to try your stapled visa experiment. There are other places on earth where dislocation and dismemberment of residents has been far more painful than this part of the world."
WJ to MS: "Look Mr Singh, the Look East policy of India has been giving us sleepless nights and we want to ensure that you do nothing of a scale which further brings disruption to our nation state's existence as one. Since you have clarified that Look East is not meant to strip us of our outlook to the world at large, we accept you at face value, with the argument that stapled visas are actually meant for a nation state that has been trying to encircle us."
At this point MS was curious enough to know who could it be given the spate of skirmishes that the Middle Kingdom has had in the past two months. To clear the air, WJ told MS: " THere are 50 states in the US. Of them some have been proving difficult for us given the recurrent demands they make from time to time on the standards we need to follow on export consignments we send and the labour policies we pursue. That has not only resulted in a situation where we could witness a slump in our trade with the US to be followed with other European nations. This stringent demands of these states of the US has made us wary of the agenda they want to pursue. So the experiment of spate of stapled visas for Kashmiris would be carried forward and issued for residents of these states in the US. Once this objective is set in motion, the Kashmir experiment would come to its logical end.
MS was furious as the time it would take the Chinese establishment to start issuing stapled visas for US residents would be long enough. Seeing the palpable tension building up during the meet, WJ attempted to clear the air for the umpteenth time: "The issuing of stapled visas to select residents of select states would begin soon after Prez Obama rounds up his tour to Asia."
MS was still not convinced with the arguments forwarded by WJ and insisted to know more. And WJ was more than willing to oblige. In line with India's concern on China's interest in PoK, WJ told MS that it a strategic decision taken at a strategic hour with strategic interests.
Chinese Premier to Manmohan Singh: " Our reports suggest that there are vast mineral deposits in the PoK including the oil that it stores could well put some of the Kingdoms in the Middle East to shame. We don't intend to share these reports with Pak. Once we have made sizeable investments in PoK which ultimately would lead to a strong wave of support for us in the area, where each and every resident of PoK would be willing to go with us for any decision we took. Once the comfort level on the level of support we have engineered is reached we would see to it that PoK is freed of Pak control and is declared a breakaway republic. In pursuit of this agenda we also have plans to issue stapled visas for PoK residents. And this would come about once we start shrinking our operations on India Administered Kashmir." Hearing this Manmohan Singh looked somewhat relaxed and hoped things would settle down for good. At this point WJ wanted some concessions from Manmohan.
WJ wanted an easy way out before he could stop the Kashmiri stapled visa experiment. He wanted a list of probable new states that were supposed to come up in India. Once he gets a list, he would draw up plans to start issuing stapled visas for them, necessitated by the fact that to tame the heat that would tail him following the stapled visas to US and PoK he needed to do something drastic in India as well. THE PM was willing to share the list beginning with Gorkhaland and Purvanchal. The PM gave this list with the belief that these two states would never come up during his lifetime and India would be spared from the visa attacks that China launched from time to time.
As the two leaders parted ways and Manmohan moved to the adjacent room, the thought that crossed his mind was how many breakaway republics China desired to have and how many oil wells it has set its sights on.

Post Wen Jiabo meet there were other issues going through his mind including on the need to repair ties with Nitish Kumar who had just blasted him the previous day. Some moments later a call came from India where Go Hopping Gowda wanted the PM to use his good offices to prevail on Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to hear the petition of Disqualified BJP MLAs and restore their sanctity. THe PM told Go Hopping Gowda that his party had suffered a lot at the hands of Gowdas and GREAT GOWDAS for their temerity to not let any regime continue for their failure to give a free hand to the goons unleashed from gowdastable. And he would see to it that the petition takes its own sweet time to let semblance of governance in Karnataka. THe PM gave his piece of mind to a Gowda who had refused to take his sight away from the Chair (he occupied by default in 96-97) the PM was holding on to precisely for the reason that his Karnataka misadventures had made the father and son the miserable lot.
As for the PM going bombastic this time, the rationale could well be the affable Nitish Kumar's frontal attack on him where he alleged that Manmohan during his more- than- visible visits to Bihar had come to misguide people.

Nitish Kumar maintained that in the past five years he had asked the PM to come to Bihar to grant special status for the state that was about to turn to history had the fodder scamster and brutal politico continued any longer. So when Manmohan came he came with the agenda that was thrust on him from the high command.
And PM knew that Nitish's attack was primarily meant at the high command. He knew fairly well on how much the fodderman had misguided him and drained the state of its precious resources.
As these thoughts and counter thoughts crossed his mind, Manmohan was of the view that we need to align with those who have been honest in their conduct and administration. If that meant he keeps his silence and go slow on the likes of Nitish Kumar so be it. "This time Wen Jiabo was too honest in his admission on the necessity to carry on with stapled visas for a while, " he told his aides as he tried to retire for the day with the observation that for Gowdas and foddermakers, he would like to keep a safe distance from them with visa or no visa coming from the Chinese establishment. Probably these past their prime street vendors-turned-leaders out to become history may visit him some day with the request that he needs to expedite their cases of visa application as China and a host of nations have refused to issue them for the simple fact that they are most despised entities who brought shame to their states.
And the PM finally retired for the day with the desire that he would be frequently interacting with the Chinese and Karnataka leadership to see semblance of peace is ensured.
The December rendezvous with Wen JiyoJiabo would again be another opportunity for the two to raise a toast to the principle of "Jiyo Aur Jeene Do"

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