Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hovering fuel

Hovering fuel is what the buddy tells us are aircrafts supposed to saddle them with before getting airborne. For the simple fact that from Bangalore to Delhi the journey is imbued with unimaginable possibilities and festivities. Possibly Delhi may not be preferred destination or even may not happen in the foreseeable future. Festivities that one may end up celebrating different anniversaries on board when the aircraft hasn't budged even an inch from its somnolence position.

It may not entirely be due to foggy conditions; equally foreseeable is the possibility that the pilot and the cabin crew may steadfastly refuse to be airborne as their duty hours have moved beyond unimaginable hours. The hovering fuel is the fuel that enables the aircraft and the passengers it is saddled with to hover beyond designated time leading to all weather howl of protest. This howl of protest doesn't endanger the aircraft and passengers as hovering fuel is in plenty to keep all safe and sound to even make an attempt towards return journey. The hovering fuel is actually meant to fuel our thoughts on our attempts to check new destinations. Say from Big Mummy Mumbai to Big Daddy Delhi, you actually end up spending time in Awesome Ahmedabad. The lower than hospitable weather conditions in Delhi made this hovering possible and the hovering fuel came handy. As hovering fuel enables you to check new destinations further enabling you to stay in the aircraft for long enough to settle the urgency to establish all-weather ties with the ones on the adjacent seats or across aisle.
As we debate the pitfalls and persuasive powers of hovering fuel, this fuel is not just meant for those getting airborne; it has its range of acceptability on roads as well. Well the more than visible VIP movements and the roads chock-a-bloc with vehicles makes you take a detour, there are other occasions as well when you intend to utilise the hovering fuel to the maximum. The unimaginable frontiers that this fuel takes us to could well be the hopping to the competing office to offer official secrets of the office you serve or your day with the amazing wonders outside the ambit of near and not-so-near ones. For the moment the hovering fuel is here to stay.

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