Friday, January 21, 2011

Some of the hoardings that we come across by Puneet Rajhans

Some of the hoardings that we come across are:

THere was a News Live Van parked across one of the busy centres of the city. It was marked with New Live 24X7 Pushing North East. The news channel had this way of approaching the interested audience from the north east settled in this inhospitable part of the country. Perhaps the happenings in the north east and how we could keep ourselves abreast was the motive of this channel. Instead of insertions in the print and electronic media this is the novel way of reaching the targeted audience. Besides this i come across another hoarding in another street titled "Global Teachers Academy. All Entrance Exams". The positioning of this hoarding does not inspire much confidence given the large number of vehicles that are parked next to it. And it can only be spotted by someone who has enough time to scout for such hoardings.
Another one said " Comfort Point. Try for daily, weekly stay. Adjacent to this is one shouting " Learn written and spoken English". Well the comfort point hoarding does not look into the needs of those who want to stay for few hours. And for the other one is it mandatory to learn both written and spoken English? Perhaps there would be a large workforce who would be comfortable with just one exercise.
As these hoardings and billboards draw your attention, the one on Munshi Lal Building takes the cake. It loudly announces that this property belongs to this person. Perhaps it has become mandatory for him to put his name as owner and landlord given the fledgling nature of his guests. And it is highly appropriate given the season of intrusion and all those who are intruding into your private space and territory.

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