Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The city and Dharmatolla roundabout by Puneet Rajhans

The city and Dharmatolla roundabout by Puneet Rajhans

The city i reside and Dharmatolla roundabout i take a stroll won't underscore the urgency to my schedule but there have been occasions when the stay has been tempered with the nagging doubt of how i am supposed to bide time. The time that has 24 hours, with ever-widening thoughts that transcend beyond 24. In the morning i came across a movie poster titled "Seven Days". The tag line read: "One Man One Week and One Murder. "
Perhaps a lot can happen in a space of seven days and if this very period one is advised to stay in a place where mobility is not that big issue but traffic constraints on occasions proving to be more than true. The duration of stay is not a record one as this and beyond i have done it earlier; the differentiator being the venturing out i undertook in the past to a new city and then returned to the previous one. There is not much from the papers either given the scale of differences that they attempt to project and the negotiations to broker truce. All looks to be a big farce when fewer seem to be interested in dissension of whatever nature that exists in the Cabinet. Just a note from a junior functionary in the Ministry and look at the administered attempt to give a tangent of a maelstrom. If those on the non-treasury benches are trying to reap a capital out of this, it would be misguided. Because the 2G is already in the quarters of judiciary and let the courts decide on it. Just one whiff of anger from here or one alleged smell of notoriety from there won't give brownie points.
The public is not interested in these spats and sparring bouts; they would be hailing administrative decisions that check inflation and bring a semblance of functioning to government departments that have turned archaic.

As i near one week in the city i desire and long to stay, the accommodation is an issue that continues to drag me to difficulties that i have begun to take in my stride in the normal course. Though the experiences in Ahmednagar over a period of time have been somewhat patchy, the accommodation here in the city is comparatively better except for the commotion that breaks out outside the room in the middle of night or early morning. Others staying in the adjacent rooms are species momentarily dislodged from their permanent accommodation centres and yet to learn the art of tolerable commotion. These little chorus of discontent i have begun to take in the normal course, quite different from the course the Prime Mediator made out the case for. The Prime Mediator has suggested that the Govt would stay on course come what may. The visit to United Nations should not have been taken in the first place nor other govt functionaries should have visited the nation state that is yet to arrest the decline. Here we are faced with an inflation that refuses to recede - and the attempt of the government should be to curb expenditure that draws its strength from potential of people to pay taxes.
The intent should be to contain anything that makes the govt of the day splurge; and once you have done away with discretionary powers of officers and ministers, much of the room for mindless spending would be curbed. How the inflation story began is an old tale but how it would be curbed and that tamed inflation could endure is the necessity of the hour.
Someone in the govt suggested the intent to remodel the railways on the lines of high speed trains of China. Perhaps nothing would be more drastic than this attempt. Because in India it is the masses that travel by railways and let this be the engine of movement of the masses and not for those looking for seamless transition. There are airlines. You try that.

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