Thursday, September 29, 2011

How can the traffic landscape have a breathing space

How can the traffic landscape have a breathing space

The air is thick with pollutants and there are stretches and more that define the deteriorating landscape. This landscape can be retrieved as any semblance of normalcy to traffic scenario was never thought of in the past. The city could have a likeable quotient for the affordable imprint it leaves beginning with meals, clothes to accessories. But there are areas like rentals which are not facing downwards and a traffic, despite measures like involvement of volunteers, not the best to showcase. THe attempt to step out may be tempting but tempered with the undercurrent of a traffic that is unmanageable and hitting you in the face in some areas.
The best illustration of the deterioration is the B T Road stretching from Dunlop and beyond to Sealdah and beyond. This B T Road is a living example of how authorities in the past never cared to visualise the deterioration as the comfort of being in power for over 30 years gave the establishment the authority to give a damn to traffic and the sense encircling it. Perhaps among remedial measures should be movement of shared taxis, no sole movement of any kind would be entertained, levy to be imposed on personal transport- possible by any yardstick- and a ban on movement of trucks and the accompanying entourage during the day time . Perhaps some of these measures could desist the people from taking this route.
Another way to check the traffic tirade is to limit the number of buses that run. Get the dislocated people running the buses gainfully employed in metro and other sections- metro is in expansion mode - and bring down the buses by a rational proportion. Once the numbers come down coupled with exploring options of shared taxis, the traffic tangent won't be a picture of disbelief. Had the regimes in the past cared to give metro and its expansion the thrust it deserved, the traffic nightmare would have never reared its head. More metro expansion and a solid thrust to metro - even if involves digging up or elevated stretch- should be explored.
Elevated roads from Esplanade to Sealdah (including the Maulaali Junction) should be explored. The city needs to learn a thing or two on metro upsurge as the entire project can be completed in record time.
As newspapers had this report on Esplanade section getting a new lease of life by decongesting the stretch, the vehicles and how haphazard are their movement would be known to the city residents.

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