Saturday, October 1, 2011

The National Capital vis-a-vis Citadel of East

National Capital vis- a-vis Citadel of East

The National Capital vis-a-vis the Citadel of the East

It is the National Capital with national outpouring of efforts that gives the capital the national mileage which it would be in all fairness desisting in some cases. Perhaps had it not been the compatibility with the National tag, the different architects of modern day India would have never pitched their tents here and claimed the support of sections across section.
From 70s to right up to the first decade of the new century, the political class has employed the National Capital thunder to dethrone their rivals or bring in their level of supremacy. It was in 2011, post CWG and 2G that the civil groups realised the import and devised National Capital Roadmap that would accrue them benefits of a scale that no city in India can endow them. Perhaps the first attempt to showcase how vulnerable the political class is and how loathing they have been in their efforts to streamline the inclusive agenda- bringing the development to sections that deserve. It is the political class that is to be blamed entirely for the situation we are in, faced with a prospect where we could be on the brink of a civil upsurge. It is this National Capital where members of political class having lost polls get nominated to the other House to enable them to retain the Govt. Accommodation. This Very National Capital is witness to Govt. Accommodation turning to Memorials.
This National Capital may draw its strength from the institutions it houses and the role they are mandated to play. But this very National Capital has had its share of notoriety, like the redlines and bluelines running past us and mocking at the system when they get away with after knocking one here and one there. Though they are off the roads, any thought of bringing them back would be suicidal.
This very Capital that boasts of bikers gang and chain snatchers gang. - and the electronic media instead of suggesting measures to wipe their tail believes in blowing their operations. The electronic Media would in a scale of propriety try to wean away from the desire of highlighting the ills and in an exercise of neutrality try to focus on positive spins of the National Capital. Perhaps a campaign on Personal Transport and how it has engineered Traffic Blues would be desired. Perhaps a campaign that no matter how much goes in upgrading the infrastructure, the roads would creak and people would fret and fume. Perhaps a campaign on how residents are on a short fuse - and what tempts them to be abusive and which others abhor. A campaign on greed and how it has spawned realisation of private schools, colleges and private fiefs would be sought after.
As in this National Capital where prices skyrock and hopes of sustainability dwindle, the hope of resurrection lies in giving the breathing space it desires. Had the Commonwealth Games not been hosted in the National Capital (India should have made the bid by suggesting that a Tier II city would host), perhaps the ills that have sprung along would have been avoided. The sheer ecstasy that defines those in the high income group who move in here and get an apartment/house to their name and add more dwelling numbers in line with personal vehicles shows the audacity to have a sizeable stay and a sizeable load on infrastructure. Had public transport as a concept been rained heavily on residents and personal transport coming with a levy, much of the resurrection would have happened. The seminars/ conferences/workshops need to be organised far away from the National Capital and so have to be the headquarters of Public Sector Giants quite a distance away. The Private Giants have shown the heart and need to have a large base functioning from Non Metros and Yet To Be Recognised Centres.
The suburban stations have to be functional for all long distance trains (Rajdhanis and Durontos included ) and a levy to be charged for those hosting big theme parties and drawing support from NGOs and other govt. set ups.
All the launch parties/functions of big ticket announcements, films, book release functions deserve to be in places which haven't been heard often. Let the National Capital belong to a commoner like the Citadel of the East Belongs to a Commoner.
A stay in Kolkata may not bring one face to face with the vagaries of life or a life pulsating with different and undiluting challenges. The commute may be one area where one would feel the need to bring out a personal transport and yet fewer fall to that bait. Metro is the best option they try and the buses are not ignored either and here people from wide sections and strata use them. Wiping out sweat from forehead is a normal sighting and equally tangible are sights of lassi/lemon drink and other variants being tried. The buses share the space with other modes but there are fewer of them. Speeding or overtaking is not desired. As one would suggest that the roads are not wide enough to give that leeway. But on a thin day when the city is not in the thick of transactions, speeding is fairly less. The sighting of yellow taxis is as common as sighting of a bong boarding and deboarding a bus. Those who haven't stayed for long won't be able to spell the power picture but with fewer or no power interruptions, it is as sturdy as the mindset of the resident who takes pride in moving out and trying jhalmuris as solo or part of a entourage.

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