Friday, October 21, 2011

Ranting from a taxi

Ranting from a Taxi

AS i spot a man speaking to himself at Lothian Road in the National Capital, this expertise developed over the years can't be the preserve of a few. Competition has been coming thick and fast for those who speak and soak in that experience. The man on Lothian Road was speaking about his ills and the ills plaguing the nation. Illogical wasn't his act and illfounded were not his apprehensions that game changers can't alone be moolah bringers.

The man on Lothian Road spoke and this reminded me of "Zindabad" Rant from a taxi that went past Chittaranjan Avenue Court the other day. The Indian Oil employees appeared puzzled and so were others and we were in entire agreement that his freedom from a long distance train journey confronted by interlocutors of unbelievable scale made him rant and relish. It was the freedom he was relishing and sitting next to the window seat in the taxi made him less amenable to interlocutors pressure.

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