Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hitting the streets next week hoping weather does not turn freak

Hitting the streets next week hoping weather does not turn freak

According to reports appearing in a section of press, which has 365-day session and under a lot of stress, one political outfit is going to hit the streets against other political party's feat-turning -to-writ. The party is going to hit the streets next week hoping against hope that weather won't turn freak. Perhaps this political block which is going to protest against the other political lot would try to convey to the public which is finding the weather to be too hot that time has come to hit the streets with all that they have in their arsenal as tool kit.

Hitting the streets would primarily involve stomping the floor of the streets which they hit with their boots and fighting away their blues. During the hours they hit the streets they would shy away from participating in any debates that unleashes no promise and more tension. The idea to hit the streets came from the grand idea of participating in debates in electronic wheel, the bruises that emanate on occasions they find it hard to heal.  Debate dose has been too often cited as an agenda they should pursue realising much later that it is not giving them any clue.

Morning to evening the tv beaming with news of stress and strain in ties, nothing positive comes out which could be taken as advice. Morning to evening, all the output is on crime,colour and cringe which they want the viewers to binge. So this political block which has some leaders who wisely look at the clock has decided to raise its set of  feat by hitting the streets. The refrain coming from this political outfit is instead of "debate dose" let us be "street close".  Electronic wheels need to revisit their responsibilities than tailing allegations made by some  and seeking advice from those who themselves have been told to put in papers quite often in the past.

From the day they would hit the streets they would disassociate themselves from their family members  and other acquaintances who may have worked as carpenters leading to their cell phones getting closed and all praising the fine art of street force. Hitting the streets would mean hitting the ground hard and as evening sets in they would take the requisite bath. There are few advantages by hitting the streets. First they would be too tired during the day leading to expression of disinterest to any tv debate and if ever some of them enter the tv debate they would be late for the debate that is at EIGHT. SEcond during street-hitting exercise they would primarily speak on how power tariff has hit the roof and if ever gas price revision comes, the street protest would come in tons. Minimal revision if ever has to be postponed for a fairly long time.

Third they would try to highlight how some heading the departments/ministries if they are not true to their cause, they would in all likelihood cease to be a boss. Fair and simple is the mandate given by the people, if you don't follow this you would face upheaval. Fourth the consumer price inflation is a major worry and initiating measures to hike DA (now it is touching 80 per cent) is only adding to the problem. Why not wise enough to tell those working in the govt. to limit their expenses, by doing so they would be doing good to themselves and society. As for private sector it can learn from experiences and they too need to keep a tab on how much they pay and for getting quick returns they need not join the short route fray.

Disenchantment and dissatisfaction in layers of society is due to consumer price inflation and real estate led sensation. If the govt had been able to keep a tab on real estate players and how they were fooling the public, much layers of discomfort could have been checked. Only when prices are high and people are not able to secure, they seek high salaries and high compensation. This is a vicious circle and nobody knows how sanity can return and erase easily avoidable wrinkle.

Political players who are grooming their sons/daughters to join the political fair be told that such conduct won't succeed, the nation is simple spreading the consensus on honesty creed. With street-hitting high on agenda, probably the areas where the ruling class erred and anger earned would be highlighted, winning the political poll is not the goal there is a need to perform other roles.

When street-hitting happens there would be brisk sale of soft drinks and ice cream, those reporting on it like manoranjanwa would remember the quantum of these they had in race course which is also witness to on occasions to events like street force. Hitting the street with mosquito kit is an idea whose time has come, the all-important advisory being on return to home in evening they need to apply soap for which they would have to pay a sum. After applying soap which they would tie to a rope, they would start watching tv realising those who are taking part in tv are those who not long ago had furnished to them their C.V. 

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