Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stay in Kanniyakumari

Stay in Kanniyakumari

Monday night having reached Kanniyakumari i was too tired. As soon as i checked into the room the first thing i ordered was tea, the delivery man kind enough to get me two glasses. Amidst a splitting headache and a wear and tear that body had undergone due to somewhat hostile travelling schedule, it was time time to hit the bed after tea. Sleep was hard to come.

Kanniyakumari temple and Vivekananda Rock Memorial

The next morning when i try to set out for places of significance in the temple town i come across one gentleman on a moped. He offers me a camera with video recording facility. What i gather from the conversation is that the camera with an updated version was purchased from shipping department and though it commands a price tag of 28,000 rs, the man on a moped is willing to hand me for 14 to 16,000 rs. When i show disinterest with an assertion that give it to a local guy or try with any other tourist, he brings the price down. I insist that neither i am interested nor i have the budget, he settles the price tag at 4000rs. The man on a moped was a gentle soul and all i could hope was he would be able to get the right customer for his camera as the wear and tear to the body suggested to keep such purchase options on a side and more so when i had to travel to places like Madurai, Guruvayoor and Tirumala from here.  Post interaction left for Kanniyakumari temple followed by a vessel ride to Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

Rush formidable; movement orderly

In the Kanniyakumari temple, the rush was there so was the orderly movement inside. For gents to get inside the upper half of the body should sport no fabric. Once inside the sanctum sanctorum - sometimes it reminds me of sanctum sanctorum of Guruvayoor temple- one can sit on the right side for a while provided the temple people don't notice/object. This time while sitting i heard someone chanting "Govinda Govinda". As you are up on your feet a few steps later you turn left to gain a glimpse of the reigning deity. As you come out there are a series of stores in the temple precincts that sell literature to other articles.

Collecting vessel ticket

Outside from where you collect shoes there are vendors selling maps and sun glasses. This time round i collect one pair of sun glasses from a vendor who is of the view that i spoke to him in Tamil. From here you need to walk straight and turn right to collect vessel ticket about 300 metres away.  The vessel ticket-booking site had fewer people but by the time you get to the waiting hall, a huge collection could be seen. In 2010 the waiting hall had more seating capacity but this time round you could sit on one side and the other portion being closed. Like in 2010 the walls of the hall have messages scribbled by those who would have waited, primarily the names, the colleges, the aspirations and affections they radiate. There are others like the year/month they visited.

At about half past 10 we were in a vessel named guhan. Vessels have a capacity to take on board between 70 and 120 people and this time round the ride was up to Vivekananda Rock Memorial and back. A visit to Kanya's footsteps in Vivekananda Rock Memorial is a major plus point. Perhaps this visit and visits in 2010 Sept. and Oct. to VRM were meant to gain a glimpse of Kanya's footsteps.
As we returned from VRM, the walk from vessel boarding/deboarding site to one nearing auto stand calls for an effort if one is not willing to walk or outright tired. Before auto stand there is a tea outlet on the right side of vessel ticket counter, having missed this time there were repeated visits in 2010.

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