Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Holding no one accountable

Holding no one accountable

Rash driving,  poor order and poor infrastructure that we see everyday

There has been no dearth of reports on the pollution patience that the national capital is grappling with. Some would disagree that huge structures add to the mess. But it does. So does the creation of multiplexes when single screen theatres let people take most of the public transport.

We tend to believe that giving a fickle coverage here and there would serve the purpose. It is all to do with a lax law and order machinery. They say over 80,000 trucks enter/exit the national capital through night. That number would have been fairly less in the 80s.  A lax law and order machinery that lets rash driving, speed thrills and this has become more commonplace. An entire network of road construction that stands suspended; that stretch of road that would cover the outer fringe thereby not letting the trucks / machinery enter the inner courtyard/battleground of city should be the priority. No amount of graft in this completion of project should be tried. The poor law and order in delhi is more to do with state of affairs; you run these number of poorly maintained buses; you run these number of ill-tempered staff on public transport and trucks and any aberration would go unreported as all ob vans are under their patronage. Media and those singing praise of the administration despite knowing the facts is something a poor reflection on them.
In the media we tend to cover the massacre in the southern state for a while; forgetting the aftershocks that would be felt for a long time. Those in the call of duty and having taken part in excesses should be taken away from all responsibilities.A delay knowing pretty well that media would happily converge on other unimportant stories should be avoided. A police force that is on contract would bring dramatic results as far as maintaining good order is concerned.

Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
We tend to cover someone returning from exile and some going abroad to exchange file. These are not priorities. The vast army of unemployed youths and how they should be channelised should be the priority. Sarva siksha abhiyan and the loopholes it has and how it can be addressed should be a way forward. THe entire media should pick up 40 -odd districts across country; at least cover 70 per cent of schools; see the enrolment process, cover the number of students completing entire education and those dropping out and suggest measures where these dropouts could be discouraged. First randomly pick 40-odd districts across country; cover 70 per cent of schools and review the sarva siksha abhiyan project. Find the faultlines and suggest remedial measures. If students are not able to complete schools/colleges, then it is as good as being waylaid and this can become a big challenge to the order we seek to restore. Similarly the media as a contingent should cover the functioning of India's premier medical institution AIIMS and report the positive and not that positive picture. By announcing AIIMS in every state is nothing; more important is to see they function to their optimal level and more efforts engineered to see best doctors, nurses work for them.
Media behaves irrationally by covering this stock market and that cricket tourney that is ill-tempered. Bring the true face of the massacre in southern india, try to report the true happenings, try to report how railways can improve its infrastructure. Because in national capital when people come from far away place for treatment in AIIMS, at the very station/bus stop they come face to face with a dishonest administration and get swayed by middlemen. Middlemen that exist in plenty in law and order department, govt set up and in medical centres. More transparency is the need of the hour.   Similarly the media should report on A'pur subzi mandi because from here all exchanges take place leading to skyrocketing prices of essentials and other commodities.
In the US and in some places in China despite ban the media is doing pretty well. The paper of new york city covers stories with no bias. The channel of middle east and channel of west do their job with sincerity. As they have been covering airports across country, so too the media here has to cover the infrastructure in different govt areas and how they can be improved.

In nagar and tiru as well, you tend to go to extreme and despite being told to not to do so, you don't stay in order. A calm proceeding and a restraint conduct would itself ensure monitoring. Not offending someone or crossing the line of moderate conduct. Even the air that comes from these sacred theatres should make you show compassion and not try to indulge in acts that few can justify.      

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