Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The regime we come across

The regime we come across

We come across stories that appear from the fief of national capital telling in detail the rise and bumpy performance of stock market and those who are on their target. Days have not turned to a month even when the biggest massacre in the southern state engineered brouhaha across country but it felt silent before it could erupt. If newspapers and channels don't perform where real events and barbaric boasts are not reported then who would have faith in them. Barbarism that news journalists come across but they turn their face the other side because they are paid for that. About some months ago we at home were examining the performance of a paper, critical in some respects and quite justified. We criticised how it performed and unruly elements that had spread their tentacles across and how this was not being reported. For two hours or so we spoke at home. We had finished finding faults with the paper's coverage of news and how in the name of generating revenue big ads were placed and all news that could alert readers on new patterns emerging in society and how it placed at risk the school-going youth, teachers, pedestrians and other commoners were ignored. After a few minutes out came one to two bikewallahs showering us with choicest of abuse as we sat in our room. THis choicest of abuse they have been showering us each time when it suits them . It is not the public which is doing it, it is their men who have been let loose.  They went past our place of stay and all they were asked to convey were choicest of abuse when we sat in the room. That was a realisation that those from police department, their acquaintances and other known people who work in these channels and newspapers. That is why there is never truthful reporting.

What was our fault? WE were critical of the paper and its coverage of news. This the police head could not tolerate. We are not banking on any paper/ channel. We express views at home. THat is all we do. You have your acquaintances and other known people in different channels/ papers working in different capacity. That is your right. But who gives you the right to pass abuse at us and only then when we are sitting in the room. Or send unruly elements when we are sitting in the verandah.
We are not even talking about middlemen who perform different tasks in different departments. A common Indian when approaching someone for justified work is turned away just because he can't offer suitable compensation. For how long the common indian would be asked to pay for a service that should come in the normal course. Right from big vegetable/fruit godowns (also called subzi mandi) to big malls, big convocations, all have potential to do things at least honestly by 80 per cent. But because of them they have become easy targets for dishonesty to thrive and have become potential targets for extreme forces. WE get orders passed by courts saying this and that force is facing shortage. Ask any commoner, he will tell you each and every force is adequately filled perhaps in some cases have more than requisite numbers.
     We come across stories in a paper about the rise of two sons in the southern state; the entire piece looks to be out and out plant. You had this barbaric assault on labourers in the south, not even fifteen days ago and other such incidents later and you have the temerity to carry the story on sons and their rise.  
In the 50s itself, had the police force been on contract, most indians would agree that the issues related to maoists, naxalites would not have surfaced. Even if someone does not have employment won't take to arms immediately only when he or she , yes he or she comes across people in uniform or those in civilian clothes acting at the behest of law and order department begin to fleece here or there. If someone's hard earned money is snatched or someone's savings are forcefully taken away then that person would tend to deviate from his/her path. A sanction to get house constructed keeps getting delayed on one ground or the other, then that person would deviate from his/her path.
If papers, news channel from national capital can't take their eyes away from a cricket tourney that is pathetic to say the least and these news channel/ paper don't report on alarming situation in national capital and which gets translated to other towns/cities, then those papers/channels should diversify to some other business. If papers/ channels had taken a stand that even if newsprint delivery and tv studios are disrupted we would do at least 70 per cent of truthful reporting, the poor law and order that we see today would not have been there. Just employing people from police department across the country (both directly and indirectly and in allied industries) and keeping them in good humour is not your job. Report on how AIIMS across country can improve its services, report on how public schools can be restrained from charging high fees for which the parents tend to deviate, report on institutions (from colleges, schools, govt bodies, finance institutions, private institutions )where people from class iv or above pass filthy talk about their seniors and those who don't join their rubbish conduct are shown the door and this translates to a big law and order problem across country. Employing huge staff since we have to run the paper, channel or an institution is devoid of merit if it can't keep even basic discipline.
There are institutions in southeast asia, in central america, in states of us, in bolivia, in middle east, in asia and pacific where order looks to an enduring concept, not privilege.       

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