Saturday, June 29, 2019

Our environment enmeshed in a battle of Guilt and Guile; the climate change that few lay thoughts on

The climate change that few lay thoughts on

The climate change is bound to reap bad harvest in the years to come what to talk about decades. The air conditioner that we put to use for hours turning to days, the PC that runs for unskilled hours, the car we drive to workplace with sole occupant inside it, the thrust we lay on modern gadgets and a disdain for a green course all of this contribute towards global warming. The unending flights across world with more passengers on board and a wish to hop on to multiple flights is doing no good to environment. The recurring drought with no sight of rain and floods in parts that are spared from drought are all reminiscent of a chapter we would have never cheered to read in our school days.

Seas are going to turn unpredictable every passing hour and more progressive outlook necessarily mirroring progress with change is bound to spew venom as environment despite standing tall and diligent won't be able to take this load and with this frequency.  A delayed monsoon, in some parts of India converting to a no monsoon, million acres of land lying parched, the people struggling to get even a bucket of water a day with reservoirs running empty and at the same time the flood cakes inundating new areas mirror a catastrophic change we the aspirational class has brought about with little thought on how we could save environment from getting enmeshed in a battle of guilt and guile.

A walk to workplace, a public transport system that unfurls craze, a Uber or Ola driven mindset that is undeniably postponed would be a better option than using and reusing fuel guzzling vehicles. Raising a toast to trees, vehicular pollution being kept at bay, visiting countryside that is untouched by modern carts of mischievousness  popularly labelled as frugal living. You have a departmental store here, a ATM outpost there, a gas station here and a health centre there repeatedly tried and tested by buildings of yo yo generation is all recipe for chaos to filter in and things to get worse with each passing minute. Spare a thought that some parts of Delhi would run out of water next year which is not distant and this is enough to raise hackles and hysteria. The water we waste each passing day, the water motor that runs for uncounted hours easily converting to a electricity bill that is mammoth and not minimal, the biggest government hospital (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) in the city of Delhi has in its vicinity shades of unpopular support given the high rise buildings that it has been knocked down with and trees running to thousand that were grazed to ground to raise these buildings shows how callous the King and his clan of the preceding years can become. They wish to repeat the same feat by bringing down thousands of trees in a government colony called Sarojini Nagar and raise high rise buildings to let temperatures rise and rise to untolerable limits.

The city landscape is dotted with stories of siege by water, education, sand and building mafia and cess that greets us at every stage and attempt is being made repeatedly to turn countryside to same cagey template. A TV set that runs for hours giving updates on a cricket score, a cricket match that is played in a stadium that has heaps of garbage once stands are vacated, a unipolar world where the sole superpower wishes to nail down an irritant (Iran) and holds back at the last minute as it stores the possibility of unrivalled catastrophe. A world where circle rates in colonies reign high, a civilisation that is fast losing link to every drop of potable water, a school building raised on the back of hefty school fees and a swimming pool that greets every housing complex leave enough individual to cringe. Those smitten by G- 20 summit should spare a though or two on whether this meet should have taken place in the first place and this summit should be held every two years as the money that is roasted in hosting leaders should well have been utilised for welfare measures.

A world where we are moving close to courting trouble every passing day, the less commercial we create a space the more liveable would be the world we chase.
Misogyny: From Cradle to workplace aired on NDTV channel stressed on the need to be sensitive to women and their surroundings.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Watching Srivaari Naivedya Ghantaanaadam Tirumala coming on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Srivaari Naivedya Ghantaanaadam Tirumala coming on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Chennai Parched; Chennaites at receiving end

Chennai Parched; Chennaites at receiving end

There is scanty rainfall across country. Monsoon hasn't arrived at a number of places. One doesn't know for how long this situation would continue like this . As for Chennai city in South India, the water situation is pathetic to say the least. The various reservoirs in the city are on the brink of becoming bone dry. Name the reservoirs like Chola reservoir, Red Hills reservoir, Poondi reservoir, Cholavaram reservoir and Chambarambakkam reservoir and the impression that you get is that water can't be traced in any one of them. This is more to do with no desilting done in these reservoirs in the past 10 years and authorities indifference to the issue besides monsoon not coming in plenty. How can situation reach such a stage when Chennai was flooded knee deep less than two years ago?

The water supply in Chennai city is 750 million litres a day against demand of 950 million litres. As per CNN TV 18 news channel report water tankers are having a field day and rest assured people are paying through their nose. The tapping points of water tankers has increased by almost abnormal rate of 55 kms. The NDTV channel too reported on water scarcity in the city of Chennai extensively.

There is ample need for judicious use of water. There should be sagacious use of water. We hope Delhi and other parts of country don't go dry. The taps should not run dry and piped water supply should be in line with hefty charges that are paid for it. The sight that we come across of voluminous water being wasted in washing cars and SUVs in parking lot in Delhi makes one shudder perennially. In the reigning cricket world cup the theme should be on water and to reignite measures to conserve the same. Water is last connect to civilisation and water minus civilisation is a hallucinating thought.

As for Chennai one should not forget this is not a problem that came to gain attention overnight. The present Govt can't be faulted as it is a decade old problem. Dispensations in the past have not heeded to the advice of conservationists that we should not trample on with the fragile template of Western Ghats and the time is ripe to heed to their advice. Water is scarce and each one of us has the responsibility to see to it that there is optimum use of it with caution not thrown to the wind. Water we chase is the water we praise.

Watching Sahasradeepalankarana Seva on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Sahasradeepalankarana Seva on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Friday, June 21, 2019

Watching Almelmanganamavali on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Almelmanganamavali on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Srinivasagadyam on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Srinivasagadyam on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Release funds and send doctors/medical personnel in hundreds along with resources to fight Encephalitis on a war footing in Bihar State

The outbreak of Encephalitis in Bihar State should be fought on a war footing

Encephalitis which is normally associated with inflammation of the brain has spread far and wide in Bihar State. It is a viral infection and in rare cases it is caused by bacteria or even fungi.

The Bihar State Government and Central Govt should be taken to task for showing laxity in containing Encephalitis. In Muzaffarpur and beyond in Bihar State more and more children are coming in grip of Encephalitis thereby creating panic across health centres. Health centres in districts hit by Encephalitis are ill equipped to contain this disease. You have images coming in bounty of state administration's mishandling of the situation which led to spread of Encephalitis and a strong impression coming of state administration largely lying in tatters to address the issue.

There is an urgent need to send in hundreds of medical practitioners to districts of Bihar which are in grip of Encephalitis. Once these medical professionals are sent to Bihar they should get on with the task of attending to patients showing symptoms of Encephalitis or already in grip of it. This message should be driven home that clean and neat surroundings help in to build a strong immune system in an individual and especially for children neat surroundings are a must.

The Central Government should release funds immediately along with resources for districts hit by Encephalitis. A promise was made way back in 2014 that a self sufficient and well equipped govt hospital would come up in Muzaffarpur. That promise has not been met and time is ripe to build a well equipped govt hospital in Muzaffarpur and other districts hit by Enchephalitis. From The MP Local Area Fund and MLA Local Area Fund, money should be released immediately to provide for resources to contain Encephalitis. That is one way of getting over resource constraint issue.

Politicos for one need to show character this time who travel in expensive vehicles and enjoy fruits of power. Millions are spent on their security and their travel within country and abroad. Millions were spent in recent elections with no thought on those who go to sleep unfed. Where is the need for politicos to go to Wayanad or for G 20 summit when health crisis is staring you right in the face.
Here in metros of India people spend millions and millions to buy expensive vehicles every month with no though of what derails the 'real rural India' and the health system that is largely at the mercy of unresponsive govt.

Why waste money while running Parliament where no transactions take place for days together. It is important that money is disbursed through appropriate channels and resources built overnight to contain Encephalitis. If we are able to raise Healthy Indians with strong immune system we would be successful in raising Healthy India.

Health for all should be the priority of the Govt and criss crossing the country on public money should be done away with immediate effect. At another level, the Ayushman Bharat Scheme should be spread across length and breadth of the country along with the message that clean surroundings get you to a clean template all through your life.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Watching Srivaari Naivedya Ghantaanaadam Tirumala coming on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Srivaari Naivedya Ghantaanaadam Tirumala coming on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Watching Srivaari Naivedya Ghantaanaadam Tirumala coming on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Srivaari Naivedya Ghantaanaadam Tirumala coming on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Contest on a Sunday to politico-criminal-cop nexus

The Contest on a Sunday to Water Woes In Delhi

As the Sun beats down on Delhi and neighbourhood, the water woes that grip the city of Delhi should send a reminder that such images should incessantly be relayed by Telly. Newspapers are flooded with images of water scarcity in places like Vivekananda Camp in Chanakyapuri and other places in the Capital and this for all purposes is a real battle.

Sunday was a day of uncanned surprises including in cricket with Australian Juggernaut looking somewhat hopeful of going past 352 the target set by Team India. Team India had flourish in their batting and Aussie team too had shades of flourish in their innings, putting up a brave fight and since there was no centurion they could not surpass 352 and make the crowd croon and woo. Indian side looked good with a sole centurion and score of others pitching close to 50 run mark. It was a day when close to 675 runs were piled up with the batting track at Oval looking good and none missing an opportunity from Indian side from making the score look brute. Had there been a centurion in Aussie side it would have been fair to decipher that Aussie would have overtaken India's score and with a roar. When the score read 110 for one the Aussie side were very much in the hunt and till 35 to 37th over the Aussie seem determined to give a chase. By 45th over the asking rate was close to 15 and with seven wickets down, the chase looked to be wayward and minus fire and cream. The way the Aussie team came back in the contest against West Indies, the tailenders showed character and Indian supporters were dreadful of a repeat of the same and Indian side being thrashed in the game.

Tailenders have a huge responsibility on their shoulders and in the coming days weather permitting a pivot would be built around them. In the contest between India and Australia the fast bowlers on either side went for runs and a batting track a ringing testament to the fact that it would produce runs and more runs.  With 36 run loss the Australian Team need to sit in the dressing room and develop a format that augurs well for them and able to restrict the opposition to a reasonable babble. A cricket cushion that Britain is providing for this season shows the game of cricket can be played in adverse circumstances and with overcast sky if spell of drizzle turns dry.

As for Rafael Nadal winning the French Open Title at Roland Garros, it was a well fought contest with the winner needing the all required rest.

Well, in a space of eight days had two opportunities to visit Kashmere Gate in Delhi where there was an ad on Leap to London which had at one point of time a character named Carrington. As for those businessmen residing in posh colonies of Delhi with money shower greeting them now and then they can get away with their drivers and other staff members assaulting and abusing and misbehaving now and then. You dread at the thought of going past these men of disgrace and how they would misbehave and instigate you million times. This Vinod of S J  Enclave and Munim of S J Enclave have been torturing you for over 10 years. These men of disgrace need to be shown their place who work very much with the blessings from the men in khaki. The political class spent over 2 la cr in recent polls and that showed the might of black money and which right wing party had avalanche of black honey.

If you visit MCD Office (SDMC) in Dwarka in Sector 9, they refuse to bring out record on taxes paid by you for which there is entry in your bank passbook matching with self assessment property form and the staff is unwilling to help you. Why they can't bring out record on taxes paid by you as you are carrying self assessment form and bank passbook entry. The Commissioner is to be entirely blamed for having a staff which is indifferent and rebellious and keep you waiting for endless hours and later say come another month as we have no time to attend to these grievances. The Staff is rude and rebellious and take no phone calls from your side. These politicos turned dons travel on honest taxes paid by you and for a honest person the life is more difficult given the politico-criminal-cop nexus. Shame to these politicos who travel abroad and within country on taxes paid by you. For how long the honest taxpayer would suffer at the hands of politicos who are enjoying fruits of power.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Watching Annamayya Pataku Pattabhishekam on SVBC Channel after Prime Minister's visit to Tirumala

Watching Annamayya Pataku Pattabhishekam on SVBC Channel after Prime Minister's visit to Tirumala on Sunday on June 9, 2019. The SVBC Channel is beamed from Tirumala.

Watching SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala; Watching PM Modi's visit to Tirumala

Watching SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala; Watching Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Tirumala

Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi was at Lord Venkateswara (Lord Govinda) Temple in Tirumala on Sunday evening. He went inside sanctum sanctorum  at roughly 7.30 pm and perhaps stayed there for 10 to 15 minutes. He came out of temple around 8 pm. In prasad perhaps he was offered sweet rice. He was blessed and so were we. He was accompanied by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. It was good to see Mr Modi at Lord Govinda's abode.

In a space of two days Mr Modi has covered Guruvayur temple in Kerala and Lord Govinda Temple in Andhra Pradesh besides visiting nations like Maldives and Sri Lanka. Mr Modi's comments that Kerala is as close to his heart as is Varanasi should be hailed.

Blessed are those who visit Tirumala even if one has to go in a general queue. Good wishes to all those who are visiting Tirumala these days and good wishes to Chief Priest Mr Seshadri. Again Good Wishes To All.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Watching Naadaneerajanam on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Naadaneerajanam on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Extending Greetings On The Occasion Of Eid

Extending Greetings On The Occasion Of Eid

On the occasion of Eid we would like to extend greetings to people far and wide. Eid knows no boundaries and people across communities are to be hailed and cherished for their broad, encompassing outlook.

Happy Eid to Ali Ahmed bhai, Qasim bhai, Javed bhai, Abbas, Sohaib of Somnath and their family members.

Happy Eid to Afzal bhai of Paavan tours and travels, Narain bhai, Mahesh bhai, Sunny bhai, Dayaram, Bharat Ghadiya, Hardik Ghadiya, Suresh bhai, Junaid, Kadi ben of Somnath and their family members.

Happy Eid to Sania Mirza, Shoaib Malik their child, P V Sindhu, Sneha Nehwal her husband Mr Kashyap, Ajmer people Mohammad Azhar, Kishore, Dileep, Usman, Abdul Khalid, Rauf Hussain and their family members.

Happy Eid to NDTV's Prannoy Roy Radhika Roy, Tara Roy, Vishnu Som,  Manoranjan Bharti, Nagma, Nidhi Razdan, Nidhi Kulpati, Ravish Kumar, Ravish Ranjan Shukla, Srinivasan Jain, Sonia Singh, Akhilesh Sharma, Aditi Rajput, Jaya Kaushik, Sushil Bahuguna, Sarah Jacob, Gargi Rawat, Ankita Mukherji, Anjali Ishtwal and their family members. Happy Eid to NDTV staff members.

Happy Eid to Vikram Chandra, Kranti Sambhav, Kajori Sen, Abhigyaan Prakash, Sanket Upadhyay, Kadambri Sharma, Piyali Sur, Shivani Tyagi, Simi Pasha, Heena Rawat, Geeta Rawat, Balbir, Neha, Naseem, Habiba, Janvi, Divya, Udati, Aaba Khan, Madhu, Shreya, Sapna, Rachna, Chanda, Ipshita, Aarti Tiwari, Sangeeta Majhi, Ruby, Revathi, Aruna, Durga Shweta, Amisha, Shruti Khimta, Spriha Gupta, Sanjana Mokal, Ritisha Sarma, Suman Yadav, Chhavi, Pratha, Anita Jain, Tanu Kashyap, Triveni Negi, Nilofer of Afghanistan, Karishma Germanwala Patel, Mr Patel and their child Vipul Patel, Jamnagar Family, Vinita Jain, Madhuri Dixit of Tata Store South Extension and their family members

Happy Eid to Huda bhai of Nageshwar, his brother, Dhansukh bhai, Deepak bhai of Byet Dwarka and their family members.

Happy Eid to Hindi Film Industry Members including Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Salman Khan, Sohail Khan, Arbaz Khan, Salim Khan, Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao their children Ira Khan, Junaid Khan and their family members. Happy Eid to Shahrukh Khan, Gauri Khan their children Aryaan, Abram, Suhana and their family members. Happy Eid to Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas, Sonakshi Sinha, Taapsee Pannu, Shraddha Kapoor, Kamal Hasan, Shruti Hasan and their family members. Happy Eid to Irrfan Khan, A R Rehman and their family members

Happy Eid to Rajdeep Sardesai, Sagarika Ghose, H K Dua, Shekhar Gupta, Kohli, Dhoni, Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar, Sourav Ganguly, Venkatesh Prasad, Javagal Srinath, Rahul Dravid, Sachin Tendulkar, Anil Kumble, athlete Hima Das, Sunil Chhetri, Narendra Modi, Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley, Nirmala Sitharaman, Piyush Goyal, Suresh Prabhu, Sushma Swaraj, L K Advani, D Raja, N Chandrababu Naidu, Nitish Kumar, Sitaram Yechury, Prakash Karat, Brinda Karat, Rahul Gandhi, Randeep Surjewala, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Mamata Banerjee, Angelina Jolie, her six children, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama their children Malia Aan, Sasha and their family members.

Happy Eid to Aakar Patel, Ramachandra Guha, Gopalkrishna Gandhi and their family members. Happy Eid to writer Amitav Ghosh and his family members. Best wishes for his new creative work.

Happy Eid to CNN, Al Jazeera present and former staff members including Maggie Lake, Haru Mutasa, Catherine Soi, Ivonne Ndege, Folly, Ibrahim, Ghosh, Everton Fox, E Burnett, Sasha, Kinkade, Dareen, D Jordan, Amanda Davies, Kristie Lu Stout, Robyn Curnow, Nina dos Santos, Christian Amanpour, Hala Gorani, George Howell, Natalie Allen, Becky Anderson, Anderson, Cooper, Foster, Mcbride, Shubert, Fareed Zakaria, Richard Quest and their family members.

Happy Eid to My Mummy Papa. Happy Eid to Dolly, Adityajee, Mudit, Neha, Leena Neeraj, Muskan.

Happy Eid to Serena Williams, Alexis Ohanian their child Alexis Olympia Ohanian Junior, Venus Williams, Maria Sherapova, Andrei Agassi, Steffi Graf, Pete Sampras, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray, Naomi Osaka, Martina Navratilova, John McEnroe, Naomi Osaka and their family members.

Happy Eid to Wipro's Azim Premji, Dorje, Joginder Singh, Tata Group, Ratan Tata, Cyrus Mistry, Tata Group Family, Guru Rajan, Shalini Singh, Prakash Padukone, Rajnikant, Mohanlal, Joseph Vijay, Tom Cruise, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Phil Collins, Lionel Richie, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce M, Pele, Madonna, Britney Spears, Celine Dion, Clive Lloyd, Arjuna Ranatunga, Kumar Sangakkara, Michael Schumacher, Mick Schumacher, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood and their family members.

Happy Eid to Shuchi Mohotra her daughter Aadhya and their family members.
Happy Eid to Amisha of Nageshwar, Prakash bhai, Yagnesh Kumar V Upadhyay, Balram bhai, Dhiru bhai, Mahendar bhai, Maharaj bhai, Thobani, Thaker, Harsukh bhai, Geeta ben, Ameera ben of Dwarkadhish. Happy Eid to Mukesh Ambani, Anil Ambani and their family members.

Happy Eid to R Anandan, R Panduranga, Pawan, Raghvendra, Kishan Rao,Venugopal of Tirumala, Reshma, Reshma, Seeja, Joshy, Krishnapriya, Gopika, Shilpa, Rama, Jiji, Bose, Vishwanath, Nandu of Guruvayur, Nathan, Bose of Kanniyakumari and their family members.

Happy Eid to Sachidanand, Shashikant Jha, Madanjee, Sudin, Jeevan Jha of Lucknow, S K Jha, Sony Prabhatji, Amulya Patnaik, Bassi, Shikta Tripathi of Aaj Tak (India Today), Hindustan Times, Times of India, New York Times, New Yorker, Washington Post Staff Members and their family members. Happy Eid to residents of Safdarjung Enclave. Happy Eid to Pramila didi, Pramila didi's daughter in law, Shiv Shankar Uncle, Karuna Shankar Uncle, Gyan Uncle and their family members.

Happy Eid to residents of India and world. Happy Eid to people residing in the Middle East and beyond especially in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Oman, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Getting over Sphone phobia

Getting over smartphone phobia

When you make a call the intention is to speak and not engage in a session of brawl. Making a call from smartphone makes you smarter than those living in places like Rome and this is largely believed by those who are no less than smartphone clone. Some say Smartphone is here to stay; smart is not the tendency they develop and chase and there are definitely imprints of haze. You can find innumerable men, women and children tied to their smartphone while boarding a bus or boarding a train, flight hopping they do even in a season of plenty of rain. When rains would hit the shores of India the smartphone can't make a forecast, the sooner it comes more people would pray it is nothing less than a rain blast. Making one call from one smartphone they don't hesitate to dish out second set of smartphone to impress the people who are in their vicinity and zone. One can't even disassociate with their smartphone while answering nature's call, it seems as if it is insurmountable to descend from a well furnished speaking hall where there are enough body covered shawl. Making one call leads to an intent to make another call and so on and so forth, this smartphone is one instrument that will never ever fetch vote.

In a season of post poll brouhaha across India carrying smartphone in hand is an idea that doesn't look to be grand. Either in shorts or in suits, smartphone is here to keep the bill running and cause distress and loot. Like recently in the National Capital of Delhi a woman hailing from Manipur in North East India was robbed of her gold chain by men who built a scene of a traffic jam and robbed the woman sitting in an auto of her belongings, an idea that flew from smartphone can running gang.

Messages come and stay still in a smartphone which is nothing but an act of getting grilled and getting grey. Some celebrate their Facebook finesse on smartphone, living in distant lands they have enough concerns accumulated in a can. Some Facebook posts or Whatsapp rose are nothing but items of hatred if they have been designated with the tendency to let blood boil and leave remnants of siege recoil. The fortress they wish to lay siege on through smartphone app is enough to look at the society's widening gap; the more there are smartphone people downloading app the more is a reflection on who wants to repeatedly tap. How Facebook is celebrating our friendship such thoughts are nothing but attempt to salvage disjointed hip that emerged from smartphone conversation crib.

Smartphone doesn't spell success in a season where people are tired of techno driven treason. Some won't shy away from putting it in plain that smartphone is doomed to gloom when people would prefer speaking face to face and more so through landline and for all times to come bid adieu to a state of impending ruin. The sale of this drag instrument would crumble through US, India and China over a period of time; the ad delivered sermons in newspapers would disappear without paying cash or kind. Some would say Smartphone fort would dismember and that would be enough for it to burst even among those who are carrying responsibilities of an electrician and plumber. Different set of vendors to caretakers all submit to diktats of smartphone; a time will come when they are done and descend to places in India like Dehradun where they minus smartphone endlessly croon.

Temperatures are set to rip through this Summer and it is time to get smartphone surprise by abandoning it and giving face to face interaction the reigning kit. Smartphone sale proceeds are set to fall and terror networks are set to crawl. One is smart enough if one has abandoned smartphone for good and reached pinnacle of success by not getting out and out rude.

As we all wait for rains to hit shores of Kerala State and other places in India, the more plenty of it we all crave for it and same sentiment emanates from nation states like Croatia. From Croatia to places like Cincinnati the smartphone sale proceeds are bound to drag, it is important to note that such instruments have no affection by personalities including Actor Daniel Craig. Smartphone would never ever be able to forecast rains, once it arrives it would be welcome with no thoughts of ever paying a price. Rains we all eagerly wait, a break from this searing heat which is in tons and crate.

Hope Nipah virus in Kerala is contained and those infected get well soon.

Interactions in recent months in National Capital of Delhi

Interactions in recent months in Delhi

In recent months have had a fair share of interactions in National Capital of Delhi. Meet Mr Faizan and Ms Zainab from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh State. According to them the power supply in and around Kanpur has improved in recent months. They are going to Ajmer in Rajasthan State for the first time and they would be reaching there on a Sunday. Meet Mr Saswat Sahu and Mr Suryakant from Odisha State. They say the city of Kolkata is cheaper than Odisha. During new year a large number of people from State of West Bengal come to Jagannath Puri abode of Lord Jagannath. According to them Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra is relayed to over 140 nations worldwide. Meet automan Mr Deshraj dropping me at Safdarjung Enclave. Essentially he hails from Mainpuri in Uttar Pradesh State.

Meet Mr Laxmichand plying e-rickshaw in Chhatarpur. Meet Mr Bablu at Lord Hanuman Statue in Chhatarpur. Meet Mr Raju helping me to get a token at Chhatarpur metro station. Mr Barwa does frisking at Chhatarpur metro station. Meet Mr Shyam Lal Yadav. Mr Shahid Hussain does frisking at a metro station. Mr Pravesh Kumar does frisking at a metro station. Meet a group from Andhra State. Some are from Cuddapah and some are from Tirumala. Meet Dr Nadeem from minority section. Meet fruit vendor Mr Raj Mahesh. Meet Mr Mandola from Pauri Garhwal in Uttakhand State. We discuss about the dynamics in the State of Bihar and here to be noted is the need for JD (U) to stick together with BJP for decades to come. Meet Ms Essy Varghese essentially hailing from State of Kerala and i help her to get her passbook updated.

On another day and on another occasion meet automan Mr Raju dropping me at Safdarjung Enclave. Meet Mr Mishra associated with Swiggy whose headquarter is in the city of Bengaluru where in the city a large number of lakes have either turned polluted or dried up. Meet fruit juice vendor Mr Ramesh Jha at Sarpriya Vihar. Meet Mr Abhay Kumar who is kind enough to give change in Sarojini Nagar metro station. Meet Mr J Prasad giving token in Sarojini Nagar metro station. Meet Mr Gango Paswan who is old and yet has spring in his steps. Meet fruit vendor Mr Jajveer.

All these set of interactions took place well before i left for Gujarat State where i stayed for over 11 days covering Somnath, Dwarkadhish, Byet Dwarka, Nageshwar and Ahmedabad. The grandeur and grace of Somnath Temple and its upscale upbringing is something to cherish.

On return from Gujarat i hailed auto driven by Mr Intejar and Mr Taslim. In Safdarjung Enclave Kamal Cinema branch of State Bank of India (SBI) i happen to meet Mr Jagmohan Singh and Mr Robyn. I happen to meet Mr C N Mukherjee in the same bank where cashier Mr Sunil Dutt was very helpful. Mr Mukherjee essentially hailed from North Kolkata.

The story on a mosque in Gurugram (Gurgaon) untouched by prejudice by Sadia Akhtar in a leading newspaper ( HT) was interesting. Commercial flights to start from Hindon by June end as reported in Asian Age newspaper is something to ponder. Our best wishes to residents of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Watching Pournami Garuda Seva on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Pournami Garuda Seva on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala.
Some weeks ago have had the opportunity to watch Srivari Varshika Teppotsavams 2019, Sri  Kodandaramaswamy Vari Varshika Brahmotsavams 2019, Chandraprabha Vahanam and Hanumantha Vahanam all beamed from Tirumala.