Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Release funds and send doctors/medical personnel in hundreds along with resources to fight Encephalitis on a war footing in Bihar State

The outbreak of Encephalitis in Bihar State should be fought on a war footing

Encephalitis which is normally associated with inflammation of the brain has spread far and wide in Bihar State. It is a viral infection and in rare cases it is caused by bacteria or even fungi.

The Bihar State Government and Central Govt should be taken to task for showing laxity in containing Encephalitis. In Muzaffarpur and beyond in Bihar State more and more children are coming in grip of Encephalitis thereby creating panic across health centres. Health centres in districts hit by Encephalitis are ill equipped to contain this disease. You have images coming in bounty of state administration's mishandling of the situation which led to spread of Encephalitis and a strong impression coming of state administration largely lying in tatters to address the issue.

There is an urgent need to send in hundreds of medical practitioners to districts of Bihar which are in grip of Encephalitis. Once these medical professionals are sent to Bihar they should get on with the task of attending to patients showing symptoms of Encephalitis or already in grip of it. This message should be driven home that clean and neat surroundings help in to build a strong immune system in an individual and especially for children neat surroundings are a must.

The Central Government should release funds immediately along with resources for districts hit by Encephalitis. A promise was made way back in 2014 that a self sufficient and well equipped govt hospital would come up in Muzaffarpur. That promise has not been met and time is ripe to build a well equipped govt hospital in Muzaffarpur and other districts hit by Enchephalitis. From The MP Local Area Fund and MLA Local Area Fund, money should be released immediately to provide for resources to contain Encephalitis. That is one way of getting over resource constraint issue.

Politicos for one need to show character this time who travel in expensive vehicles and enjoy fruits of power. Millions are spent on their security and their travel within country and abroad. Millions were spent in recent elections with no thought on those who go to sleep unfed. Where is the need for politicos to go to Wayanad or for G 20 summit when health crisis is staring you right in the face.
Here in metros of India people spend millions and millions to buy expensive vehicles every month with no though of what derails the 'real rural India' and the health system that is largely at the mercy of unresponsive govt.

Why waste money while running Parliament where no transactions take place for days together. It is important that money is disbursed through appropriate channels and resources built overnight to contain Encephalitis. If we are able to raise Healthy Indians with strong immune system we would be successful in raising Healthy India.

Health for all should be the priority of the Govt and criss crossing the country on public money should be done away with immediate effect. At another level, the Ayushman Bharat Scheme should be spread across length and breadth of the country along with the message that clean surroundings get you to a clean template all through your life.

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