Monday, June 3, 2019

Getting over Sphone phobia

Getting over smartphone phobia

When you make a call the intention is to speak and not engage in a session of brawl. Making a call from smartphone makes you smarter than those living in places like Rome and this is largely believed by those who are no less than smartphone clone. Some say Smartphone is here to stay; smart is not the tendency they develop and chase and there are definitely imprints of haze. You can find innumerable men, women and children tied to their smartphone while boarding a bus or boarding a train, flight hopping they do even in a season of plenty of rain. When rains would hit the shores of India the smartphone can't make a forecast, the sooner it comes more people would pray it is nothing less than a rain blast. Making one call from one smartphone they don't hesitate to dish out second set of smartphone to impress the people who are in their vicinity and zone. One can't even disassociate with their smartphone while answering nature's call, it seems as if it is insurmountable to descend from a well furnished speaking hall where there are enough body covered shawl. Making one call leads to an intent to make another call and so on and so forth, this smartphone is one instrument that will never ever fetch vote.

In a season of post poll brouhaha across India carrying smartphone in hand is an idea that doesn't look to be grand. Either in shorts or in suits, smartphone is here to keep the bill running and cause distress and loot. Like recently in the National Capital of Delhi a woman hailing from Manipur in North East India was robbed of her gold chain by men who built a scene of a traffic jam and robbed the woman sitting in an auto of her belongings, an idea that flew from smartphone can running gang.

Messages come and stay still in a smartphone which is nothing but an act of getting grilled and getting grey. Some celebrate their Facebook finesse on smartphone, living in distant lands they have enough concerns accumulated in a can. Some Facebook posts or Whatsapp rose are nothing but items of hatred if they have been designated with the tendency to let blood boil and leave remnants of siege recoil. The fortress they wish to lay siege on through smartphone app is enough to look at the society's widening gap; the more there are smartphone people downloading app the more is a reflection on who wants to repeatedly tap. How Facebook is celebrating our friendship such thoughts are nothing but attempt to salvage disjointed hip that emerged from smartphone conversation crib.

Smartphone doesn't spell success in a season where people are tired of techno driven treason. Some won't shy away from putting it in plain that smartphone is doomed to gloom when people would prefer speaking face to face and more so through landline and for all times to come bid adieu to a state of impending ruin. The sale of this drag instrument would crumble through US, India and China over a period of time; the ad delivered sermons in newspapers would disappear without paying cash or kind. Some would say Smartphone fort would dismember and that would be enough for it to burst even among those who are carrying responsibilities of an electrician and plumber. Different set of vendors to caretakers all submit to diktats of smartphone; a time will come when they are done and descend to places in India like Dehradun where they minus smartphone endlessly croon.

Temperatures are set to rip through this Summer and it is time to get smartphone surprise by abandoning it and giving face to face interaction the reigning kit. Smartphone sale proceeds are set to fall and terror networks are set to crawl. One is smart enough if one has abandoned smartphone for good and reached pinnacle of success by not getting out and out rude.

As we all wait for rains to hit shores of Kerala State and other places in India, the more plenty of it we all crave for it and same sentiment emanates from nation states like Croatia. From Croatia to places like Cincinnati the smartphone sale proceeds are bound to drag, it is important to note that such instruments have no affection by personalities including Actor Daniel Craig. Smartphone would never ever be able to forecast rains, once it arrives it would be welcome with no thoughts of ever paying a price. Rains we all eagerly wait, a break from this searing heat which is in tons and crate.

Hope Nipah virus in Kerala is contained and those infected get well soon.

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