Saturday, June 22, 2019

Chennai Parched; Chennaites at receiving end

Chennai Parched; Chennaites at receiving end

There is scanty rainfall across country. Monsoon hasn't arrived at a number of places. One doesn't know for how long this situation would continue like this . As for Chennai city in South India, the water situation is pathetic to say the least. The various reservoirs in the city are on the brink of becoming bone dry. Name the reservoirs like Chola reservoir, Red Hills reservoir, Poondi reservoir, Cholavaram reservoir and Chambarambakkam reservoir and the impression that you get is that water can't be traced in any one of them. This is more to do with no desilting done in these reservoirs in the past 10 years and authorities indifference to the issue besides monsoon not coming in plenty. How can situation reach such a stage when Chennai was flooded knee deep less than two years ago?

The water supply in Chennai city is 750 million litres a day against demand of 950 million litres. As per CNN TV 18 news channel report water tankers are having a field day and rest assured people are paying through their nose. The tapping points of water tankers has increased by almost abnormal rate of 55 kms. The NDTV channel too reported on water scarcity in the city of Chennai extensively.

There is ample need for judicious use of water. There should be sagacious use of water. We hope Delhi and other parts of country don't go dry. The taps should not run dry and piped water supply should be in line with hefty charges that are paid for it. The sight that we come across of voluminous water being wasted in washing cars and SUVs in parking lot in Delhi makes one shudder perennially. In the reigning cricket world cup the theme should be on water and to reignite measures to conserve the same. Water is last connect to civilisation and water minus civilisation is a hallucinating thought.

As for Chennai one should not forget this is not a problem that came to gain attention overnight. The present Govt can't be faulted as it is a decade old problem. Dispensations in the past have not heeded to the advice of conservationists that we should not trample on with the fragile template of Western Ghats and the time is ripe to heed to their advice. Water is scarce and each one of us has the responsibility to see to it that there is optimum use of it with caution not thrown to the wind. Water we chase is the water we praise.

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