Friday, March 25, 2022

India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru Essayed A Script Of Success

India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru Essayed A Script Of Success

India's First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was a towering political personality the imprints of which is visible right from the Lahore Session Of Congress Party where he was appointed the President to his Innings as Prime Minister for 17 years. At the helm for 17 years was no small feat and Nehru's stress that India should embrace democracy and socialism with no rider attached reaped big gains for India. India's democratic credentials remained strong and robust thanks to Nehru's vision and foresight. Except for the Chinese intrusion in 1962, the innings he played and support he received were stellar to say the least. On foreign policy Nehru was all for strong role for India and in the gamut of nations he cherished a special place for the country. That line he pursued much before independence came and in post independent India the world at large looked at India through Nehru's prism. 

From Technological Strides To Overriding Concern For The Poor

The partition was painful with two nations India and Pakistan emerging on horizon and this reality they had to live with. Post independence he advocated that secularism be the fabric that India should wrap with given its multifaceted religious order and different dialects spoken after every 10 mile. The vast religious diversities shouldn't come in the way of India's growth story with Nehru underscoring the need for gaining development in technological and scientific spheres with the overriding concern for the poor. Provision of free meals and milk was a step in that direction.

Freeing Goa From Portuguese Clutches Was No Mean Feat

India's nonaligned status came under scathing criticism for the very fact that it backed the then Soviet Union in its invasion of Hungary and for months together India was questioned for this move. Barring that though Kashmir snowballed into a major rift between India and Pakistan the UN administered ceasefire brought into effect the line of control. Freeing Goa from the clutches of Portuguese in 1961 and this was made possible after series of trials and tribulations. 

Emergence Of Modern Indian State

Nehru advocated education for youth and to see modern Indian State emerge institutions of higher excellence were established during his reign and this included Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Management, National Institutes of Technology, Atomic Energy Commission and what not. The Planning Commission came during his regime and did wonder of sorts. India's first atomic reactor named Apsara went critical in latter half of '50s and India's success in testing its first rocket in 1963 all credit goes to Nehru. 

Nehru's Vision Saw Secular Fabric Stay Rock Solid

Thanks to Nehru India remained rock solid as secular democratic republic with much feted modern constitution at play with right to vote to all adults taking shape. Schools and colleges were raised across nation, educational centres providing vocational and technical training were the briefs he went with special focus on rural hinterland. Nehru wanted to see a Progressive India emerge with healthy citizens at the helm. Thanks to Nehru India's secular fabric has remained robust and the steady innings that he played has given India the momentum and henceforth regimes after regimes have been able to reap big dividends. Those regimes who remain in false world and try to inoculate fires of division should take a lesson or two from Nehru's dictionary of wisdom that gave trenchant critics the respect that they deserved. Nehru Was India And India Was Nehru. 

For Generations To Come Nehru's Ideology Would Be An Inspiration And Gains That India Mirrors Today In Varied Areas Are All Due To Nehru Laying A Strong Foundation. 

Yedu Kondalavada Venkatramana Govinda Govinda.

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