Sunday, March 6, 2022

Of Palani-Pollachi-Palakkad Safety Audit And Tamil Nadu Populace Having Earned B.Lit

Of Palani-Pollachi-Palakkad Safety Audit And Tamil Nadu Populace Having Earned B.Lit

As liquor prices would be raised in the State of Tamil Nadu coming into effect from Monday hope the liquor won't be taken in edu. The raise in prices in TASMAC (Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation) outlets across state was long overdue as those having it included some millionaires with no undulating fears. Liquor they have from morning to evening and are very much in their senses despite staying in airport vicinity and operating gensets. With this move there could be a drop of those drinking liquor who all along have maintained for services rendered they have been tipper. The drop could be miniscule as for large number gulping liquor gives them weather clues. The weather across Tamil Nadu State is seeing a change of sorts with some areas witnessing dry season followed by rainfall and having heard of English Conductor Boult.

In the Palani-Pollachi-Palakkad railway section of Indian Railways safety audit would be carried out and there won't be any red herring or shout. This electrified section is a boon of sorts and would see more passengers taking to railways whose earning sources are still strong and runs line in the vicinity of coastways. In record time the passengers would reach their destination and have meals with enough in their kitty namely pension. The electrified routes of railways are seeing a turnaround with none from the media doing a hound round. But there are still some challenges for Indian Railways to give a deft response, this includes those passengers carrying general ticket in EMU travel and TTE (Traveling Ticket Examiner) taking bribe after bribe with none to check their activities including from distant tarn. 

As we get familiar with the news emanating from Tamil Nadu Turf this is one territory where people have disdain for pelf. Morning to evening they have idly delicacies with having checked the bus and cars they ply and their chassis. Winters don't see temperatures plummet and people and their entourage are safe having gained enough travel permit. We hail Tamil Nadu and its residents as their stupefying feat to defeat odds as they are no less sentient. They are erudite scholars having been to the West when times were normal and right now they are content in their home town despite receiving invites to functions where they need not go in dresses that are formal.

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