Tuesday, August 16, 2022

India At 75 Hoping To Usher In 150 And That Should Look Pretty

India At 75 Hoping To Usher In 150 And That Should Look Pretty

India turning 75 ushers in hope and optimism with occasional reminders that the country stand upright in the task of nation building. This moment is historic in more ways than one. When India gained Independence in 1947 caution was the buzzword, inventory of ideas to steer ahead were no less and at the helm a leadership that ably shined in demanding circumstances.  Like an infant which took baby steps to blossom, India too had to inch forward step by step with much at stake. The leadership of that time had a strenuous job on hand. It had to make the people at large understand that though partition was painful, the political and social terrain would be freed from agonising moments in the journey that India was destined to take. This journey of 75 years is no less achievement given the myriad of challenges that have emerged from time to time. From wars to famine to drought to floods India has seen it all; the pervasive theme being bringing relief to the displaced and never let despondency set in. The record has been a mixed bag. The trials and tribulations of a young nation state were very much visible, the quest to stay afloat discernible.   

Steering Ahead Is A Work In Progress; Affordable Healthcare Is A Must

India at 75 may be relatively young, robust and on occasions shrieking; there is still a long road to travel and set of dreams to realise. Dreams that over a billion people entertain caught in the whirlpool of changes that visit every passing day. Dreams that have remained unfulfilled even after seven decades of striking patience; dreams that would make them true to the cause of nation building. When a child is born, the foremost challenges are to make him/her release an imprint of a healthy kid followed by the dictum that the school h/she enrolls imparts education of excellence and higher education of impeccable standards. Here the nation has lost the plot given the proliferation of private schools and private medical/engineering colleges with those in the government sector minimal to say the least. IITs, IIMs Of Today And Tomorrow may be exception of sorts the gargantuan scale at which the private sector has made inroads in education has been revelation of sorts. Capitation Fees and Fees Of Fear are omnipotent and here corrective measures are least seen. In the health sector as well the primary health centres across India and govt hospitals have done no better. Infusion of funds to raise sturdy infrastructure in the government medical centres coupled with round the clock monitoring is the pressing priority. A nation having traversed over seven decades and which can't lay claim to a potent and booming healthcare in government terrain is a worrisome feature. Affordable healthcare eludes millions and millions and this is no rosy picture. 

Those In Employable Age Getting The Openings They Deserve

India's population of today is huge and canvass of opportunities for those in employable age dwindling every passing moment. Surreptitious claims by regimes of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow that employment generation has been an attentive agenda and here the fact is much needs to be done. From aviation to hospitality to construction to teaching to automobile to entertainment to sporting arena openings come up with a rider and reality that for every one post there are no less than thousand claimants and employment sources drying up is a harsh truth. 

From Telugu to Tamil to Bangla to Hindi to Malayalam to Kannada to Marathi the films that are released do provide employment but that is handful to say the least. Engineering marvels we would have raised, innumerable connectivity by train, plane and buses we would have provided from the word go but there are safety issues that tail. Agriculture Sector is of paramount importance and here fast depleting groundwater reserves and biting pesticides, fertiliser prices have eroded the gains that were recorded in the '70s and '80s. Delhi alone is not India; India is vast with 28 states and 8 Union Territories and here the Hindi Heartland has lagged behind in some sphere. Though the Hindi Heartland should be commended for feeding millions but in other theatres of progress it crawls. Alliances are stitched and unstitched, fears and jitters visit the deserted section, anxiety pangs tail the minorities and the name of the game is taking a shot at the chair by hook or crook. 

Inclusive Portfolio Should Be-All And End-All Of Democracy

A Dawn Of New India can solely be realised by keeping intact inclusive portfolio, leaving no section suffer for the very reason that their faith is different. A Dawn Of New India should see the three pillars of democracy legislature, executive and judiciary not work at cross purposes and work in tandem to see the validity of any community is not in question. At 75 the nation should give a clarion call that Respect To All And Respect For All. A Leader's Schedule that keeps him/her away from one section and that essentially tantamount to Disrespect To The Flag And Disrespect To Nation. Leaders would come, grow and make way for others but the nation would be ever present and those in existential dilemma may not secure tent. Let The New India emerge with the hope that ties with nations in the subcontinent are steady and cheerleaders multiply in the next 75 years. The next 75 years would be crucial and those navigating the ship should be men, women of impeccable integrity as immaculate as nation's tenacity. The overriding challenges would be provision of potable water to million households to dwellings to those who don't have one to securing our frontiers from those with expansionist gait. From agriculture to avionics major strides would be made. Vigil at the borders may see more urgency. Currency notes for one should be watched out for as attempts may be made to release in the market fake notes in varied lots. In the next 75 years from Rajasthan To Kashmir To Bihar To Assam To Punjab To Gujarat To Tamil Nadu To Kerala To Andhra To Telangana cheerleaders should sing paeans to India's record in humility and ever lasting peace visiting its territory.  Let the Next 75 Years Be Golden Years For Those Who Dissent And Differ In A Nation State That Has Multitude Of Languages And Travelers From Different Stretches And Ages. Touching 150 Would Be Extraordinary Carrying Tales Of India's Effervescent Beauty.


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