Sunday, March 17, 2024

Electoral Bonds Vis-A-Vis Electoral Ponds

Electoral Bonds Vis-A-Vis Electoral Ponds

Much has been debated and not diluted that Electoral Bonds are available in as far distant locale as Cannes from the very month of Jan. To visit Cannes to purchase Electoral Bonds of first rank one would have to park themselves next to business associates who have their readymade van. What are these Electoral Bonds and how different they are from electoral chants and those sporting electoral pants? Much here seen through the prism that till now they have not been subjected to public ridicule and rants with no word yet who are the so-called fans. Electoral Bonds come in different shapes, sizes and colour and give the ruling class the vigour. With the purchase of these bonds by business houses the ruling class can flaunt it has vast reservoir of candidates and choices. 

For Candidates To Pick And Candidates To Run Electoral Bonds Can Be Fun

For candidates to pick and candidates to run Electoral Bonds store the trick and the fun. Stratagem that ruling class can employ to show these bonds are transparent and having the aura of invincibility to stifle the chances of those who on other side of aisle who wish to contest and are tenant. Electoral Bonds to Electoral Taunts are one and the same thing and it is mandatory for those purchasing these bonds have on their fingers application of indelible ink. For Electoral Bonds to come and stay the business associates have to send application for such sale deed not in an envelope but in a tray.  After Political Heavyweight Party (PHP) reclining in heavyweight furniture receive application they at random seek advice of tutor who are giving maths and physics tuition. Those candidates of PHP sensing a chance to contest chant name of their leader without taking breakfast and rest and he need not be on tether. These Electoral Bonds are no less than Political Bonds as it ties political heavyweight with those business giants who are not afraid. It gives surety for the period the ruling regime is in office the business associates won't be touched and would be greeted largely with sentiments dovish plus. After elections get over some set of electoral bonds can be discovered in political ponds housing political pundits as some heavyweight don't want their name to come out in open as the services rendered by business associates they treat as yeoman. 

Students Made To Understand The Import Of These Electoral Bonds

Political novices can never ever think of getting lumpsum benefits from these bonds as money trail it is going to leave is linked to political heavyweight who has a desire to visit France. For benefit of viewers post election and post selection these Electoral Bonds are carried in electric vehicles by those sporting dimples. With elections over in schools and colleges students are made to understand the import of these Electoral Bonds which by all means and by virtue of their transactions can ensure large base of followers and fans. With elections over and those Electoral Bonds lying unsold the ruling class tries to resume ties with neighbouring nations with whom they have had palpable tension and not in alignment of bro. For new era to start and new bridges to restore they tell these set of nations that they too can invoke Electoral Bonds stratagem as it would be wrapped in a cloak of stealth and this would make opponents shriek despite marking attendance at Sir Creek.  They try to underscore these Electoral Bonds can give reprieve of sorts as it can be sold in markets where prospective candidates can own plots. From followers of Biden to Trump to those economies that have not slumped all have heard of these Electoral Bonds and are restoring connectivity with Establishments in South Asia in an act of run and rerun. They pretty well know the powers that be would move heaven and earth to keep them in circulation despite their chances at the hustings declining and this needing no enunciation . 


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