Saturday, March 2, 2024

Let Goa Be Of Yesterday And Not Be Goa Of Tomorrow

Let Goa Be Of Yesterday And Not Be Goa Of Tomorrow

After coming across an ad-turning-to-declaration of Launching Beach View the foremost point to figure out whether months down the line it can scale to a level to have the desired crew. This declaration is made to believe beach is up for grabs with no intent by whatsoever authority to tax. This beach and that burst would make one believe this is a paradise and this offer coming once in a lifetime and grab now and pay no fine. How can the powers that be be so lenient to environment issues and expect the innings of development in and around beaches bring the desired truce. The effects the environment is bound to suffer thereby making the endangered species with no buffer should make the sane elements skip this offer and well understand that beaches are to be visited once in a season and not to stay for uncounted months turning to years probably enlisting treason. Beaches to be spared from gathering of sorts and it is to be visited once in summer when temperatures rise beyond naught. Who all are likely to park themselves along these set of projects likely to hurt environment and make more digress not known and this endeavour/intrusion is risk prone. 

Environment In And Around Goa Taking Triple Hit

Environment in and around Goa has had a ripple effect for days not counted and here the essential message there be no intrusion to sea jacket. Some sceptics would argue this view and that deal shouldn't get the necessary wheel. How environment in and around beaches have no expression of restraint and for this sorry pass the regime of the day should be entirely blamed. We wish well for Goa and the inhabitants and promising them this sort of moolah for which they would have to undergo undiluted session of repentance. Let projects of this nature out to create environment rupture be not entertained already beaches across India have entered Hall Of Shame. For the very fact of poor upkeep to littering to promising long, grand stay that raises the heat the Goa beaches need a break and let Goa Be Of Yesterday And Not Be Goa Of Tomorrow and to partake the said benefits one would have large sum to borrow. 

Ruling Regime Is To Be Entirely Blamed

The ruling regime in repeated hits hurting the environment prints of Goa and none would like the fragile ecosystem to be disturbed and this sentiment echoed from Delhi To Doha. We shudder to think what lies in store for Goa and if such panoramic sea views are promised Goa would be embroiled in a signature tank that would be no less than an act of criminous having hints of gaminess. Let Goa For This Century Be Saved And Let Goa For Inhabitants Be A Grade.  


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