Monday, March 11, 2024

Facts Without Filter, News Without Bias And Some Left With No Choice

Facts Without Filter, News Without Bias And Some Left With No Choice

As one came across a declaration in a Delhi Newspaper about facts without filter, news without bias some may summon officials to explain what are these facts and do they convey day to day chats. Facts could well be collection of people at Delhi Airport which centuries ago this place had some sort of connectivity with a sea port. That no longer visible now in Delhi Airport and at the Three Wings people at random take Red bull to illustrate the security breach and chink. Chink between two buildings could well be visualised if proper coating of paint and hour to hour maintenance is not inked. The Three Wings of this airport that attract million odd people in a year is no reflection on development take off of a country caught between high level of poverty and high level of patronisation. One has to not step far away to come face to face with those players who to make ends meet put more than 18 hours of work and this doesn't shake the conscience of the Turk. 

Delhi Railway Station And Roundabout

Just visit any Delhi railway station and roundabout and you would see thousands sleeping under open sky and paparazzi don't shoot such pictures with alacrity and give a new try. For paparazzi the cemented relationship with celebrities doesn't show from where the story of India begins as that club can give them hot and cold blow. India is a poor nation and Tier 1 And Tier II cities shouting from rooftops of having airports at their end doesn't show the real picture and poll watchdog rupture is a case in point of all not well at nether. Powers that be take pride that such and such numbers of people were lifted out of poverty and this is no fact and there is enough bias and people over the years had to accept this with pinch of salt as they have had no choice. For instance Ganga Brahmaputra delta is called the food bowl of India but would it remain the same and if this region gets diluted more would be pushed into poverty and that would be a shame. 

Walled City Of Delhi Abutting Delhi Gate 

Just visit Walled City of Delhi abutting Delhi Gate and here to get a clarity on who all are malnourished and not mesmerised there won't be a need for endless wait. Walled City Of Delhi is where Delhi of Yore remnants can be found and here where noticeable and well researched would be the chapter of who took the Delhi Crown. Patronisation that was least visible during that time vis-a-vis insertion of full page ads at tax payer money now that can well raise the eyebrows. For how long this set of chieftains and their full fledged hold on press and same sort of press patronising them would continue and this is a tale that is out and out true. Tax payer money that could well have been invested in improving the well being of people is being eroded at a fast pace and those getting patronised have the audacity to declare the surroundings are no haze. 

Farmers Holding 'Rail Roko' In North India

As reports came in of farmers holding 'rail roko' and stopping movement of trains this one is a fact and not farce and this having been taken note by a banking czar to Emperor. The shape and shinking ship they are in with dipping ground water reserves and high agricultural costs doesn't enlist reservoir of support from powers that be as the latter have had a ride for free. This ride entails high costs and this not to be approved by those in bureaucratic fold with environs no less than muzzle and they finding hard to break this puzzle. Bureaucracy burst to those ceasing to beam is round the corner if free ride and full fledged full page ad doesn't discontinue failing which some may not get the right tuning. 


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