Friday, May 27, 2011

2G to Other G: Irresistibly difficult and the NoG in the making by Puneet Rajhans

2G to Other G: Irresistibly difficult and the NoG in the making

The first page of newspapers, which have irresistible piece of news on 75 per cent of their publication dates, has an irresistible offer as it is splashed with an ad of iphone 4 with 3G. The ad appearing on a Friday which is by no means a dry day has lent itself to the task of catching public imagination by irresistible length and breadth.
The ad promises that this piece of instrument has amazing offers ignoring which one stands to lose Rs 24,000 (not a penny more or penny less).Let's now concentrate on the amazing-cum-appalling offer from this instrument of notoriety - well all mobile handsets have unqualified support for taking in their stride that growing recognition - and how irresistibly it has woken us up to the fact that the last on this machine that aims to keep distance apart irresistibly difficult has not been heard.
Phones, landline and mobile or landline-turned-mobile or mobile-turned-landline are an irresistible way to reach out to those who don't want to be accessed or stay connected. The landline Vs cell debate being enduring, what is at the heart is which one has the propensity to propagate the entire propaganda stuff in entirety. After all the phone conversations were never meant to be of a serious nature, beginning and ending on loose talk appropriately aligned with the so-called loose men, women and other characters who are bandied around in the manufactured-cum-malfunctioning devices. At least with the landlines the breathing space could be secured the moment you could not sight them or when the lines were down and out for magical months. The moment the cell came the aura of invincibility and invisibility began to disappear. The flaunt float these instruments served perhaps showed the divide the society was logically geared towards and irresistibly caught in a knot.

In the early 90s, the size of a cell instrument almost akin to the size of landlines showed the prowess of the inheritor-cum-investigator as he could carry on himself for the exact number of waking hours with the beep equally strong to wake him up in the dead of night or in the middle of his performing sight.
One was enough in a public space to ride home the message : The longer the duration of a conversation and the larger the number of calls made and received, the more astounding was the character holding on to awesome wealth. As size began to shrink and came to the lowest possible shape, the character who was astounding by any standards, began to keep one, two and three cells with the rest being carried by his associates. Alarming was the rise of associates and equally alarming were the cell connections one cruised with.

Cell conversations were on anything irresistibly tempting the mankind had known. Be it the new rubber in town and the rudderless existence that one could wipe out thanks to them to the toilet seat that were sprinkled with gems, the need to talk and slog were evident. THe points of arrival and departure were clinically recorded and so were the points of appearance and disappearance. These instruments have cruised you to a point of uncertainty and make you wonder why no cell talk was engaged in the hour gone by. If a cell conversation doesn't happen for an hour here or there, it tempts you (the ones born with enduring cell certificates) to think of whether you have lost the latitude to live or not in command of the developing situation.
The other day while taking the train for KPGN from the Capital, there were a bunch of guys who found it quite disheartening that there were no charging points in the coach. The charging points that could entirely charge their train life of close to 24 hours was something whose deprivation led them to speak to none on their cell and to their compatriots only on issues on which they would have normally spoken on a cell. And if that is not enough. There was another bank guy on another train, having alarmed me with his observation that the train travelling is something he resists or the bank for which he works makes him resist. But what he could not resist was the temptation to speak for long hours on his cell with the character of the discussion on recruitment and assimilation. Perhaps the urge to recruit was strong and equally strong was the urge to tap the right potential. The cell conversation went on and taking a cue some reached out to their devices of convenience to be followed by annihilation.
This is a moving menace that has wrapped up society in a state of least comfortable wonders and the more nuanced would be the technology more it would have space-cum-passion to wreck-cum-twist your lives as long as you will it.

Perhaps from PoliticalG to 2G to 3G to iphone 4 with 3G, the last on this is yet to come. And That would probably be NoG. This NoG would be entirely different from NoC. This NoG would essentially entail desisting from taking any calls on cell, however tempting the offer from cell operators may be. Like instead of cell users paying to cell operators, the cell operators would be adding to your cash kitty the longer you speak for every call made or received from your instrument. This accretion in the cash would be to your bank account and if the cell operator defaults on more than two occasions, a sum of undefined cash would be deposited to your bank account for undefined period. That actually would be the most brazen irresistible offer from cell operators-cum-technology hooters. And given the churning that we have experienced from PoliticalG to 3G, rounding with Anna HazareG, this irresistible offer can't be irresistibly kept away for long. And from that day the papers for unlimited publication dates would be irresistibly swamped with irresistible ads from front to back with the news section disappearing for irresistible period.

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