Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Willing to go on a fast : For and against

There are basically three sets of people who are willing to go on a fast.
First those who are determined to go on a fast as they are fast and furious to shed weight and look tight and slim. The second set is of those who are determined to go on a fast but haven't made up their mind on the issue on which they should go on a fast. And the third lot comprises of those who are willing to go on a fast given a clear cut deadline could be given to them as for how many hours they would be required to skip meals and sleep to be elaborately followed by meals and weep.
Away from these fast and furious are an entire tribe who would never go on a fast and if possible demolish the platform of those who ever make an attempt to go any fast.And it is this tribe that is developing by the day and yet invisible that the authorities are on the look out for and hope to set their sights on. This tribe's strong distaste to fast is simple: "It is my tummy and my body. Why should i skip meals and sleep which i am duty bound to have and the right that is constitutionally endowed on me."
As per this tribe's wish list, we can't have this number of floating and fixed population go on a fast and yet see them maintain a semblance of order.

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