Friday, May 27, 2011

Anna Hazare playing to the Gallery?

Anna Hazare playing to the Gallery?
The draft has to be practical and deliverable

One won't dispute the campaign he launched to seek a constructive effort to get the corruption monster out of the way, but the route he chose may not be appealing for some. In the National Capital, some days ago, he was on fast-unto-death to get the govt of the day accede to the Lokpal demand. The campaign in the heat and dust of Jantar Mantar was also witness to hurling of filthy abuse at the establishment, including politicos and bureaucrats. The show may have ended with his mission partially accomplished but he has set a precedent where fast-unto-death intimidatory threat could be employed by a host of vested groups.
Enamoured by the support from cross section of people in the Capital and in later areas, there is a potent possibility of this very cross section going out of hand. Just scan the proceedings of the National Capital stir, and one would find out that the followers tried to generalise everything by stating the following: "Most politicos/public servants are corrupt and are the worst offenders if their record is to be studied." The abuse for public servants was quite disgusting and it showed the level to which the campaign can go stray. Though Hazare won't approve of this conduct but there would be elements not known to him who would try to take recourse to such outburst.
The man is playing to the gallery and this is nowhere more evident than in Gujarat where on Thursday he lampooned the entire process of transition in the state as a sham and was unequivocal to state that lawlessness and corruption reigns supreme. Just in one visit he was able to read the pulse of the state and to give him inputs was someone whose political affiliation is well known. Hazare should make an attempt to visit the Hindi Heartland and see for himself the transition underway instead of dismissing the Gujarat Model as illustrative of nothing. One can have differences with the administration for the lapses that galored in the wake of riots and the mayhem that erupted but to dismiss the entire exercise of the past 10 years as bunkum is miles away from reality. If in the past 10 years there has been no change in this state adjoining Maharashtra, then what would explain the quantum of change in the Hindi belt?
The proposed Lokpal can't be solution to all the ills and if one seeks admission to college or school, the Lokpal can't provide ready made solution to such issues. Something that one Minister stated but was made to shut up by Hazare. From where Hazare got the renewed belief that the Govt of the day would have fallen had his stir continued for some more days in the Capital. It is not a totalitarian system that we are faced with; in fact the system is slow to respond to the demands. The Lokpal would be there to check graft including in the high and mighty places and not to derail the functioning of the system. The Parliamentary democracy hasn't withered the gains that came from freedom(this free flow of ideas that came from Hazare's stable was most dangerous precedent); it has given a voice to a majority who are at will to bring a change during elections. If Lokpal gets sweeping powers which overrides Parliament then nothing can be more destructive than this. The draft of the Lokpal should be such that frivolous complaints against public servants are not entertained and those allegations backed with substance need to be pursued. If the proposed Lokpal has the mandate to intrude and invade just on the basis of mere allegation, then it would be hellbal. With no checks and balances, the Lokpal would result in the opposite where the decision-making exercise would come to a halt as any govt servant would desist from taking decisions fearing filing of frivolous complaints which would not only undermine his authority to rule but engage his resources in fighting such allegations.
One never checked those who gathered at Hazare's long meetings in the Capital and other places. Those from the rooftops who shouted, screamed and talked nonsensical can't be the actual guardians of society; they were bunch of guys out to play to the gallery and amuse the crowd. Hazare has to watch out for such forces. Sanity has to be maintained and restraint exercised. Engaging in loose talk would be detrimental to the exercise of Lokpal. God forbid if the govt of the day and Lokpal members fail to reach a consensus, then Hazare and his followers would hit the street - and this street stir could well go out of hand if restraint is not exercised. Hazare needs to concentrate on a draft that is logical practical and deliverable. Just playing to the gallery won't do and undermining the institution of Parliament would be fatal as this could well lead to an initiation of a civil war. Well, in the past 60 years, one can't dismiss India's Story as one of entirely no gains and progress; the difference can well be that full potential hasn't been realised.

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