Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wait for the bus

The wait for the bus for has been excruciatingly painful and this reminds me of the necessity to essay the essence of the crowd that collected there. Well, half made up of peaceful souls destined to travel to their peaceful destinations and the rest comprising those who had collected there to have more than a glimpse. They spoke, observed and failed to vanish till the very last hour. The tab they were supposed to maintain actually led them to maintain an existence of over two hours which they could have easily used in improving their vocabulary and if not that then at least in increasing their acquaintances.
The bus never came for Catherene and despite maintaining a two-hour vigil it failed to keep its promise. Well, more than half had disappeared in the intervening period and i had lost the intensity to verify whether any of the incoming bus was headed towards the direction i intended to travel. Well, this quagmire of sorts was not the least and sole piece of resistance to my travel plans this day; the other day, exactly 24 hrs to be precise, i failed to secure a seat in the bus. The bus was not brimming to its capacity but the way commuters had positioned themselves no seats could be declared as vacant. Seats are hard to come by observation by me led a middle-aged man blast: "you can't expect to even stand." Perhaps he wanted to go further but stopped at that and was just waiting for a retort.
"You seem to be in a foul mood." Twice delivered, i had probably conveyed the message and the man who seemed to be in his 50s was waiting for the opportune moment. Five minutes later he promptly got into the seat vacated by a lady, knowing fully well that i was standing next to it. Promptness from his part was enough for me to believe that rules are not meant to be obeyed in the heat and dust of a city life. The commute lasted for over an hour and in which i had managed a seat at the fag end after someone had vomited and expressed his desire to dump his travel plans.
The bus ride that day had hit me hard as prior to this i had mango shake, something enough to create discomfort in the tummy. The tummy's nature of demands have led me to have paani puri and sev puri something that has been resented on a few occasions. By grace of the Lord, things have quietened down whenever something not proportionate to my tummy structure has been taken in - and one needs to exercise caution especially on foods that look tempting but are equally stomach-resenting.

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