Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Fast-And-Emerging Sector : Let New Ones Take The Hot Seat

The Fast-And-Emerging Sector : Let New Ones Take The Hot Seat

THis piece of news is miles away from those who have gone on a fast to be followed by those who intend to go on a fast on a particular day when the sun would be at its best and they would have had enough meals and sleep the previous day to see them through for the next 24 hours which apparently makes one full day.

The news that we are talking about to hit the fiefdom of emerging and established entities is also miles away from those those who are caught in a quagmire of sorts given the nature of development they have come across strong enough to forbid them to go on a fast now and foreclose their options for future as well. The development in different spheres of life is sturdy, according to them, and they see no need to go on a fast given the tummy's nature of demands and the development agenda that the govt of the day has been in command.
What piece of news we are talking about has unfolded in the past 24 hours. These are fast and furious species who have been halted in their tracks given the order issued by a state govt that increases the permissible age for taking hard liquor from 21 to 25. There are three things here. First, the age which is permissible and not promiscuous. Second, the liquor that has to be of hard stuff and finally, upping the age ante from 21 to 25; not a day more or a day less.
What prompted the Maharashtra Govt. to promptly act in haste in upping the permissible age for drinking when quarter of the nation's rising population has expressed its willingness to go on a fast. The fast from Yoga Honcho's stable to Anna who rarely trembled was on corruption and corruption alone. But graft could not be seen as something solely catching the public imagination; there were issues in the wilderness that needed to be brought to the forth. Essentially to make it catch the growing and frowning imagination.
When Anna was on a fast, some suggested the timely intervention of the govt of the day that prevented him and his compatriots from having a hospital blast. How timely it was is debatable but his difference of thoughts with Yoga Instructor is a way to ensure his flock survival.
Though the govt of the day understood the ramifications of the fast which Anna observed and broke, ultimately leading to UPA 2 celebrations for completing two years at the helm as an act of no master stroke. THe govt understood the message and got in touch with different state governments to resolve the deadlock that had arisen from Anna holding the public imagination with a new rock.

The first state govt to engineer efforts in this direction was Karnataka. Herein the Yeddy Govt. won the trust vote and yet the Opposition did not resort to a fast for Yeddy's attempt to win a trust vote when none was sought by them(Opposition) whatsoever. Second to follow and quite successful has been Maharashtra, where by a single order, the govt wants to up the permissible age as far as adult functioning -cum-activities are concerned. In one master stroke, they have a revolt brewing against them from those floating between 21 and yet to touch 25 - a day less than attaining 25 included - who see this act in haste as a perfect propeller for them to take recourse to a path which has been the preserve of Satyagrahis.

The state govt is in complete agreement with the Central Govt and believes that once the denied youth community (denied from taking hard and hitting liquor in full public view)agitates and fasts their counterparts in other states, existing and soon to be declared ones, would do the same to desist the authorities from ever slapping them with this drastic denying hard liquor ban. Soft liquor won't do as it is hard and only hard liquor that can fight their career-cum-caretaker blues.
As a result, those joining the movement would not only be those who have yet to attain 25, gone past 25 or triple of 25 - 75 and beyond - as they in all likelihood would be demanding restoration of drinking hard liquor rights as their peers work under tremendous pressure and they need to get their due. The govt of the day would be of the view that with the rising disposable income and with disappearance of employment bureaus across tier I, II III cities and towns as employment opportunities have quadrupled and avenues to have a blast not even multiplied, the stir for restoration of drinking liquor rights would be severe and a hard hitting one. And this would be the riposte to those who want to take the graft battle as the sole battle holding public imagination as if earning your livelihood and leading a contented life is just an act of sensation.

As for some other fasts that should have been in the public realm

- A Big No No to the use of Personal Transport in cities that personally belong to you. A fast-not-receding-to-a-feast should be held on this one.
- When school fees get torrentially increased, the parents and prospective ones need to undertake a fast-unto-fame to bring the perpetrators of increased fees to justice.
- And finally the much-desired fast by those who want to break free from employable circle, family bonds and commitment taunts as the breathing space they seek can only come through fast-unto-freedom. There would be an entire tribe that would be fascinated by this agenda given the hellish and cloistered existence that cities and towns of different tiers and tears promise.
So let my countrymen know that there are willing forces willing to join the fast mainstream to relieve themselves of responsibilities that was thrust on their shoulders knowing they won't beam . So all Satyagrahis need to exercise caution and show display of mind: The competition in the fast sector is emerging fast and this is one sector they can lose control of given the innovative minds at work who have been on fast for ages but never declared to the public as they never wanted to be seen as sages.
Let us steadfastly resolve to unbuckle the fast seat and let the real emerging competitors take the hot seat.

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