Saturday, June 11, 2011

Singboards with a fresh coat

Signboards that convey a lot. The one on "Learn Spoken English. Pay after satisfaction." This signboard does not engineer a whole tribe to register for this course. Even if there is a rush to have the aptitude as far as spoken english is concerned, the satisfaction is hardly visible to say the least. Satisfaction that is hard to come given the way Spoken English classes are conducted and the people you are made to share space with who are already armed with having the luxury of speaking halting-and-finishing english. So faced with those who could halt and finish english to those who could start and not finish, the challenges are large and attending classes the insurmountable task.
As some came across one such hoarding which doubled as directions to a particular place, the urge to get registered was minimal given the havoc such learning classes unleash. The 24X7 schedule takes a knock as you are in the learning mode not only during the classes but when the learning centre is truly and completely past you. While taking a shower or trying to get some sleep which you have been deprived the entire day, the thought on how you could embrace the challenge and do better than your peers in learning the language that actually had its spread far beyond the spread of graft in the liberalisation-learning phase. So the time that should have gone in getting the sleep or meals is taken by the new-found urge to get the basics right in the language we feared the most in the past and yet struggled to have a blast.
It was liberalisation that made the learning schools imparting spoken english get a new drive to their business as earlier these schools were more of a driving one failing to get the recognition of a language learning school as the instructor didn't have the mandate to go beyond drive and thrive. It was only when those who intended to take driving lessons intentionally showed the inclination to have driving lessons in the language desired by prospective drivers that established drivers decided to learn more than a thing or two on a language they despised and discouraged their peers from. Precisely from here the driving schools started turning to language schools and the language schools gained the momentum that driving schools began to lose. This explains the current crop of signboards across nook and corner of cities and towns that are more on english language schools and less on driving schools. The very fact that signboards cropping up now and then are like : "Don't mix driving with Drinking" "Don't mix drive with english-driven cell strive" "Conversations on a cell desired in English" Bare out your heart in the language you have gained skills of late " . These essentially convey that though driving schools are struggling to stay in shape, the longevity of english language schools can't be questioned given the appearance and reappearance with fresh coat of paint of these signboards in English-cum-Hinglish.

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