Saturday, July 30, 2011

Internet rates are steep here

Have you been garlanded?

Have you been garlanded?

As i made moves to leave the National Capital, travelling in an autorickshaw which seem to be in an auto mode, i spotted a good collection of people holding garlands in their hands and some tucked in their sizeable pockets here and there. They were assigned with the task of garlanding those whom they viewed as the prospective material who could change their destiny ; and failing which by garlanding themselves they had the potential to change their own destiny.

These garlanders, who on some nights worked as bartenders wanted to pursue their passion to garland people not known to them and by garlanding getting blown by them, were in fact holding on to the family tradition continuing for generations. I spotted these garlanders at places as gargantuan as bus stops, traffic intersections and arrival and departure lounge of the railway stations.
The first place i saw them in quantity, having had the elaborate meals to make them be on their feet the entire day with garlands in hand and pockets was the railway station. They were making frequent enquiries about trains that were supposed to come and depart on time and those which had willingly decided to get stranded fearing the garlanding operation their passengers would be subjected to once they step out. The garlanders could be seen engaged in animated discussions on the people they should garland and who in all likelihood were to be their targets were to be decided by the fabric they sported and the number of times they skipped meals and sleep in the faint hope of getting garlanded one day.
Having spotted me in the railway station, they dare not approach me as i had already garlanded myself with a garland of a gargantuan gale. The garland i was carrying in person though showed that i belonged to their tribe as they too had garlanded themselves before they stepped out of their homes to garland the world. The exchange between me and them was not traceable but i could trace the tribe at other places as well. The next destination happened to be the bus stop which for more occasions served as a spitting spot; where people converged to spit and if possible swim if it had rained and the roads got potholedly ruined. The rain-cum-spit spot had not been a picture of interest for others but for garlanders the perfect place to get stranded if for the entire day they could not spot one prospective client to garland.
As the buses carrying extra load than the inhouse passengers desired came and halted, those getting down were frisked-cum-fumed by these garlanders and given a long stare to suggest their inability to garland them as they were not seen as readymade material to change their destiny. The garlanders desisted from garlanding and in the process the passengers who hoped to get garlanded returned home with no garlands and no extra friends. At the bus stop, the garlanders even had the temerity to get inside the bus and take a hard look at the passengers seated and those yet to get unseated to realise their garlanding goal. With no success in sight, they stepped out and threw one garland on the roof of the bus to suggest it could move to another garlanding spot. Though i had taken a roadway bus on my way to diversions never seen in my life, what i spotted inside were a large number of gardeners who had previously served as garlanders. The tale i heard from them showed the utter contempt the public had for garlanders and against such odds it became more appropriate for them to turn to gardeners who actually had something to guard and geared towards.
My deliberations with these gardeners continued till all the diversions had disappeared and still left me in a dilemma on the choice between garlanders and gardeners. The sizeable interventions from others hasn't helped me to fix the riddle. But seeing the quantum scale of curd being dispensed with the other day and the benefits that accrue, it is better to be a curdler with no sour turn whatsoever.

The night gone by in Relief Road

The night gone by in Relief Road

The night gone by had been no different from the nights i have confronted in the past few years. It wasn't a night that stayed clear of commotion; the hyperactiveness of some to disrupt the peace was inevitable given they had zeroed in on the target and the ruckus they would create. I won't blame the accommodation centre for the laxity in maintaining the vigil but they should have been cautious enough to debar entry of those who wanted to create mayhem.
There was one vehicle posted right in front of the lodge with a Rajasthan number plate and perhaps the root of the trouble lay there. The occupant of the vehicle could be the figure out to foment trouble given the spare time they are saddled with. Post meals and collection of curd as i entered the lodge, quite appropriate to the task they were assigned with the trouble-makers started making foray into a territory they had specialised in and this continued right into the morning. In between the trouble-makers gave themselves a break and returned to the proceedings to renew their pledge.
The thumping of the floor above me and the sounds of convenience that it generated for them showed their hold on the system ; and how conveniently they could get away with their criminal acts. The thumping started right after 8 in the night and continued well past 7 in the morning. Well, what they want to prove is difficult to make a guess but if this sort of irrational behaviour continues untamed then one would lose faith in the people who are supposed to be saviours.
I am supposed to travel to two different towns in the coming days and if i am faced with this form of brutal aggression then God save those who indulge in such acts. Primarily because everything comes back to you in life.
The beasts are on prowl and the immediate agenda is to make others shriek and shiver. Against all such forms of instability(thumping and rocking the floor above you) the consolation has been i have been able to manage at least two to three hours of sleep - and the odds i am faced with should at least console me that sleep would come no matter from where the disturbing trends emerge. As for the assurance from the lodgewallah that such acts of notoriety won't be entertained would be a tall order and the best course would be to be on extra vigil. Who on earth can give this assurance when some in the world are mad to know that the disturbances in places like West African states have yet to travel to India. Though the tales emanating now has its roots in the National Capital but it is branching out at a feverish pace.

Some of the hoarding i came across in the city, touted as Epicentre of the State in progression, were: "I am proud to be voted the best high rise apartment in the city" followed by "I am proud to be voted the best hotel in the city". These hoardings visible on Ellis bridge with a view to increase the visibility aims to catch attention of those who are prospective apartment owners or those who have a sizeable appetite to check in a hotel for a duration that their cash and the carry bag in which they have stored cash can permit. The cash is stupendous and knowing that these hoardings of immeasurable value have been erected so as to enable some to empty their wallet and subsequently get into the line of EMI bracket if they have haven't done so far.
As for commoners like us who wish to remain stranded than get in this EMI firefighting operations, the best course is to view the hoarding and look for a peaceful boarding where few would rattle and fewer would provoke you to engage in long night battle. As the muggy weather continues, the best discourse we hear is on the source of happiness and perhaps it lies within than show a fake grin.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Internet rates are quite steep here and one would begin to weep if one stays for longer. Probably to do with fewer users.

The ride from National Capital and the ability to stay from verbal duel

The ride from National Capital and the ability to stay from verbal duel

As i left the national capital, with no national outlook to issues concerning the national capital region, the NCR itself was a picture of a looming disaster. The bumper to bumper traffic was visible and so was the visibility of men women and those intending to be neutral driving big and small cars (eventually to be converted to big ones),with no concern whatsoever for those who had taken the roadways buses which were finding it difficult to negotiate. The accumulation to be followed by dispersion at toll plazas showed the desire of those in cars to reach their destination on time possibly made plausible if others made way for them. THE NCR was concrete to a point where big rises rescued so far from big crisis could be spotted and forgotten in no quick time but alarming was its intent as far as giving shape to traffic mismanagement was concerned. Traffic was heavy and so were the minds of those laden with the thought of remaining spellbound to the attractions of sizeably locating to NCR with their sizeables wares and machines.
As for me, the bus commute was taken following the railways dogged resistance to run any shuttle service between 10 a.m. and 12.15 p.m. compounded by the fact that when the ticket (lone vacant seat was all that i came across) was sought for a destination the previous day, there was no success as it happened to be the enquiry counter. But still, the other ticket that i got from this very reservation centre was with no extra effort and this centre is any day better than Nizamuddin and Sarojini Nagar reservation centres where the attempt is to get something extra from your side. Given the gargantuan scale at which the railways work, to expect them to tide over the loopholes would be unrealistic but they need to keep a tight rein on TTEs who are on prowl in all weather friendly and weather distressing moments.

Having been fleeced by an autowallah for charging close to 100rs (the need to start the fare from 20rs was one bad move that has left commuters in recurring pain) for letting me reach the station with no injuries whatsoever, i knew the time had come for problems to erupt. With no respite in sight i was left with no option but to board a roadway bus. The roadway bus was true to its potential as it took more than the promised/desired hours to reach the destination given there were no less than 60 to 70 diversions on the way with stranded visibility at innumerable toll plazas adding to the discomfort. These toll plazas are comforting for those who after having driven for endless hours followed by endless fights find this phase of immobility as the opportune moment to get out of their cars to make calls to those whom they have not kept them in loop on their desires and destinations.
The ride from the heart of the city to the outskirts was on roads that were declared to be big but eventually turned to a bitter pill once all vehicles of all shapes sizes and guzzler began to surface. Once the city and its extension was negotiated, the forward ride was no cheer either as diversions were there and so were the divergent views of the driver and conductor to halt the bus at every conceivable stop and see to it that all those occupying and stranded on roads could be bodily lifted into the bus. More concerned on whether i would be able to reach Khwaja's place on time, i refrained from the task of noticing the billboards and hoardings on the way. But there were some that could not be ignored given their faulty positioning. One said: "your search is over. from all stress to all fatigue ailments the solution is round the corner". The ad was all-weather friendly as it detailed the areas and associations that can bring stress and the objective to distress on your own can eventually lead to strong bouts of stress. Others were: "we strive to surpass your expectations by delivering the best" and "live 400 feet above ground". The one on striving to surpass your expectations by delivering the best showed the clarity of the advertiser to not spare you till the last breath by delivering according to the expectations they see from those who have been branded to create upheaval and those who have not been acclimatised to do the same.
As the bus shuddered and moved, the destination was still far away when i deboarded and it was late in the evening i got to my place. What followed after meals and the churning revolt in the tummy showed the sensitivity to the surroundings and a change in travel plans which GOD willing won't be thwarted for long.
As i write this with visible happenings in the background, the cafewallah has sounded a note of warning that cctvs are very much operational. This man should have the ability to delineate between those who are trouble-makers and those who aren't. Before reaching this cafe, the stationery shop i visited and made enquiries about writing pad showed the foul mood the shopkeeper was in and his ability to stay in the same frame for the next 24 hrs, intrusion into home and destruction included. There is a man in the cafe claiming to have left the job he desisted and his previous employers claiming to be an act of dethronement. In between the two claims are the swift expectations the sides have and probably the hoarding on the way to Rajasthan could provide a readymade solution. Both sides are in a state of stress; one stressful that the former employee would elope with a new company and other stressed whether the old act of estrangement and new folly of elopement could prove fatal.
As for those who elope beyond seven seas their acts are in continuity and true to their expectations/potential.

The astro column and those who desist-cum-resist them

The astro column and those who desist-cum-resist them

The number of times we come across pages in a newspaper suggesting if it is your birthday today or 365 days later the destiny-change is round the corner. These pages, bereft of ads and bare-all picture of long lasting impact, has columns on astrospeak which most commoners desist to take a peek.
The astro column, elaborates on the sun sign and the change in fortune that lies ahead. They also elaborate on the signages that we come across in cities and towns and how sizeably we should seize them. THe column goads you right from type of school - academic, acting, sleeping and slamming - you should attend to the type of peers you should stay away from. From the food you should take in plenty in the morning to the dhabas you should resist visitation in the evening. From the brand that could be adored to the slang that could be abhorred.
From the personal triumph to personal abyss all are sizeably noticeable in these columns and how one can transform from abyss to triumph and vice versa once the chain of commands is adhered to. Right from the battle o the personal front you are waging to professional clutter you are in, the suggestive remedies are prescribed failing which one is doomed.
The astro column also takes a hard look at the forces pitted against you and how you can pit the forces against them which have been immobile so far to get them the desired wheels. Nailed to the bottom how one can wriggle out is all there.
Those who desist from reading them see to it that such columns reach those whom they have not been able to resist so far.
How the station didn't have enough chairs and that led to many sleeping on the floors

Friday, July 22, 2011

Some months back i was at Surat station hoping to take a train to Mumbai. One TTE seeing me and believing me told me in one breath that no amount of money and approach would help me to get the ticket. Perhaps the bounty harvest he had since the train originated showed his inability to handle any extra affection to be showered by passengers.
That is one tale.

How this CA could not attempt the same form of torture that he has subjected me

When i went to file income tax return in 2009, the return journey back home saw me confront a good collection of people who apart from their long stare screamed where the boy had been all these hours and where he intends to go? THat is just one instance.

How this CA didn't let me recuperate post Jan 2009 surgery i underwent?
How this CA didn't let me return to capital in the middle of 2009 and i stayed put in a State in the West, down with severe diarrhoea?
How this CA forced a driver employed by others to waste at least 20 buckets of water each day?
How this CA sent those whom he shower with resources to create mayhem recently?
How this CA gets hourly update on all the bathing and sleeping activities
How this CA got one driver who is black in appearance, bald from back, wears jeans and clean shaven to forward the threat of breaking the gate when the colony chowkidaar had repeatedly been told in 2009 and 2010 to not bang on the residential gate? Taking advantage of giving a warning to the colony chowkidaar, this driver employed by other household got collected a good number of CA's henchmen including servant ram and other drivers near his house and warned that the residential gate of this house has to be broken followed by a long set of abuse. This driver is black in appearance, bald from back and is clean shaven.

THis CA has employed every trick in the trade to ruin others and his sons constant scream that the boy has just spoken on the landline on such and such matters shows his prowess. THis CA is a goon and would remain goon for the activities of torture he has constantly employed.
Kisi difficult aadmi se pala nahi pada hai. Agar padta toh yeh aatank nahi falata.
This CA hasn't come across a difficult person; had he had an interaction with someone who has resource and powerful in society he would not have dared to torture him. He can only torture person on the margins of society.

Apart from servant ram there are others who haven't dwindled in their support to the CA given the flood of water and cash doled out consistently

THe empire he presides over and the men he has employed to torture me are huge and he can't afford to any powerful person; on his radar are people on the margins of society.

The game of money this chartered accountant played, giving him the unadulterated power to destroy others

The game of money this chartered accountant played, giving him the unadulterated power to destroy others

The game of money the chartered accountant started way back in March 2006 when he shifted his base and began using his dwelling precisely for one purpose. The people on seeing him move to his kala aashiana were quite impressed with his power of wealth and how he could intimidate and instigate. Before writing about the way he has gone about his task of instigating others, it is appropriate to look at his henchmen and how they have used the gate of a residential house to unleash reign of terror.
Some would take offence at someone writing about this CA and the clout he enjoys in the neighbourhood. The possibility of the entire neighbourhood turning against me does not bother me. Who is bothered? Interaction is nil and would remain nil. It was precisely this clout that led him to enjoy the fruits of mass annihilation when he set upon the task of making one yield to his demands failing which the identified person would have to face atrocities of unbearable nature. Some would suggest that physically he hasn't harmed you; it is just mental torture of over five years - and he has every right to do so given the financial muscle he is armed with. Besides the entire neighbourhood would maim you if you try to speak or write about this CA and his henchmen. But why should one face atrocities at the hands of this criminal CA, when for days together he sends out his sons and servant ram to speak which CA speaks occasionally: Ladka kahan hein; ladka dikha; ladka kamre ke andar chipa hai; ladke par nazar rakh (where is the boy; have you spotted the boy; the boy has hidden himself in a room; keep an eye on the boy) . If for one month or two, servant ram, his sons and other henchmen, including one who used to stammer and played the big role since 2007 and not to be seen now (probably waiting for the right time to strike), could not spot the boy, they would raise their protest by asserting: Ladka kahan jayega, samne rahta hai, hamse bach ke nahi jayega (where would the boy go, he stays opposite and and can't free himself from our clutches.

The sons and servant ram were equally vociferous in their demands. One should understand that i could not free myself from his frame and game of torture because i was not able to decide how i should get out of this pathetic situation. For months together i could not step out fearing backlash from his sons, servant ram and drivers employed by man working in shipping company. It is CA alone who insyigated drivers of other households rain blows of torture like: laka kamre pe chipa hai ; iska gate tod de (boy is hidden in house; break the gate) with free flow of abuse. In 2009, servant ram used to fiddle with the locks of other household gate with no inhibitions whatsoever. On particular nights in 2009 and 2010, he fiddled with the gates (gate lock)in a space of two hours for more than 10 times; and on other occasions settling for four to five times. THese days he does does it after making sure there in nowhere in the proximity.
The henchmen had the advantage of three to four nearby drivers and chowkidaars and they played to his tune because he was giving incentive on a monthly basis. The remuneration was elaborate and so was the torture.
From 2006-end the CA his sons and henchmen set their sights on the gate of a residential house and this they used to further their criminal goals. Since 2006-end if any day the CA or his henchmen spotted me closing the gate of the residential house i reside in, the first thing they would do would open the same gate as soon as i stepped inside. For over four-and-a half years they continued with the gate-opening act. Every time i used to close the gate, his henchmen would open it. If i dare to close it they would be standing outside giving a long stare, conveying there is no point closing it as it would anyway get opened as i get inside. So i struggled with this act of mayhem and let the gate remain open for the entire day.

He has power and money; and he used this to his advantage. All the delivery boys would do the same; letting the gate remain open and no amount of persuasion from others worked on them. In 2009 his servant ram began a new method of annihilation. The delivery boy coming from number one general store would shout out his name as he approached the residential house they were targetting(where he was supposed to deliver goods to the tenant) and both the delivery boy and servant ram would stand near the gate with servant ram shouting: "gate mat bandh karna din bhar khula rakh (Don't shut the gate let it remain open for entire day)". It was not just delivery boys from general store but from mithaiwallahs to medicinewallahs and courierwallahs all were given instructions to not close the gate. This very much illustrated his prowess. So if by chance at any hour the gate was seen closed they would let it remain open when they left. IF this was the shape of things during day, the night was reserved for CA's henchmen, servant ram and chowkidaar included, to fiddle with gate and do it till the point this act hadn't satisfied the CA and his sons.

There used to be one security guard who used to stammer and he has done the job assigned by the CA with big success. From 2007-beginning he used to sit outside the CA house and any maid or delivery boy coming from the opposite side, he would post suggestions like: Ladke ko bahar nikal; ladke ke kamre ki light jal gayee; ladka kamre mein so raha (bring out the boy; boy's room light has been switched on; the boy is sleeping inside). Abuse would flow freely and all would have a hearty laugh. This security guard , who used to stammer, has played his role well as far as keeping the gate open and heaping abuse is concerned.
Just few days ago, the servant ram was seen doing this. One delivery boy was about to leave the residential house after closing the gate and as he took his cycle servant ram shouted and forced him to open the gate. He told him : "Yeh gate khul ke rahega isko bandh mat kar (this gate is bound to remain open, don't close it)."

If someone has doubts about the financial muscle of this CA, they should just look at what his sons and servant ram have been screaming about after coming across the drivers and composers employed by a residential house. THey scream: "Tu iski duty nahin karta, tu hamari duty karta hai (you are on our rolls and not on the rolls of this residential house)" Besides when servant ram and CA's sons scream that the boy came out of house after one-month interval or two month, that also bears testimony to the financial kitty CA has and the men he has employed to keep a watch on others. Some sample: Ladka aaj do mahine baad nikala; ladka aaj ek mahine baad nikala(the boy came out after two months; the boy came out after one month)"

Had this CA tried to do this with any powerful entity he would have been stopped in the first month, THe CA, servant ram CA's two sons are born with the belief that their demands are to be accepted come what may and if in these five and a half years nothing substantial has not come out from the state of torture, the future won't see them ebbing. He is one and only Chartered Accountant in the country who has given unchecked powers to his sons and servant ram and the events of the past five and a half years bear testimony to that.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Chartered Accountant who used the gate of another residential house as a tool of terror

The Chartered Accountant who used the gate of another residential house as a tool of terror; and in the process ably supported by his sons, servant ram and other henchmen. There are more than 100 instances of the mayhem the CA unleashed over a period of over five years, with some reportedly continuing on the back of support coming from the security guard employed by him and who used to stammer, identified with a stick in his hand not meant for walking purpose, to the servant ram and CA's sons who lost no opportunity to bring their terror agenda to a logical platform.

The gate of a different residential house that he and his henchmen set their sights on showed their prowess and the active support pouring in from the Rajasthan block was instrumental in realising his terror designs. For over four and a half years, the CA and his henchmen could not live with the fact that the gate of another residential house can remain closed and they used their unadulterated power by opening it every time someone closed it. For the entire day this gate of a different house was meant to remain open and they used every opportunity to thwart anyone who ever tried to close it. The hourly updates on the activities of a journo, from bathing to sleeping, that this CA received from the Rajasthan block for over four and a half years shows his strong grip on those in the neighbourhood and how he used them to terrorise others. More to follow
From 2006-end the CA his sons and henchmen set their sights on the gate of a residential house and this they used to further their criminal goals. Since 2006-end if any day the CA or his henchmen spotted me closing the gate of the residential house i reside in, the first thing they would do would open the same gate as soon as i stepped inside. For over four-and-a half years they continued with the gate-opening act. Every time i used to close the gate, his henchmen would open it. If i dare to close it they would be standing outside giving a long stare, conveying there is no point closing it as it would anyway get opened as i get inside. So i struggled with this act of mayhem and let the gate remain open for the entire day.

He has power and money; and he used this to his advantage. All the delivery boys would do the same; letting the gate remain open and no amount of persuasion from others worked on them. In 2009 his servant ram began a new method of annihilation. The delivery boy coming from number one general store would shout out his name as he approached the residential house they were targetting(where he was supposed to deliver goods to the tenant) and both the delivery boy and servant ram would stand near the gate with servant ram shouting: "gate mat bandh karna din bhar khula rakh (Don't shut the gate let it remain open for entire day)". It was not just delivery boys from general store but from mithaiwallahs to medicinewallahs and courierwallahs all were given instructions to not close the gate. This very much illustrated his prowess. So if by chance at any hour the gate was seen closed they would let it remain open when they left. IF this was the shape of things during day, the night was reserved for CA's henchmen, servant ram and chowkidaar included, to fiddle with gate and do it till the point this act hadn't satisfied the CA and his sons.

There used to be one security guard who used to stammer and he has done the job assigned by the CA with big success. From 2007-beginning he used to sit outside the CA house and any maid or delivery boy coming from the opposite side, he would post suggestions like: Ladke ko bahar nikal; ladke ke kamre ki light jal gayee; ladka kamre mein so raha (bring out the boy; boy's room light has been switched on; the boy is sleeping inside). Abuse would flow freely and all would have a hearty laugh. This security guard , who used to stammer, has played his role well as far as keeping the gate open and heaping abuse is concerned.
Just few days ago, the servant ram was seen doing this. One delivery boy was about to leave the residential house after closing the gate and as he took his cycle servant ram shouted and forced him to open the gate. He told him : "Yeh gate khul ke rahega isko bandh mat kar (this gate is bound to remain open, don't close it)."

If someone has doubts about the financial muscle of this CA, they should just look at what his sons and servant ram have been screaming about after coming across the drivers and composers employed by a residential house. THey scream: "Tu iski duty nahin karta, tu hamari duty karta hai (you are on our rolls and not on the rolls of this residential house)" Besides when servant ram and CA's sons scream that the boy came out of house after one-month interval or two month, that also bears testimony to the financial kitty CA has and the men he has employed to keep a watch on others. Some sample: Ladka aaj do mahine baad nikala; ladka aaj ek mahine baad nikala(the boy came out after two months; the boy came out after one month)"

When News Of The World Folded and Folders strewn in office

When News of the World Folded, folders were strewn in the office with all employees whose terms of engagement with the tabloid having folded up, carrying the past publications of the tabloid in different folders. These folders were different from the folders they had been bringing from home, essentially made up of eatable items, perishable in nature. This time round they were carrying in folders of different lengths and sizes the sizeable stories they had done by putting their heart and soul - more than prescribed and desired by the doctor- resulting in sizeable reprimand from authorities who wanted them to fold up. Thus the folding that followed forced the followers of tabloid format to foreclose their options to foray in areas that may essentially lead them to carry a large number of folders back home once and for all. Dreaded at the prospect of carrying a large number of folders and the places they would store, they have decided to freeze all folder-approaching operations

Mood of the nation: How to read and flee?

THe Capital may be witness to PM speaking on no reshuffle till 2014 polls. But what are the chances of polls actually happening in 2014?
By stating that 2014 is the year when the country has to go to the polls, the PM has elaborately summed up the mood of the nation. THe mood that seemed to be no upbeat given the uncertainty that loomed over the chances of polls happening before 2014. So the countrymen can be assured that they can put their heart and soul to the festivities between now and 2014, even if their level of participation/support leads to a law and disorder problem. What the PM has assured is that the road bumps the sectors like infrastructure face the momentum won't be lost, the opportunity for getting spanked from different institutions won't be frittered away and one can expect the government to go by the expected level of performance which it has expectedly performed till now.
The mood fluctuates from morning to evening. In the morning if a gathering may look despondent the evening could herald good tidings given the frame of activities they are engaged in or attempting to get in or get out. It is just not the stock market or the scheduled arrival or departure of different modes of transport that keeps the public in different frame of mind; the ability to get in and out of one mode of transport to another in one piece can also provide a pulse to the mood of the nation.
The refrain that public transport and the limited hours that one can bide their time in has led to a great deal of resentment given the desire of a large block to stay away from place of work/residence. It is at these two places it takes no time for the mood to fluctuate to a point of no return. So an active redressal is on the anvil as one boards the public transport and vent his/her frustration for long hours on a cell and in between gives his/her compatriots a story to sell. If commute by a public transport provides a clue to the changing and reverberating mood of nation, the chances of the same being captured when one is in a personal transport is fairly less. Because most of the occupants are at the mercy of the machine and the driver whom they have occupied for different range of activities. Here the occupant can't spell out her/his mood or the state of the mood soon after s/he get down from the vehicle. Because the things that go through her/ his mind when he takes a personal transport are the period till which he would be in the clutches of those who drive his life and occasionally drive him out of his office and home. SO, in effect, the state of flux s/he is, doesn't endear many to get a sample of the prevailing mood.
Perhaps it was the Govt and Govt alone which wanted to set to rest the mood swings that residents were caught up with and this one declaration is sure to fire fiery imagination.
Perhaps the declaration from the PM, which is different from the asset declaration to known sources of income generation, was meant to set to rest the apprehension that country may well be looking at polls beyond 2014. Polls beyond 2014 has been the clarion call of those countrymen who have been revelling in the present situation, given the no pace or identfiable snail pace of activities. With decision-making bringing new forms of awakening, the people are desisting to take decisions keeping in mind the interest of their family. For long these countrymen had ceased to take decisions at home, and their family members, extended and on extension included, expect them to do the same in office. With no decisions emerging from emerging centres of power blessed with diminishing returns the scope for reverberations would be less and so would be claims for compensation. Keeping this in mind, the Govt of the day has decided that the momentum in circulation won't be fiddled with and if at all any decision has to be made it should be done post 2014.
And the govt's abiding faith to hold polls by 2014 is also meant to give no lease of life to tabloids which just swim with the hope that more sensational the coverage the more sense the people start getting in of the happening.This sense that the reader starts getting in is more sizeable the journo sense.
So to cut them to size from the present tabloid size they are in, the govt has spoken and the stories they may be attempting on all speculative days,months and years for elections and the perpetual ramifications have been laid to rest. After all, a good number of govt ads go to these tabloids and the speculative stories on perpetual poll fever is their year-long steroid.

$4bn is the sum and substance of war on terror. What about the terror heaped on us by private citizen?

$4bn is the sum and substance of war on terror. What about the terror heaped on us by private citizen?
$4bn is the sum and substance of war on terror. This is the report coming in newspapers. This is the figure collated after much research and how the war on terror has been fought. What about the terror that emanates from a private citizen household. Has anybody bothered to go into the sum and substance of this form of terror? Well the foundation for such terror was laid in 2004 and the entire base to unleash terror in all its magnitude established in March 2006. From March 2006, the architect of this terror ably supported by his henchmen began to unfurl the criminal designs and the results that have flowed have been quite impressive. This terror, which is no less than state terror, where money is exemplary employed to wreak havoc illustrates the desire of those who can't bear the fact that life has to be lived on simple terms, but has to be lived with an agenda where they draw support from the immediate neighbourhood to unleash and repeatedly unleash reign of terror with no inhibitions whatsoever.
It is the money power that these very private citizens have been armed with which has helped them to sustain their terror designs for over five years, with the avowed aim that if one does not yield to their range of demands you would be face to face with severe form of atrocities with no interruptions. March 2006 they spelled out their criminal demands and they continue to thrive as their henchmen are spread out across the length and breadth of the area they live in. These private citizens, armed with the expertise to turn black into white, would continue to intimidate those who won't bow to their demands and would flourish as they have consistently maintained that if for over five years they could spawn terror, they have the same and renewed right to do so in future as well as the money is what drives them.
Intoxicated with money and the criminal designs it spawns the den from where they have operated since march 2006 has given them thetime elaborating the total cost of this terror and the irreparable damage it has caused. belief that come what may intimidation and open threats would be bandied out repeatedly.
Detailed reports are to be filed in due course of

Monday, July 11, 2011

When rains lashed guruvayoor

Cabinet Rejuvenation and those desiring to stay away

As the cabinet reshuffle-cum-rejuvenation event gets over, the assimilation for some and annihilation for others would be an exercise that won't get the desired eyeballs - and fewer would be the eye contact post the half-hearted surgery. After the surgery has been performed by the Doctor residing in Race Course, the attempt would be to have no eye contact whatsoever with anyone till they are holding on to the chair. As the Cabinet stored the possibility of getting reduced by a quarter if not half, this exercise is meant to rejuvenate the very foundation of having at least a Cabinet of one where one entity could handle multiple departments given the multiple efforts he or she made to reach the pinnacle from where the down slide is assured with assured thickness of allegations. Returns would be pathetic given the firefighting mode the crowned-now-and-to-be-displaced-later entity would be engaged in to dismiss all allegations as nothing more than a futile exercise from a club which hasn't had requisite sleep since ages. Sleep is hard to come whether you are holding on to a chair or attempting to hold one or refusing to hold and yet being penalised for not holding.
The brief would be simple: let no decisions be made; let files keep rotting in the godowns - from ministries the next depot for all files thick and threatening land up in godowns for detractors to have a fresh perspective and fire a fresh round of salvos armed with a bag of wheat which the authorities willingly want to disperse free of cost - and try to be invisible to elements of probing and pestering nature as that would give no handle to your critics that you are on an overdrive. Indulgences the new members and those who are yet to be shunted out could indulge in are: excessive sleep followed by elaborate meals and all elaborate deliberations at home among family members on ways to lighten the new responsibility. Attendance to All-Cabinet Meets, different from All-party Meets where all rise settle and disappear in one go(places where they disappear for long are yet to be identified), would be nil and so would be the attempt to deflect all calls from Party High Command and those emanating from Nature's Demand.

The rationale to be furnished by these members of the Cabinet would be: In keeping with the sensitivity of the Indian Public and to sanitise with what the public desires and yet failed to express, we as soldiers with more than foreseeable responsibility on our shoulders and with our feet firm to the ground and less in the air given our sensitivity to the exchequer, have decided to refrain from expressing on anything including the deterioration the toilet set up in our accommodation has underwent even before we could do our bit. Let Cabinet meets happen and go and the govt's stability flow here and there, we would be confined to our rooms of the govt accommodation. Discussions amongst the family members would be on the windfall that stares us as the MP Land/local Area Fund has maintained the upbeat posture - hiked from 2 to 5 cr - and how best we could make use of this opportunity. We were better placed as MPs and the decision to placate us as Cabinet Members hasn't placated us by any length as it attempts to stonewall our attempts to make the best use of this opportunity. Funds which can remain unutilised if extra responsibility is thrust on us thereby deflecting our attention from the funds that are meant to raise our status and of those surrounding and disappearing at alternate hours.
Probably this could result in mass exodus from the Cabinet and it could well be faced with the prospects of shrinking by half if not three-fourth. And the way out from this dilemma could be: the head of the govt followed by different spokespersons operating during day and night giving bytes on the impending reshuffle and yet that never taking place. With no threat of Cabinet Rejig, the members who have been spared from being included would see to it that the funds would get the desired outcome and those inside the Cabinet the assurance that post LS polls the new combination minus them would take wings.
As for commoners, they would be drowned with the responsibility of keeping a tab on black money and how it is generated and what are their chances to see it if not feel it. What is black money, how it is generated and how different it is from pink money (those in the pink of health), blue money (fighting the blues of life through blue imprints that brothers concerned at their constant deterioration of health have regularly doled out) and sink money (the notes with which the people rise, surprise, get uncivilised and sink in no time. As they would be required to do a detailed study, they would come across a new buddy when the colour of the money changes as it unleashes huge unaccounted exchanges.

Ads before us

As i scan through ET, which conveys the state of economy, given the number of ads it displays, the effort on Sunday had a story on Chicago with return fare pegged at Rs 55,000. For each day, accommodation coming for close to 1600rs and brunch for two 3500rs. As for the mode of transport and the taxis on the prowl, the total cost of an elaborate stay for 10 days would easily cross 1.5 lakh. This would be a feast for those who want to unwind with the unshakeable wealth they have and stretch out a narrative of never-seen experience. This effort on sunday had one other story on the uncivilised apparatus that surrounds us when we get swamped by cells and their ringing bells.
Ads convey a lot on the state of society but still miles away from the churning on the ground. The other day there was one ad on an upcoming meet in Going Went Gone Goa which would be hosted by Taj property and there would be 13 key speakers. The name along with the office/designation they are holding on to tried to underscore the significance of the event. Well such amalgamation of speakers holding such office and congregating in Going Went Gone Goa has not much substantive part to it except roll out such events in a location that is facing travesty of rules as far as environment is concerned.

Cabinet Rejuvenation and those desiring to stay away

As the cabinet reshuffle-cum-rejuvenation event gets over, the assimilation for some and annihilation for others would be an exercise that won't get the desired eyeballs - and fewer would be the eye contact post the half-hearted surgery. After the surgery has been performed by the Doctor residing in Race Course, the attempt would be to have no eye contact whatsoever with anyone till they are holding on to the chair. As the Cabinet stored the possibility of getting reduced by a quarter if not half, this exercise is meant to rejuvenate the very foundation of having at least a Cabinet of one where one entity could handle multiple departments given the multiple efforts he or she made to reach the pinnacle from where the down slide is assured with assured thickness of allegations. Returns would be pathetic given the firefighting mode the crowned-now-and-to-be-displaced-later entity would be engaged in to dismiss all allegations as nothing more than a futile exercise from a club which hasn't had requisite sleep since ages. Sleep is hard to come whether you are holding on to a chair or attempting to hold one or refusing to hold and yet being penalised for not holding.
The brief would be simple: let no decisions be made; let files keep rotting in the godowns - from ministries the next depot for all files thick and threatening land up in godowns for detractors to have a fresh perspective and fire a fresh round of salvos armed with a bag of wheat which the authorities willingly want to disperse free of cost - and try to be invisible to elements of probing and pestering nature as that would give no handle to your critics that you are on an overdrive. Indulgences the new members and those who are yet to be shunted out could indulge in are: excessive sleep followed by elaborate meals and all elaborate deliberations at home among family members on ways to lighten the new responsibility. Attendance to All-Cabinet Meets, different from All-party Meets where all rise settle and disappear in one go(places where they disappear for long are yet to be identified), would be nil and so would be the attempt to deflect all calls from Party High Command and those emanating from Nature's Demand.

The rationale to be furnished by these members of the Cabinet would be: In keeping with the sensitivity of the Indian Public and to sanitise with what the public desires and yet failed to express, we as soldiers with more than foreseeable responsibility on our shoulders and with our feet firm to the ground and less in the air given our sensitivity to the exchequer, have decided to refrain from expressing on anything including the deterioration the toilet set up in our accommodation has underwent even before we could do our bit. Let Cabinet meets happen and go and the govt's stability flow here and there, we would be confined to our rooms of the govt accommodation. Discussions amongst the family members would be on the windfall that stares us as the MP Land/local Area Fund has maintained the upbeat posture - hiked from 2 to 5 cr - and how best we could make use of this opportunity. We were better placed as MPs and the decision to placate us as Cabinet Members hasn't placated us by any length as it attempts to stonewall our attempts to make the best use of this opportunity. Funds which can remain unutilised if extra responsibility is thrust on us thereby deflecting our attention from the funds that are meant to raise our status and of those surrounding and disappearing at alternate hours.
Probably this could result in mass exodus from the Cabinet and it could well be faced with the prospects of shrinking by half if not three-fourth. And the way out from this dilemma could be: the head of the govt followed by different spokespersons operating during day and night giving bytes on the impending reshuffle and yet that never taking place. With no threat of Cabinet Rejig, the members who have been spared from being included would see to it that the funds would get the desired outcome and those inside the Cabinet the assurance that post LS polls the new combination minus them would take wings.
As for commoners, they would be drowned with the responsibility of keeping a tab on black money and how it is generated and what are their chances to see it if not feel it. What is black money, how it is generated and how different it is from pink money (those in the pink of health), blue money (fighting the blues of life through blue imprints that brothers concerned at their constant deterioration of health have regularly doled out) and sink money (the notes with which the people rise, surprise, get uncivilised and sink in no time. As they would be required to do a detailed study, they would come across a new buddy when the colour of the money changes as it unleashes huge unaccounted exchanges.
Blessed are those who stay in Udhagamandalam