Friday, July 15, 2011

Mood of the nation: How to read and flee?

THe Capital may be witness to PM speaking on no reshuffle till 2014 polls. But what are the chances of polls actually happening in 2014?
By stating that 2014 is the year when the country has to go to the polls, the PM has elaborately summed up the mood of the nation. THe mood that seemed to be no upbeat given the uncertainty that loomed over the chances of polls happening before 2014. So the countrymen can be assured that they can put their heart and soul to the festivities between now and 2014, even if their level of participation/support leads to a law and disorder problem. What the PM has assured is that the road bumps the sectors like infrastructure face the momentum won't be lost, the opportunity for getting spanked from different institutions won't be frittered away and one can expect the government to go by the expected level of performance which it has expectedly performed till now.
The mood fluctuates from morning to evening. In the morning if a gathering may look despondent the evening could herald good tidings given the frame of activities they are engaged in or attempting to get in or get out. It is just not the stock market or the scheduled arrival or departure of different modes of transport that keeps the public in different frame of mind; the ability to get in and out of one mode of transport to another in one piece can also provide a pulse to the mood of the nation.
The refrain that public transport and the limited hours that one can bide their time in has led to a great deal of resentment given the desire of a large block to stay away from place of work/residence. It is at these two places it takes no time for the mood to fluctuate to a point of no return. So an active redressal is on the anvil as one boards the public transport and vent his/her frustration for long hours on a cell and in between gives his/her compatriots a story to sell. If commute by a public transport provides a clue to the changing and reverberating mood of nation, the chances of the same being captured when one is in a personal transport is fairly less. Because most of the occupants are at the mercy of the machine and the driver whom they have occupied for different range of activities. Here the occupant can't spell out her/his mood or the state of the mood soon after s/he get down from the vehicle. Because the things that go through her/ his mind when he takes a personal transport are the period till which he would be in the clutches of those who drive his life and occasionally drive him out of his office and home. SO, in effect, the state of flux s/he is, doesn't endear many to get a sample of the prevailing mood.
Perhaps it was the Govt and Govt alone which wanted to set to rest the mood swings that residents were caught up with and this one declaration is sure to fire fiery imagination.
Perhaps the declaration from the PM, which is different from the asset declaration to known sources of income generation, was meant to set to rest the apprehension that country may well be looking at polls beyond 2014. Polls beyond 2014 has been the clarion call of those countrymen who have been revelling in the present situation, given the no pace or identfiable snail pace of activities. With decision-making bringing new forms of awakening, the people are desisting to take decisions keeping in mind the interest of their family. For long these countrymen had ceased to take decisions at home, and their family members, extended and on extension included, expect them to do the same in office. With no decisions emerging from emerging centres of power blessed with diminishing returns the scope for reverberations would be less and so would be claims for compensation. Keeping this in mind, the Govt of the day has decided that the momentum in circulation won't be fiddled with and if at all any decision has to be made it should be done post 2014.
And the govt's abiding faith to hold polls by 2014 is also meant to give no lease of life to tabloids which just swim with the hope that more sensational the coverage the more sense the people start getting in of the happening.This sense that the reader starts getting in is more sizeable the journo sense.
So to cut them to size from the present tabloid size they are in, the govt has spoken and the stories they may be attempting on all speculative days,months and years for elections and the perpetual ramifications have been laid to rest. After all, a good number of govt ads go to these tabloids and the speculative stories on perpetual poll fever is their year-long steroid.

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