Monday, July 11, 2011

Cabinet Rejuvenation and those desiring to stay away

As the cabinet reshuffle-cum-rejuvenation event gets over, the assimilation for some and annihilation for others would be an exercise that won't get the desired eyeballs - and fewer would be the eye contact post the half-hearted surgery. After the surgery has been performed by the Doctor residing in Race Course, the attempt would be to have no eye contact whatsoever with anyone till they are holding on to the chair. As the Cabinet stored the possibility of getting reduced by a quarter if not half, this exercise is meant to rejuvenate the very foundation of having at least a Cabinet of one where one entity could handle multiple departments given the multiple efforts he or she made to reach the pinnacle from where the down slide is assured with assured thickness of allegations. Returns would be pathetic given the firefighting mode the crowned-now-and-to-be-displaced-later entity would be engaged in to dismiss all allegations as nothing more than a futile exercise from a club which hasn't had requisite sleep since ages. Sleep is hard to come whether you are holding on to a chair or attempting to hold one or refusing to hold and yet being penalised for not holding.
The brief would be simple: let no decisions be made; let files keep rotting in the godowns - from ministries the next depot for all files thick and threatening land up in godowns for detractors to have a fresh perspective and fire a fresh round of salvos armed with a bag of wheat which the authorities willingly want to disperse free of cost - and try to be invisible to elements of probing and pestering nature as that would give no handle to your critics that you are on an overdrive. Indulgences the new members and those who are yet to be shunted out could indulge in are: excessive sleep followed by elaborate meals and all elaborate deliberations at home among family members on ways to lighten the new responsibility. Attendance to All-Cabinet Meets, different from All-party Meets where all rise settle and disappear in one go(places where they disappear for long are yet to be identified), would be nil and so would be the attempt to deflect all calls from Party High Command and those emanating from Nature's Demand.

The rationale to be furnished by these members of the Cabinet would be: In keeping with the sensitivity of the Indian Public and to sanitise with what the public desires and yet failed to express, we as soldiers with more than foreseeable responsibility on our shoulders and with our feet firm to the ground and less in the air given our sensitivity to the exchequer, have decided to refrain from expressing on anything including the deterioration the toilet set up in our accommodation has underwent even before we could do our bit. Let Cabinet meets happen and go and the govt's stability flow here and there, we would be confined to our rooms of the govt accommodation. Discussions amongst the family members would be on the windfall that stares us as the MP Land/local Area Fund has maintained the upbeat posture - hiked from 2 to 5 cr - and how best we could make use of this opportunity. We were better placed as MPs and the decision to placate us as Cabinet Members hasn't placated us by any length as it attempts to stonewall our attempts to make the best use of this opportunity. Funds which can remain unutilised if extra responsibility is thrust on us thereby deflecting our attention from the funds that are meant to raise our status and of those surrounding and disappearing at alternate hours.
Probably this could result in mass exodus from the Cabinet and it could well be faced with the prospects of shrinking by half if not three-fourth. And the way out from this dilemma could be: the head of the govt followed by different spokespersons operating during day and night giving bytes on the impending reshuffle and yet that never taking place. With no threat of Cabinet Rejig, the members who have been spared from being included would see to it that the funds would get the desired outcome and those inside the Cabinet the assurance that post LS polls the new combination minus them would take wings.
As for commoners, they would be drowned with the responsibility of keeping a tab on black money and how it is generated and what are their chances to see it if not feel it. What is black money, how it is generated and how different it is from pink money (those in the pink of health), blue money (fighting the blues of life through blue imprints that brothers concerned at their constant deterioration of health have regularly doled out) and sink money (the notes with which the people rise, surprise, get uncivilised and sink in no time. As they would be required to do a detailed study, they would come across a new buddy when the colour of the money changes as it unleashes huge unaccounted exchanges.

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