Saturday, July 30, 2011

The night gone by in Relief Road

The night gone by in Relief Road

The night gone by had been no different from the nights i have confronted in the past few years. It wasn't a night that stayed clear of commotion; the hyperactiveness of some to disrupt the peace was inevitable given they had zeroed in on the target and the ruckus they would create. I won't blame the accommodation centre for the laxity in maintaining the vigil but they should have been cautious enough to debar entry of those who wanted to create mayhem.
There was one vehicle posted right in front of the lodge with a Rajasthan number plate and perhaps the root of the trouble lay there. The occupant of the vehicle could be the figure out to foment trouble given the spare time they are saddled with. Post meals and collection of curd as i entered the lodge, quite appropriate to the task they were assigned with the trouble-makers started making foray into a territory they had specialised in and this continued right into the morning. In between the trouble-makers gave themselves a break and returned to the proceedings to renew their pledge.
The thumping of the floor above me and the sounds of convenience that it generated for them showed their hold on the system ; and how conveniently they could get away with their criminal acts. The thumping started right after 8 in the night and continued well past 7 in the morning. Well, what they want to prove is difficult to make a guess but if this sort of irrational behaviour continues untamed then one would lose faith in the people who are supposed to be saviours.
I am supposed to travel to two different towns in the coming days and if i am faced with this form of brutal aggression then God save those who indulge in such acts. Primarily because everything comes back to you in life.
The beasts are on prowl and the immediate agenda is to make others shriek and shiver. Against all such forms of instability(thumping and rocking the floor above you) the consolation has been i have been able to manage at least two to three hours of sleep - and the odds i am faced with should at least console me that sleep would come no matter from where the disturbing trends emerge. As for the assurance from the lodgewallah that such acts of notoriety won't be entertained would be a tall order and the best course would be to be on extra vigil. Who on earth can give this assurance when some in the world are mad to know that the disturbances in places like West African states have yet to travel to India. Though the tales emanating now has its roots in the National Capital but it is branching out at a feverish pace.

Some of the hoarding i came across in the city, touted as Epicentre of the State in progression, were: "I am proud to be voted the best high rise apartment in the city" followed by "I am proud to be voted the best hotel in the city". These hoardings visible on Ellis bridge with a view to increase the visibility aims to catch attention of those who are prospective apartment owners or those who have a sizeable appetite to check in a hotel for a duration that their cash and the carry bag in which they have stored cash can permit. The cash is stupendous and knowing that these hoardings of immeasurable value have been erected so as to enable some to empty their wallet and subsequently get into the line of EMI bracket if they have haven't done so far.
As for commoners like us who wish to remain stranded than get in this EMI firefighting operations, the best course is to view the hoarding and look for a peaceful boarding where few would rattle and fewer would provoke you to engage in long night battle. As the muggy weather continues, the best discourse we hear is on the source of happiness and perhaps it lies within than show a fake grin.

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