Thursday, November 3, 2011

Given the inflationary times we live in

Given the times we live in and the inflation surge that chips in

Some have raised their hands on fighting inflation. Given the times we live in and rhymes we brim with, those in the corridors of power seem reconciled to the fact that a deregulated market for petrol is the best way to reach their target. Perhaps the balance sheet of oil companies they are relying too much on and not relying on the large scale anger that is boiling along. Bonding with the masses should have been the attempt of those in power by sapping by a fair degree their discretionary tower. Discretionary powers need to be done away with and all unnecessary expenditure that needs to be curbed with a government fiat kit.

Inflation is something that would rupture the society by a big margin and if the govt. fails to act there is nothing that could keep it away from public heat and rant . MNERGA is the scheme they are flaunting to pinpoint the disconnect between the measures the govt has taken to rein in inflation and the results that have fallen stray. Actually the mass scale massacre that govt subjects its citizens to has its roots in the sixth pay commission and its successful implementation. This was in the backdrop of highly infectious pay salaries being doled out by the private sector not realising that they are hurting the fabric of the society by giving benefits to a few who believe in splurge blue. UNless those getting carpet bombed by huge pay packets give a rethink to their desire and take, the society would continue to drift towards unrreconciable bridge and rage. What the govt needs to do is to get on a act fast mode and get all outstanding dues. Be it IPL, Hindi Film Industry and its Fear, BCCI or Coal Cake, there is is enough the govt can do to raise its stake.
As for the government functionaries travelling inbound and abroad, they need to rethink on the necessity of a travel that is a drain on exchequer and greeted with a renewed taunt.

As for Page 3 and its roundabouts, the pictures and stories flashed and which some of us face, the urgency to such a positioning should be accompanied with the inflation in the market and the prices of essential products that are beyond our basket. Once the entry to the venues of Page three - where post departure most weep and shriek- is marked with the current numbers on
inflation and the unlikelihood of it pinching them - they would be the grandest people with grandest appetite and grandest bite. Days are not far when bite on aeroplanes would become customary given the times we live in and are in a hurry. About 10 days ago, a man having lost job and yet attempting to fly and flow made queries on board about who all had lost job and were on verge of losing them. Failing to see that none on board had lost the job and this followed by lusty cheers saw him recline to airhostess bite which was followed by a doctor tranquiliser right.

Tranqulisers admission has become a necessity given the free currency that is being floated with a new urgency. Tranqulisers need to be administered and a fresh list is being prepared. THe list would include those who with there fake richness show the temerity to create upheaval and smokescreen awareness. Perhaps the list may swing from one side to another given the new occupants who splurge and resort to airhostess bite and similar business.

Bytes and bites are the richness of the times we live in and more are in the offing given the balanced and yet remaining unbalanced thoughts that sink in. So as the demon of inflation would be hard to fight and all that we would be left with are inherent strengths that are no less than our birthright.

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