Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When George Bush was in Mumbai

Visit to Undisclosed locations by a Disclosed Former US President

As Former Prez George W Bush, son of George H Bush reached Mumbai, with a view to visit scores of undisclosed destinations and what lay undiscovered there, the itinerary took him to one destination which was disclosed to those handed out invites and debarred from the media which had to rely on his previous bytes. From what the gathering assumed from the address of this George was that he preferred to omit pearls of Hollywood as it never truly and completely reflected the true and vibrant strengths of those stuck in American wood. Out of woods was not he had come to harp upon as it was something that would eventually come along. Time was the factor that truly omitted America from showcasing its strengths and given its reducing reliance on oil from the Gulf, stage wasn't that far when the residents of the United and Booming State would afford to have more than their share of veg and non veg puff. Well details haven't emerged on what this George spoke to other Georges who were in the audience and perhaps details would never come out given the 2004 reelection to the office was all that he could recall when he went past revolving chairs to take the podium and some in the audience which had to bear. Coming for two days, beginning from Tuesday and wrapping up on Wednesday, with visit to undisclosed destinations being the high point of his South Asian Sway. THe destinations were undisclosed to the point where this George could not disclose to himself as well the destinations he was supposed to visit given his true nature to visit Afghanistan and its periphery when the nation state bordering Pakistan was truly and completely in rupture and no gear. Well residents of India have still not figured out the destinations in Mumbai he has peaked but one is certain that those destinations covered by this George would have a upsurge of footfalls and a new feat. Coming to his address to a gathering of Georges and Gems in mumbai which is a centre of gravity for subtractions and sums, the invite truly and completely made it clear that that the invitees would have to maintain a fair distance from this George who had secured twice US Poll Won and Wart. Perhaps a literature accompanied the invites which truly reflected the desire of Former Prez that Familiarity Breeds Contempt so let us have a literature on when the audience can turn and bend. For the entire duration of his address, the audience sticked to the literature guidelines on when to bend and move because any irrational act could have led to emptying their missiles and leading to make the other George get the shoe apprise. Arrival to the hall was strictly for those who rarely had a shoe fall and once the address was over the George was the first to empty the hall with those in the audience having their face to the wall. Well his departure led to wail and long vehicle trail but everything went smoothly given his arrival and departure was strictly to schedule and without any fail. When the former Prez was apprised that he was supposed to visit a slew of undisclosed locations in Mumbai, he made a query about the minutes he would spend and the minutes turning to hour that traffic would be no fun. Having finished the destinations' visit, the final query from this George (in keeping with the undisclosed destinations vow) was to the US Seals - amendments have already been made that those demitting office with a vow to not occupy them again would be protected by Seals- that could he afford to visit unvisited quarters of Afghanistan thereby surprising Karzai Host and his Khandan. Perhaps the US securitymen were baffled by this request given their belief that once this George DEmits Office his appetite for Iraq and Afghanistan would suffice. But not having reached that stage, those bound and pilloried to secure him were looking for a ring of security to not get blown by life blaze. Still, the men meant to secure the former US Prez were confident that post India visit, his temerity to surprise and arrive would ebb as he had visited a nation state which is a churning hub. A Churning that meant polls on schedule in states where legislators had gone past pinnacle stage/wage. A churning that sees a fuming rage between civil and political reps. A churning that could transcend boundaries if political class does not read the ground beneath the sky that could slip from gripping try. A churning that could spell doom for those who bask under the weight of fame and cash dune. So as All- Friendly George Departed from Mumbai, the nation State was back to Yatra and Yeddy's Convoy. The turnout to some would have been to a scale thereby illustrating that civil reps can't tar with the same brush the entire political class in a hush hush way. So Geoge was no less than a Yatri who had some papers demoting him to a footnote given his inability to furnish out centre article sword. Perhaps the book written by him may not dispell the hysteria that encircled him and in a tacit understanding with his followers he need to pen thoughts on centre page which would invite no rage.

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