Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What is a footnote and how different it is from those holding court

What is a footnote and how different it is from those holding court

From what has been appearing in newspapers and the longish footnotes that have not been disappearing, there is a sense that footnotes may ultimately take the cakewalk and leave the penned thoughts in the centre in a dock and the readers who aspire to read and memorise them in a state of shock.
From footnotes like the author is an expanding journo expected to expand beyond your and mine known proportion to the author is a likely beneficiary of a movie/literary fest, the footnotes are meant to flaunt the weight of the writer howsoever less weighty may be the centre sword.
THese footnotes are also meant to convey the monthly remunerations they are entitled to given the periodicity of pieces and the monthly urgency - some take it to weekly format- that is brought on them. Still, most of the weekly /monthly appearances of thoughts are not misplaced as it aims to define the undercurrents of a society being cut into two halves. Have and have nots gulf highlight is the aspirational attempt of writers right from the nation state to right down to individuals.

From this footnote comes the urgency to look at those holding court in different parts of the country; with visible and not that visible booty. THese are battlefield friendly courts that are being organised with each attempting to undercut others writ.

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