Monday, December 19, 2011

The lokpal drill and the campaign looking shrill

The lokpal drill and the campaign looking shrill

Opportune has been the time to get prepared with lokpal drill lest the new year bashes won't have the required thrill. Howsoever hard one may try to gauge the import of this lokpal drafting, redrafting, exacerbating followed by ameliorating, ameliorated looks to be the status/profile of those who have given standing instructions to go beyond standing committee recommendations. Equally ameliorated look to be the politicos who time and again waggle their tongue given the leverage that is given by their tv chums.

POliticos digging their feet not realising the slide the political class is under seige. It is not high time but beginning of the seasonal shine when civil reps look to broaden their base given the tv commitments they have as their ace. Rally across cities and towns they went for, hoping to build the momentum they welled for. It was in the month of April followed by month of August that campaign managers of civil reps decided National Capital beginning with the letter D would play host to an agitation of no aspirational hesitation. It was not for political office or jockeying for power that caught them in the agitational whirr; it was showcased to get the desired lokpal in the ambit of administrative tier.

Agitations in April and August saw them witness a record turnout thereby leading them to thrust this agenda that a law on this lokpal would be a civil reps inclusive funda. Not scaling down a bit on their range of demands was their momentum turnaround, equally strong was their logic that a fair number were turning with able bodied pound. Calls and convulsions were set in motion when they begin to encircle those attending House session. August was not the month when House was disrupted to a scale seen in November/DEcember. A SEnse of the House was all it took for civil reps to retreat coming with a looming threat that come Winter Session if the all-pervasive all-aggressive LOkpal does not take the form of a law, there would be in abundance the protests and some at their fast best.

In between August and DEcember, hardly a day has passed when someone from either side hasn't had a microphone blast. Umpteen are the sympathisers of civil reps and umpteen are their spokespersons; equally umpteen occasions they flirt with loose talks/threats and voluble fest. Threats range from bringing down the government to placing themselves a notch above Parliament. Caution is the least they exercise when they open their mouth; quite swayed by the fact that a turnout they have seen in some centres of the country would be instrumental in getting the numbers for jail bharo entry. A lokpal-less life is the least they can reckon with and against this background uprising is what they can't fathom a bit. Irreconciable may look the differences between the establishment and Civil Reps firmament and herein the catch may lie for the two to get a pedestal to fly. Never in the history of post independent INdia has seen the civil reps and the government at loggerheads and street protests descending to uprising should be something on which no bets should be hedged.
Against this climate of cynicism, most have carried on with their life; and they seem untouched with lokpal rhythm-turning-to-a-prize. It is looking increasingly agitative to keep thoughts alone on Lokpal as there are some whom we need to prod and push like the character popularly known as ammoniumpal.
Ammoniumpal as a character hasn't made his presence felt; lights would be thrown on ammoniumpal only and only if the heat has diluted on a loner-turned-blower lokpal.

Wall or no wall the best antidote to graft is to get your work done with a labour and by any short-circuiting you are setting a wrong precedent which few would find it necessary to waiver. Short cut to freedom does not entail you bypass the process; the best route is to stick and follow the rules to a degree.

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