Friday, June 29, 2012

As i left the National Capital

As i left the national capital  for Dharmshala

AS i left the national capital with very few people in the departure terminal, the ride was aboard  Himachal Road Transport Corporation bus ( HP 2696). The bus  showed its willingness to leave the ISBT Kashmere Gate Terminal at 7.45 in the evening . With seat number 9 under my grip, the visible and not that visible commuters gave me the confidence that ride lasting 12-odd hours would be completed with fewer sighting of sizeable cars. The bus went past gandhi vihar and burari and the halt at traffic intersection with Burari on right and Azadpur on left was consuming enough to throw you in a state of consternation. The bus was on National Highway 1 and all that this N.H. was subjected to was overtaking by cars of smaller denomination from the left with fewer ever willing to blow horn and go past other vehicles from right. THough other denomination vehicles were too playing truant but it were the mini cars with occupants not accustomed to spend sizeable hours that saw the maximum set out for left overtake stake. 

THe one seated on window seat 7 was belly-strong to catch sleep here and there. Two teens yet to get familiar with teen tribulations were ahead of me and they decided to speak and soak the experience only after the commute was two hours old. At Panipat the bus was on an elevated stretch with Dainik Bhaskar Panipat the signboard i could sight different from the sighting of cool drinks in Sewapur in Karnal which was accessed at ten fifty-five. Here lassi and soda lemon was tried and one should not be open to the idea of an unlimited version.  

Ambala station  came at 12 20 am with a familiar sight of  people squatting on the approach road. Just before Chandigarh the check post beginning with letter J (the name is hard to collect) we were witness to a vegetable mini truck driver handing something to a traffic personnel. It was hard to make out the exchange but it could have been the old way for a smooth passage past check post.  Chandigarh was accessed at 1.10. and here the The Tribune with IIT entrance declaration that had a powerful gaze. At Chandigarh bus stand, some could be seen in a state of discomfort as they vomitted following their exposure to searing heat.  Hazards of travelling in the searing heat most of us are familiar with and at Chandigarh bus stand i was disposed to the idea of a vanilla treat.

Anandpur Sahib came at 2.40 in the morning. It was in the vicinity of Aanandpur Sahib the bus went past railway track on two different occasions. Twenty minutes later the first sign of Dharamshala and its very famed existence was brought on board when a hoarding  showed 179 kms away the reigning fort. Ten minutes later another signboard showed 147 kms away making it more difficult on how far the destination.lay. Nangal was accessed at 3.30.  As Nangal municipality limit ended there was a toll barrier where a private car occupant ahead of us had to indulge in a transaction with no receipt whatsoever. Here some need to set the house in order as this would make more privatewallahs repeat the same folly and hand out the fodder .

As the bus left Nangal , Dharmshala was shown 136 kms. Una comes at 3.40  and next to the bus stand there was a posse of women personnel.stationed early morning. More women personnel need to be stationed at toll barriers like the one after Nangal for sanity to prevail.  Soon after Una the sight of dishevelled road comes to the fore. The bus goes past AMB Andora station at 4 25 and few minutes later the ascent begins. Chintpurni comes at 5.  

On the way to the final destination the  stoppages are at jwalamukhi, kangra and  a slew of other places.  The belly-strong guy and another one who was with him got down at Jwalamukhi and their department antecedents showed their polite conduct and not crossing the fence. They were replaced by other set of passengers; majority comprising of those going to school.

The HRTC bus ride was not that discomforting and only when winding roads come before and after Kangra one has to be careful to keep from all stomach trouble. The boy sitting at the rear end vomitted, perhaps to do with the food intake he had just before boarding the bus. When the bus reached Dharmshala the sight of those with chai ka pyala was not plentiful as most had to adhere to other morning rule. The peaks and those with booming cheeks shows the rich fabric the town is woven with ever ready to shut out those who come with terror toes.

Why petro price was cut? Can we ever hope to see a raise that could come in phase?

Why petro price was cut? Can we ever hope to see a raise that could come in phase?

Before we delve into the merits of a petro price cut carried in quick succession, the petro price correction is all about the global economes and their sustained sensation. Economies defined as globally prudent to globally shake the pricing of  perishable oil knew very well their growth story defined the oil's oscillating query. From a demand that raged to put prices beyond 140 $ a barrel to coming below 100 and falling the globally declared economies are globally destined to be less voluble and visible. THat sums up the falling demand for oil and falling influence of global economies which for a major part were on a pedestal of boil. As global oil demand-cum-price shrunk, the oil companies were tied to an oscillating mood to shrink the prices at home given the barrage/hammering the rupee had undertaken which was more than the dollar relief that a barrel was believed to be woven. First the petro price shocker came after much persuasion by the govt of the day that hard decisions need to be taken. Once the shocker became effective from midnight resulting in a slew of protests that spread during daylight, the govt let the renewed price sink in before they swung back to bring in. THe bring-back momentum not entirely brought back to pre raise level. This price cut was followed by some degree of tax adjustment and followed by another cut in petro price sentiment.

THe second price cut, in some areas this has taken the form of a third cut, is highly inappropriate and coming at an inappropriate time when overstaying was not a crime. When hike as steep as 7 rs and beyond was announced most of those who reported for work were not to be found. Once the midnight correction of seven and beyond set in, the men, women and those willing to be men and women reported for work late in the evening or if ever they reported in morning they overstayed the night to restart their work without visiting home and bite. Mandatory was overstay in office where they completed all form of chase. This tribe began to develop in a proportion disproportionate to the growth the economy could sense and alarming figures began to be reported from factory to those keeping on rolls fanatics.Chase that they had been deprived of over the years given their least familiarity with overstaying gears. As for others who were junior enough to be summoned by seniors who all along coughed, this was an occasion to tell their bosses that they stayed overnight in office to oversee the work and no force on earth could dismiss them as forces that shirk.  

The protest earlier was on how deep we were supposed to dig into our pockets to undertake the daily ritual of buckets. Now possibly the govt of the day may have to be open to the idea of protests fanning out across streets by those who believed in the power of overstaying. Overstaying was just not by staff at work; friends-cum-fanatics overstaying and all energy centric parlours witnessing the shrewdest form of a prolonged stay. Those willing to reinvigorate themselves handed out the plea that since fuel bills are too steep to stare the visits to energy centres may be less frequent but with a duration that could lull their body sensation. Overstaying and overworked were the twin benefits of a fuel hike and all those who took this to a logical course would fan out on streets to the fore.

The govt of the day and possibly looking at the option of working during night should be prepared to a protest demanding the fuel hike be restored as this legitimised the power to overstay and renew the mandate to play. The restoration close to pre hike level does discourage potential overstayers to overexpose and all this multiplying to protests that would keep the govt on toes. Some who have been denied the power of maturity through overstaying surety have spun the story that with these successive roll back there is a possibility that govt may be looking at bringing the petro prices to pre independence level when few realised the potential to travel. So streets would be decked with banners like "overstaying is our birthright, overworked body is a must if one wants to nip to the ground the bodily thrust", don't deny the right we were not aware, bring the fuel hike that a torn fabric can bear".  
you are being followed by a white paper kin who spreads terror in a private colony by residing in a home that belongs to army man. white paper kin is a law unto herself, residing in a private colony and creating terror is all story about pelf. tresspassing and following are the brief this kin believes in, equally strong is the belief that the money power and paper power would get the kin and others the requisite shower. 

paper provocateurs have long tried to nail a commoner, the paper power gives them the power to return benefits to those who favour. be it tenant, courier wallah, delivery boys or colony security all work at kin's behest as paper power gives them the leverage to nip a commoner to a long rest. the house from where the kin operates gives her the power to terrorise the commoner and makes it compulsory for the journo to leave the national capital monthly. this paper kin is a law unto herself and the paper power gives her the leverage to    undertake acts of savage.  
Some of the messages i came across

you are in cantt area, drive slow and retain the glow

this is your beautiful cantt, keep it clean and green and if possible retain smile beam

this is restricted area, tresspassers would be prosecuted, non tresspassers are awaited

blind curve ahead blow horn
pop the corn and identify those who wish to be con

thanks, visit again and next time round come with crane 

Monday, June 25, 2012

When i went to see Gangs of Wasseypur

When i went to see Gangs of Wasseypur

When i went to see Gangs of Wasseypur different from Gangs of Gharialpur there were different people waiting under the pull. THe visit to the theatre thrown open to people with rotating bums was accomplished with a Turkman Gate Turnaround i had captured and soon after this i stepped into a theatre with Dolby Sound. Once ticket was procured with fewer people in the vicinity i presumed the theatre would be showing the gangs and the goons with no signs of adversity. AS i write about this theatre visit it becomes prudent to revisit the entire day when i was home away. The morning had turned to afternoon and i was clueless on which theatre to visit and the fare on which i could preserve. THe one with plain outfits were roaming freely to free themselves from bonds that tied them and i could least take interest in their wallet sum. As i boarded the DTC bus that denoted the different mindset the bus had to eventually turn left to drop me at a place of metro heft.

Once inside the metro coach which i boarded after skipping all those who had decided to be turncoat, the ride took me to a place near university which has universal acclaim to certainty. Here meals coming for 35rs was tried with no success on getting the soda drink that gets me fired.  After few minutes of wait and wiping the forehead sweat i preferred to have soda drink at a place where residents wink. THe  metro was tried again and i reached a place near Kashmere Gate. Here the soda from Royal blue shop was consumed with enough dose of concentration and post consumption i headed for a rickshaw that could take me to a single screen theatre that was still in fashion. As the gates were locked for ticket counter to be accessed i decided  to pay for lasssi cess. The thick lassi with thick froth fuelled the debate on the necessity of having the same when despite the searing heat you could have skipped and still retained the fame. It led to a consternation down the belly and belging that helped to bring down the acidicity tally. The waiting period was Interspersed with visits to a bank and a bookseller. To make a call i went to a bookseller who hailed from Kolkata and his better frame of mind showed the enterprising nature of his original adda.  

When the ticket was finally procured for a sum of 100rs, it was time to figure out those who had come to see the movie and the spreading grease. Most happenned to be reconciled to the idea that there are fewer single screen theatres in the national capital and their earnings endear them to enter such halls where one with ease blurt. WE had to ascend the stairs to reach the floor where the entry to the hall was marked. Here in semi circle surroundings some sofas were placed whose occupiers were in more than semi conscious state.  Some were munching popcorn and some were sitting in a posture as if in a lawn. Probably Amber was the restaurant which invited dignified entities to dilligently empty their wallet for samosas, cake and sandwich, all coming between 10 and 30rs. As the bell was rung, all stood in queue suggesting the movie flavour was enough to act as a glue. INside the hall the movie probably had 16 to 18 reels and enough profanities thrown in to get the requisite wheels. THe fare was good and goads one to see at least once as it demysitifies the aura of invincibility by lapping the teri keh ke loonga (will tell you to tear you) credibility. THe 16 to 18 reels wonder spoke loud about goons and their thunder; the torential bodily relief that some secure every calendar. In the second half the ac had refused to shine, probably to do with power outage, and some behind us found it convenient to put their legs on chairs that had no occupants to share. THe chairs and the theatre have been built and preserved with effort, why make an attempt to denude them.

As i came out i was reminded of the hope i shared with someone that rains would lash the area and  roundabouts. Though the rains never came that evening i am still hoping shower would come. Once it comes in a quantum it would illustrate the wishes we have for the nation state in a sizeable sum.  Failing rains shake our faith and showcase the paperpowers acting as goonshowers that enter other private colony gate. Rains won't fail is our hope and a structure being pulled down to raise a new one should be done hurting none. Rains would come is the bet we like to place and this is the renewed 24x7 craze.   
Sunday was a day when i was told that it is all figment of imagination and herein the asignment taken would give me some concentration.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Speaking to yourself on issues that gel

Speaking to yourself

As we get tied to day to day activities, we occasionally get a chance to speak to ourselves and those with rotating bells. Speaking to oneself can for a moment  widen the gulf with those whom you share the world but at least it gives you the confidence to not err. Speak and splurge never happens if you remain speechless to others and fearless to yourself. Once you have spoken and created the requisite sensation in the room you occupy you have the confidence the feedback would come to you and thereby give you the clue.

Speak to yourself and remain speechless to others may not be the mantra majority would like to apply. This application becomes a must where the place you reside on occasions you have to pay a cess. Cess where a host of courierwallahs end up visiting your home with posts that are normal in expression of affection and coming in normal post in the past and now taking the shape of a courier blast. IN between one in the afternoon and five in the evening when you are in no mood of sewing and weeping these so-called courierwallahs step in and sometimes in a space of one hour four to five can barge in. Normal post turning to courierghost shows the climate is conducive for them to make you understand the eccentricity of playing a  host. If not courierwallah there are other entities like vendors and shop boys waiting in the wings in the afternoon to visit homes to show they are no less kings.  

AS you stage a protest in the four walls of the room on all those deliberating visiting in the afternoon June, speaking to yourself becomes mandatory as it showcases the city with sizeable afternoon awakening inventory. Speak at random and speak no less than a phantom, speaking to oneself is a necessity in a world riven by cell servility. Benefits are:

You would be speaking to yourself and not to those built on pelf.
You would be speaking on issues desired by you and not by those who don't have a clue.
You would speak for the nation at large and in an environment where you have put on clothes starch.
You would not be open to the possibility of being criticised by others; you can even skip the possibility of being hailed by new funded brothers.
When you speak the walls listen and when you are silent the walls start losing patience. Snooping may not be the order of the day but there are no dearth of those who are willing to join the fray.
Speak about those whom you care and speak about roses whom you may have to bear.
Speak with clarity and authenticity and speak about those with round the clock sensitivity
Speak,  weep or speak-cum-weep are order of the day; the differentiator being this routine has to be followed by even those who don't  have a feet of clay.

Speak for a moment for a nation not seeing rains; hope the country has enough shine and shower to gain

Venturing out to figure out

Venturing out to figure out

On a Sunday when half of those residing in the country don't show the willingness to work i ventured out to upgrade my writing skills commensurate with efforts made at home on  english learning and leveraging thrills.   The  learning that necessarily did not come about through papers that were splashed with the nomination approved by a majority for Raisina hills with no one yet to be nominated to take control of the depleting city water reserves. Raisina hills has enough ground water with no tankers ever seen parked at its doors, the sight that other parts of city and country face now and then.

As i stepped out with no clarity on the direction i was supposed to take, i took refuge in a bus shelter where the other occupant sought directions to AIIMS Centre. Having given the directions i was still in a stage of directionless and boarded the DTC bus that normally ply on pliably operative ring road. THe next course was to board the metro and boast of the longevity that i had secured despite facing odds of  some being goaded to gore. THe next halt happened to be Royal Blue Soda Shop where two glasses of lemon and one glass of orange at least stripped me of oscillation session and i eager enough to upgrade my writing sensation.  Amidst rickshawallahs, some bearing "waiting for a naughty ride, get in" t-shirts, i headed to metro to take my next ride. Hudson Line was the logical course and here in a neat and tidy environs i began to write. 
THe basement advantage coupled with enough lighting showed i too could shed light on when we are to get the  rains. Reports are deficit enough to dissect the rain deficit in the country and most seem to remain glued to Prez and who all would make the pantry. THe urgency to seek a nomination for the post of Prez one can understand but in the trickle-turning-to-flood reportage some have lost the urgency to urgently collate reports on what is delaying monsoon and areas that witnessed rains and those which had no gains. 

Monsoon beat and that too wholesome would be therapeutic and earlier it comes more would be stepping out with their gems. THough it has hit the Kerala coast and some other areas on roast the shower has been deficit enough to dwindle hopes of those in the farm and other related sectors. Tirumala in the previous week had rains on two consecutive days and prior to that cities like shimla, kanpur were lucky enough  to liberate themselves from dry heat. The liberation from heat, sultry in some quarters and savagely annihilative in others, is sure to come and hope the descent from the top is tantalisingly close to some engaging in long sessions of sob to express the gratitude for heavens to open up and weathermen to show up. 

Hope rains come and conquer and those holding on to their fief by acts known to mankind as cheap fail to roar. Provocateurs may have a field day by sending courierwallah at odd hours to a man who does not have a feet of clay. Paper provocateurs may believe that what b to w boat for over 7 years could do they can do better than that, not realising the folly of getting in a trap. They may chase you abuse you in different parts of the country you are in, even sending the domestic don of b to w to roam and get in the intruding form. Domestic don belonging to B to W worm has over the years been instrumental in intruding, abusing and threatening. None of such acts have been assuring enough to be annihilating.  Annihilation we don't see of anyone but emancipation we see of ours and our cherished gems. 
THe day the story on Ajmer would be complete
Glued to TV sets beyond nine  
Some messages i came across

learn english with an attitude; english matters. English is a must for those who have a will to doze; english is not at all required who have already been fired.

In the precincts of a public transport, messages were:
keep aware of doors; please don't leave with the doors; please find the gap; offer this seat to those who fed you more than you fed them

Finally on a hoarding:
life is sweet if trees are around, life is bitter if traffic doesn't make a sound. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The search for cyber cafe

THe search for cyber cafe

AS i begin to write this after taking orange soda from Royal Blue Soda Shop, the search for a cafe in one part of the national capital saw me come across people accessing nets where the surroundings were dark and gloomy to places where chairs occupied by those showing interest in net were less than those who wished to occupy them. Having failed to occupy the chair in the nick of time, the cyber operator was blunt enough to admit that seats would be vacated after an hour. IN some other places the directions to cyberwallahs were fine except for the failure to make a distinction that such premises had net connection more true for conducting classes and taking printouts than for writing malfunctioning in a society swayed by cutouts. Finally the search for cyber and cyberbarber ended adjacent to Royal Blue Soda Shop. Here the surroundings are neat and tidy with enough lighting and the man seated on the left side is struggling to learn the formalities of formalising his ties with indian railways with an attempt to secure a tatkal ticket. THe occasional bloomer the net shows does not bother him as one can make out his seating arrangement is meant to secure a seat in the train and also spread the gaze on issues the netporter is trying to rain.  The one on the right side has left and replaced by one who tries to rehearse what i have written and by whom all i have been smitten.

THe search for a cyber cafe this morning which eventually turned to late afternoon has in effect defeated my purpose of writing on Ajmer and the visits made in the past. Had i not taken the veg patty from hot'n'chillz i would have accepted the challenge of writing on previous journey blasts.The patty probably the last one of the previous lot has led to a stage of discomfort and here pattywallah should be careful in handling preparations that makes one to strongly seek a fast.

The weather is hot and huge and there are no dearth of people taking soda refuge. One glass comes for five and a big pouring comes for 10 and there is no scarcity of soda-taking tribe. It is a must in a season where we are amidst water woes and trying to water that comes slow.The watery waterfall the city has not been witness to for decades is more to do with water being unashamedly pumped from ground below with no one coming forward to give a clue. Water woes the city is sure to live with as water is not coming in full force. Destined are those to have a life of a rose who use water judiciously and those who waste can legitimately face the summer fury.

Summers as usual are harsh and not short of histrionics and one hopes rains come in plenty. How sooner they would come is difficult to guess. But once it starts coming smiles and hope would burst. WE need rains and the rhetoric that accompany them and any other rhetoric at this point would by no means be seen as a gem.      

Monday, June 11, 2012

THe visits to Ajmer since 1986
The ride from Jaipur to Delhi that got enough grapes in belly

THe savlon bottle and those travelling amidst A/C babble

THe savlon bottle and those travelling amidst A/C babble

On a Sunday i was out in the middle of afternoon to fetch a big bottle of Savlon. The shops i cared to visit were by all means open and not timid. The one manning the shop showed the size and i moved to the next one which had none whatsoever and this was quite a surprise.I moved to the third one and here the size and its durability was acceptable to me and i paid 165 rs with no reluctance of any degree. Later i moved to the other side of the road and took a shaving cream from a nagpal centre which was airconditioned and this realisation dawned as one entered. I, for one, thought that the A/C shower was not at all required and perhaps the owner wanted to access the cool surroundings for himself and for those disposed to the idea of taking medicines from his shelf.

Later i moved on to hit the long loitering road where vehicles of all hues were loitering and liberating. Liberation of those seated inside the personal vehicles suggested that a/c was on and still that had not put the occupants to real form. Sombre was their appearance and most of them looked worried even amidst their parents. THose travelling alone looked like they had assiduously combed their hair and had nothing to fear. A long look would suggest some among them were wary of fuel bills and yet could not do away with such ride thrills. I reached home after sighting a signboard "construction work in progress, tigress paying cess".

Few days before salvaging my pride through savlon guide i had the option of visiting a publishing house where one having taken the museum power had agreed to exit from museum and report-cum- reverberate ad nauseum. Seeing his better frame of health and mind i enquired whether he had been museum power kind. He was evasive and flew in a rage and dismissed me as a loitering sage. THe conversation was short and by no means sweet and i regretted visiting him in the summer heat. This i followed by a visit to a cyber cafe and post writing had water melon at a price throwaway.

The stay in the national capital has been amidst visits to soda shops; one being royal blue soda sales The stay has brought to the fore the rhetoric on resident of raisina hills and if luck is on the side the most deserving would arrive. This has meant the core groups of political-and-not-going-on-a sabbatical parties to meet and renew their feat. The core groups try to cure the maladies afflicting them and renew their pledge to democratic credentials in a sizeable sum. 

THe stay in Ajmer

The stay in Ajmer

Having reached Ajmer late in the evening the two-day stay could have been elaborate had their been success in getting the requisite accommodation. Having deposited the luggage in the cloak room, i had few minutes at my disposal for gates to close at Dargah. The collection inside Khwaja's resting place was not that huge and given the improvisation the dargah authorities had made the entry and exit had been made possible from two different gates. Perhaps this is the shape of things to come as build up of crowd and its dispersal has been constantly nagging those who wish to make collection leaner inside the sanctum sanctorum at any given point.  Out with not much pushing and shoving i headed towards a phone booth to make a call to National Capital. The search was a bit tiring given the booths which operated earlier had their shutters down and some being replaced by other stores of necessities. The two calls made from a booth where one was expecting a fax on a train ticket the charge looked a bit steep. "Dilli Door Hai" was the parting shot to the booth owner who was courteous enough to let me make calls when he had some other urgent matters to attend to. Out of the dargah precincts i headed towards Pandit restaurant to try meals.

The return post meals led me to search for an accommodation and with not much effort i settled for Hyderabad House. Up on the third floor i agreed for a room that came with an attached bath. Later i collected the luggage from cloak room (charges Rs 10 against rs 7 in 2009 and earlier). Once i settled with the luggage,  i ventured out again to Faizan Soda Water to get the requisite fluid intake. With three big glasses the intake looked sufficient enough to sufficiently suggest that night could be dissolved in a state of sleep authenticity with no desire for water whatsoever. Once inside the room, its not so visible airy character made minutes turning to hours quite laborious and perhaps early morning sleep looked to be comforting enough to not toss around for at least four hours. 

A full day at my disposal the second day began with a visit to Ajmer Railway Station. Each counter had a queue of a scale it desired and the information counter manned by one Singh saw him disposing the queries without bothering to look at the terminal. With no option i had to stand in the queue and all i was left with no answers on trains departing late in the night/early morning and seat availability. At least the railways would be advised/requested to see that inquiry counters are manned by personnel  who at least show a degree of accessibility in responding to queries that can come handy for passengers. With no luck on hand i headed to Dargah and came out amidst a crowd that was manageable. THe tea counter in proximity of Hyderabad House has been a treat for those disposed to the idea of a strong brew prior to visiting the dargah and another round post Dargah visit. Four glasses under 20 minutes raised the spectacle of how unsettling the morning visit to station was and this round of brew had set the unsettled equations to rest.

By close to 11 i was alive to a new set of proceedings as the shower was managed against a water-release  more than a drop a sec and the pressure by no means livid enough to get the needed quantum. THe water pressure may be to a desired scale on floors below and here one needs to bear this before opting for the uppermost tier.   The visit this time to Khwaja's abode was against a sentiment of a chadar to be offered and a prayer to be essayed and said. Again to not miss the point the entry and exit gates have been conducive enough to constantly prod the Khwaja enlightened followers to make it a point to get inside and not get thwarted by unstable build up of crowd. As exit gate is different, the arithmetic of crowd management inside has been settled to a point. Having made rounds of the sanctum sanctorum as i was about to leave this coincided with namaz being offered. Henceforth we were advised by Khadims to stay put for a while and once the namaz was over we could leave.

Outside and amidst a crowd that was building by the hour on the second day on two different occasions i took refuge in Faizan Soda water and ganne ka ras. I apologised to the man whom i  promised i would take the bus ticket and headed to the station. I took the ticket for Jaipur from counter no 10 on ground floor and here again some of the queries that other passengers were putting had been summarily dismissed. One can understand that railway employees work under stress. THere is a need to motivate those who man the information counter or current reservation counters.

It was a visit where interaction with people from different layers of life in Ajmer was abundant and equally abundant were the wishes we gave to each other. Khwaja's fabric encompasses one and all and here the most imaginative to the most therapeutic mingle amidst comfort surroundings and take a vow to be at peace and raise a new bonding.         

Who is a consensus candidate

Who is a consensus candidate

Consensus candidate is one who is conscious enough to consider himself consensus. Being consensus he can't afford to free himself from worldly worries of consternation and constipation. Consensus tag consistently demands that he remain conscious of the exercise that are meant for public consumption and those meant for private justification. Having been consensually evolved he has to resolve that as a consensus he can neither construe nor hope to get a clue. Being consensus primarily ordains him to keep straight and let others decide his fate.

Consensus posting constantly prods him to converse with like-minded consensually evolved entities who have yet to evaporate habits gained in '70s.With habits that look ineffectual in a world that looks perpetual the evolution of a man through interaction with consensus band makes him control fewer fans and more among those who have had no temerity to try prams.

The constant 24X7 clamour for consensus has for the time being taken the sheen from census which to an ordinary folk is all about consensus findings the govt reached. The leak of various govt. department's woes and weep is all credited to a failure to build consensus among stake holders that no matter how high or low we may touch nothing would pass from this corridor for probing agencies to search. Consensus on toilet stink in govt fief could have been avoided had pay and use board been sighted. THe enormity of a debate on a toilet upgradation phase showed the number of people who had not visited loo and had no pay and use toilet clue. 

Consensus is the need of the hour and right of everyone taking a shower. If there is consensus among those staying under one roof on who all would have the right to loo and shower in the first hour the consensus arithemetic would look plausibly energetic. Similarly a consensus evolved among those waiting at a bus stop on who all would have the right to board and those not joining the load would see consensus reach a logical sense.
Those who could convince others to be consensus come with the cold consolation that once having occupied the chair of convenience the consensus tag s/he would be deprived and here polity posturing would by and large thrive. Consensus would be on paper and in action it would be appropriately put in a wrapper.
All said and done consensus would neither free him of constipation nor free him from his near and never met relations. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

The ride from Delhi to Ajmer

The ride from Delhi to Ajmer

With no success in getting the train reservation i desired, the next day started with a halt at Dhaula Kuan. From Dhaula Kuan i took the bus heading towards Ajmer with a rider that the ticket i would procure would be true till Jaipur and thereafter i would hop on to another mode of transport. Right in the month of June and fewer respite from the scorching heat, the entire Delhi-Jaipur commute was completed against less than noticeable heat and on occasions the cloud formation suggestive of a cool breeze. Seated on a seat (Rajasthan STate TRansport Corporation bus) from where the front view could be handy i was by no means sedated by those seated nearby and equally confident that none whatsoever would come for whom  to gain access i need to give a repeated try.

The conductor apprised me of 15 rs saving if i had taken the direct ticket for Ajmer. The man seated next to me was immersed in thoughts as deep as his body immersion in a host of packets he was carrying and which he wanted to give to near ones as an act no less than sensation.. The bus showed the momentum to move at 11.05 am and once it started it showed the momentum to stop near IFFCO chowk precariously close to a English wine and beer shop. Surprise of surprises none got down to take the English wine crown but once the driver showed his willingness to relieve there were plenty of others in the bus waiting to discharge similar sessions of weep. One after another got down and having returned thanked the driver for showing them the direction to the bushes where they would rarely waver. As the bus began to move again there were hordes of toll (tall) plaza; some occupied with the thoughts on how serpentine was the queue and some trying to figure out the vehicle crowd momentum that could not be true. Sightings were ample of "great india", greet india" on back of trucks and this showed the enormity of distances covered by them and a sentiment that they shared with other gems.

Just before Bawal Chowk i came across "tirupti ka khana bana de dewana" etched on a wall. AS we reached Chandra Mahal hotel (Chow Bara at 1pm), the lassi for rs 15 was great and equally great was moong ka dal. THis area has been  famous for lassi and alwar ka mushoor kalakund. Here the stoppage was for half an hour and within that period those travelling in the bus and those willing to travel tried to get back in groove by getting the dose of soft drinks their body could permit and speak on a cell on a topic their mind could configurate and cement.

When the bus began to move again, as is fashionably known and registered, tirupti midway hotel and restaurant was sighted when Jaipur was still 115 kms away.THough the bus did not stop nor the passengers but most cared to look at the structure with some suggesting the letters that make tirupti has to be tirupati. THe bus reached Kotputli at 2.30 pm. Here underneath the flyover among other vehicles parked were bombay chowpatti cart.

Reached Paota at 3 and Jaipur at 5. After the man who was immersed amidst packets caravan got down, there were two gentlemen who took chance to take a seat next to me. One was an aged gentleman and the other happened to be a young product clear in his outlook when he suggested the shave i had left hairpieces intact. Not to be shaken by his observation i realised those going for a clean shave can't do it in a hurry and have to wait.        
When Jaipur was accessed the bus went amidst sighting of malls and shopping complexes. It took a while before the Rajasthan Roadways bus reached the bus depot and before the Jaipur halt half of the passengers got midway and the other half got down at Jaipur depot which has its own shine and ray. At bus depot the conductor again suggested i continue my journey to Ajmer, i hailed him and the driver for maintaining dignity and driving with a sense of security. Both were courtesy personified.

FRom here i took an auto for Sodala  ( name i had lost trace of, thanks to google jaipur city map i was able to recollect). In Sodala there were no private vehicles on a sharing basis and i took a bus to reach 200 feet by pass. Here i took a tavera which had six other occupants. More vehicles were planning to go in that direction but i took this one. The driver was quite cooperative to drop me near the Ajmer Railway Station.  From there i went to a cloak room adjacent to Dargah.

It was a day when the ride on  Rajasthan Roadways bus was not unsettling and in under six hours i reached Jaipur. THe Ajmer ride could have been tried in the same mode had i started from the National Capital early.  

THe Ajmer stay was for two days. During this period i lost no opportunity to visit Khwaja's abode and hope the nation's sentiments float. A visit more than once to Khwaja'a place is a must when in Ajmer where you have nothing to fear and millions who are dear. Khwaja would call us and all one has to do is to take the Rajasthan Roadways bus and others who would be part of the crew. JUne or July should not be seen as months when heat would defeat your try.
AS i write this the people come to the counter to take seats for trains going to Howrah. Howrah where our friends stay and some of whom migrated to Delhi bay.

Sighting of shops in Ajmer (Faizan Soda Water)

In Ajmer the shops i came across:

Faizan Soda Water
Kalu Sweet Mart
Shrinath travels
Qadri Guest house and travels , Altaf Guest House, Anjuman Guest House (adjacent ganne ka ras)

KMC chinese food point
Avon Guest House
Dr Nandlal MBBS
Allah Rakha Studio
KRC travels
National Electronic Store
Kodak Photostudio
fashion market

surma moti  no 13
famous oldest surma of bareilly

Near Nizam Gate no 1

Burraq Manzil Guest House
Momin Sweet Mart
Darbar Sweets
Haji Flower Shop
Khwaja Garib Nawaz CD; Photo Centre
Raut Flower Corner

 For food Pandit restaurant is handy and given their tandoori roti (not laced with butter) and stuffed tomato the meals look comprehensive and soft on tummy.
For cool drinks the Faizan Soda water and the number of times i visited in the previous years i have lost count of . In 2009 i visited whenever i came to Ajmer. At any point of time one can gulp at least four big glasses of orange sprinkled with lemon flavour.  Hail the Faizan Soda water and those who take the cool drinks from here  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

In Hati Bagan, Kolkata close to Divine Cyber Cafe is Ghosh Mistaan Bhandar. Near this Mistaan Bhandar  is one roll centre as one turns right and next to the roll centre is a shop manned by an old man.This old man needs to have enough resources to meet his expenses. This can be made possible by procuring necessities from his store.

Visit to Delhi Cantt Station to gauge the mood of the nation

Visit to Delhi Cantt Station to gauge the mood of the nation

The visit to the Delhi Cantt Station coincided with a series of surveys that tried to gauge the mood of the nation. Quite opposite to the dismal mood prevalent outside due to the course correction the prices hadn't seen, the mood inside was upbeat and persuasive. THe persuasive skills became evident the moment DTC bus number 711 inched towards the station. THe middle aged man positioned on the rear gate to possibly send positive vibes paused and enquired the train i was supposed to take and if so the destination was Jaipur. Seeing no response on either queries he got down to hop on a rickshaw as his Rewari train was just few minutes away. I walked down to the station with a certainty that those assembled inside would be able to throw light on those struggling outside. Here a platform ticket is not mandtory and one can walk in with handy sighting of dustbins.

THose who had gathered there and those willing to gather later revealed that the wait was for a train heading towards REwari. I took a seat and looked for a tea vendor. Few minutes in the platform it was time to take tea with fewer glued to a cell song. Platforms on this station are neat and tidy and with fewer occupants at any point of time the look is resplendent and cheery.  With a tea in hand, those assembled assumed that i too was destined to take the approaching train. None were willing to engage in a discourse on national churning and most believed the mood of resentment was true for those who placed bets on large innings of uncertainty and if ever anything good happens these cynics try to overshadow it with their game that is no less than nonsensical. With no bets thrown on prices and other surprises, some among the assembled janata took tea and some nodding to equally high temperatures in Rewari crease.

The Rewari train pulled in and those having finally made up their mind boarded and those yet to reach that stage waited. I pulled myself outside to the current general ticket counter hoping to lay hands on a Jaipur ticket. The queue was long enough to make one take two rounds of the station and yet some willing to stand there to pledge their allegiance to window submission. One daily commuter could be seen holding a rooh afza bottle and another holding on to a cell rattle. I excused myself for a while to get the necessary change and by the time i returned the queue had become fairly long. I decided to drop Jaipur from itinerary and take another round of tea not necessary sold from a ferry. PLatform 2 gave me another chance to try tea and here one commuter was seen haggling for a mineral water that showed 15 on its top as the price and yet he was willing to give 12 as this all he could release given his mind size. The Jaipur Special came and went and there were more than handfuls that left the delhi end.

THe stay and surety of a future stay in Delhi Cantt Station showed the simple arithmetic of life and fewer willing to rant and fewer willing to bring the discourse to a level of an ant. The temperatures are high across country and time is ripe for a sizeable monsoon entry. Once rains come and stay occasions would be fewer for rooh afza to come in a tray. Hope the ground water level rises and those in the parched territories have more of water surprises.