Friday, June 1, 2012

Visit to Delhi Cantt Station to gauge the mood of the nation

Visit to Delhi Cantt Station to gauge the mood of the nation

The visit to the Delhi Cantt Station coincided with a series of surveys that tried to gauge the mood of the nation. Quite opposite to the dismal mood prevalent outside due to the course correction the prices hadn't seen, the mood inside was upbeat and persuasive. THe persuasive skills became evident the moment DTC bus number 711 inched towards the station. THe middle aged man positioned on the rear gate to possibly send positive vibes paused and enquired the train i was supposed to take and if so the destination was Jaipur. Seeing no response on either queries he got down to hop on a rickshaw as his Rewari train was just few minutes away. I walked down to the station with a certainty that those assembled inside would be able to throw light on those struggling outside. Here a platform ticket is not mandtory and one can walk in with handy sighting of dustbins.

THose who had gathered there and those willing to gather later revealed that the wait was for a train heading towards REwari. I took a seat and looked for a tea vendor. Few minutes in the platform it was time to take tea with fewer glued to a cell song. Platforms on this station are neat and tidy and with fewer occupants at any point of time the look is resplendent and cheery.  With a tea in hand, those assembled assumed that i too was destined to take the approaching train. None were willing to engage in a discourse on national churning and most believed the mood of resentment was true for those who placed bets on large innings of uncertainty and if ever anything good happens these cynics try to overshadow it with their game that is no less than nonsensical. With no bets thrown on prices and other surprises, some among the assembled janata took tea and some nodding to equally high temperatures in Rewari crease.

The Rewari train pulled in and those having finally made up their mind boarded and those yet to reach that stage waited. I pulled myself outside to the current general ticket counter hoping to lay hands on a Jaipur ticket. The queue was long enough to make one take two rounds of the station and yet some willing to stand there to pledge their allegiance to window submission. One daily commuter could be seen holding a rooh afza bottle and another holding on to a cell rattle. I excused myself for a while to get the necessary change and by the time i returned the queue had become fairly long. I decided to drop Jaipur from itinerary and take another round of tea not necessary sold from a ferry. PLatform 2 gave me another chance to try tea and here one commuter was seen haggling for a mineral water that showed 15 on its top as the price and yet he was willing to give 12 as this all he could release given his mind size. The Jaipur Special came and went and there were more than handfuls that left the delhi end.

THe stay and surety of a future stay in Delhi Cantt Station showed the simple arithmetic of life and fewer willing to rant and fewer willing to bring the discourse to a level of an ant. The temperatures are high across country and time is ripe for a sizeable monsoon entry. Once rains come and stay occasions would be fewer for rooh afza to come in a tray. Hope the ground water level rises and those in the parched territories have more of water surprises.     

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