Friday, June 29, 2012

Why petro price was cut? Can we ever hope to see a raise that could come in phase?

Why petro price was cut? Can we ever hope to see a raise that could come in phase?

Before we delve into the merits of a petro price cut carried in quick succession, the petro price correction is all about the global economes and their sustained sensation. Economies defined as globally prudent to globally shake the pricing of  perishable oil knew very well their growth story defined the oil's oscillating query. From a demand that raged to put prices beyond 140 $ a barrel to coming below 100 and falling the globally declared economies are globally destined to be less voluble and visible. THat sums up the falling demand for oil and falling influence of global economies which for a major part were on a pedestal of boil. As global oil demand-cum-price shrunk, the oil companies were tied to an oscillating mood to shrink the prices at home given the barrage/hammering the rupee had undertaken which was more than the dollar relief that a barrel was believed to be woven. First the petro price shocker came after much persuasion by the govt of the day that hard decisions need to be taken. Once the shocker became effective from midnight resulting in a slew of protests that spread during daylight, the govt let the renewed price sink in before they swung back to bring in. THe bring-back momentum not entirely brought back to pre raise level. This price cut was followed by some degree of tax adjustment and followed by another cut in petro price sentiment.

THe second price cut, in some areas this has taken the form of a third cut, is highly inappropriate and coming at an inappropriate time when overstaying was not a crime. When hike as steep as 7 rs and beyond was announced most of those who reported for work were not to be found. Once the midnight correction of seven and beyond set in, the men, women and those willing to be men and women reported for work late in the evening or if ever they reported in morning they overstayed the night to restart their work without visiting home and bite. Mandatory was overstay in office where they completed all form of chase. This tribe began to develop in a proportion disproportionate to the growth the economy could sense and alarming figures began to be reported from factory to those keeping on rolls fanatics.Chase that they had been deprived of over the years given their least familiarity with overstaying gears. As for others who were junior enough to be summoned by seniors who all along coughed, this was an occasion to tell their bosses that they stayed overnight in office to oversee the work and no force on earth could dismiss them as forces that shirk.  

The protest earlier was on how deep we were supposed to dig into our pockets to undertake the daily ritual of buckets. Now possibly the govt of the day may have to be open to the idea of protests fanning out across streets by those who believed in the power of overstaying. Overstaying was just not by staff at work; friends-cum-fanatics overstaying and all energy centric parlours witnessing the shrewdest form of a prolonged stay. Those willing to reinvigorate themselves handed out the plea that since fuel bills are too steep to stare the visits to energy centres may be less frequent but with a duration that could lull their body sensation. Overstaying and overworked were the twin benefits of a fuel hike and all those who took this to a logical course would fan out on streets to the fore.

The govt of the day and possibly looking at the option of working during night should be prepared to a protest demanding the fuel hike be restored as this legitimised the power to overstay and renew the mandate to play. The restoration close to pre hike level does discourage potential overstayers to overexpose and all this multiplying to protests that would keep the govt on toes. Some who have been denied the power of maturity through overstaying surety have spun the story that with these successive roll back there is a possibility that govt may be looking at bringing the petro prices to pre independence level when few realised the potential to travel. So streets would be decked with banners like "overstaying is our birthright, overworked body is a must if one wants to nip to the ground the bodily thrust", don't deny the right we were not aware, bring the fuel hike that a torn fabric can bear".  

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