Sunday, June 17, 2012

Speaking to yourself on issues that gel

Speaking to yourself

As we get tied to day to day activities, we occasionally get a chance to speak to ourselves and those with rotating bells. Speaking to oneself can for a moment  widen the gulf with those whom you share the world but at least it gives you the confidence to not err. Speak and splurge never happens if you remain speechless to others and fearless to yourself. Once you have spoken and created the requisite sensation in the room you occupy you have the confidence the feedback would come to you and thereby give you the clue.

Speak to yourself and remain speechless to others may not be the mantra majority would like to apply. This application becomes a must where the place you reside on occasions you have to pay a cess. Cess where a host of courierwallahs end up visiting your home with posts that are normal in expression of affection and coming in normal post in the past and now taking the shape of a courier blast. IN between one in the afternoon and five in the evening when you are in no mood of sewing and weeping these so-called courierwallahs step in and sometimes in a space of one hour four to five can barge in. Normal post turning to courierghost shows the climate is conducive for them to make you understand the eccentricity of playing a  host. If not courierwallah there are other entities like vendors and shop boys waiting in the wings in the afternoon to visit homes to show they are no less kings.  

AS you stage a protest in the four walls of the room on all those deliberating visiting in the afternoon June, speaking to yourself becomes mandatory as it showcases the city with sizeable afternoon awakening inventory. Speak at random and speak no less than a phantom, speaking to oneself is a necessity in a world riven by cell servility. Benefits are:

You would be speaking to yourself and not to those built on pelf.
You would be speaking on issues desired by you and not by those who don't have a clue.
You would speak for the nation at large and in an environment where you have put on clothes starch.
You would not be open to the possibility of being criticised by others; you can even skip the possibility of being hailed by new funded brothers.
When you speak the walls listen and when you are silent the walls start losing patience. Snooping may not be the order of the day but there are no dearth of those who are willing to join the fray.
Speak about those whom you care and speak about roses whom you may have to bear.
Speak with clarity and authenticity and speak about those with round the clock sensitivity
Speak,  weep or speak-cum-weep are order of the day; the differentiator being this routine has to be followed by even those who don't  have a feet of clay.

Speak for a moment for a nation not seeing rains; hope the country has enough shine and shower to gain

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