Monday, November 26, 2012

Spitting is a national obsession

Spitting is a national obsession

There has been no dearth of people who wish to spit and who wish to flee. Spitting may be a national obsession and you would be lucky enough to witness and experience this national commitment which has not diluted over the years. Most would take this rationale that by and large public has a wide open space to spit and shiver. But this very open space could be one where you would be standing or the one from where you would have gone past just a second before. It would be entirely dismissed as a coincidence that if you go to fetch vegetables or deboard a bus the people spit and and take a long deserved rest.

Why people spit and where its origin lie? It is a tale dating back to 2008 trail when the law and those governing had become law unto themselves and began to assert in a colony with zeal and hourly sounding of bell. These were all provoked by plainclothes men who took to their advantage the deteriorating situation and sensed an enduring sensation. Others had been shrouded in a bad repute and here it was better to employ plainclothes men who could hourly shoot. People made most of the deteriorating situation and who all could soak the pleasure were set in motion. Right from delivery boys to maids coming to your house, all seem to be partaking the raining benefits and this set the agenda for snooping and spitting mavericks. Spitting is a thought that they have developed with, the quantum they can release at one go is the feedback from their masters who carry a spitting kit.

The spitting kit elaborates the posture the man who is to oblige you with spit should be - and the posture should be such that it may half-heartedly convey that it was entirely meant for you. Spitting rekindles the fire in their belly; at least they have been assigned some job which they can unleash clearly. The man who is about to spit would be told in advance about the target and as the target is near him or about to go past him the plainclothes guy would spit and look at a direction as if he is reenergising for another hit.

Elaborate partners
Who could be elaborate partners in spitting? Going by clinical fashion at which spitting with sporting enthusiasm has been carried out, the lot if plainclothes and those in other form have been exhausted could comprise of parking attendants, delivery men with a new spitting firmament, slew of drivers who drive vehicles ranging from autos to buses and any number of men and mavericks duly assigned the task. Mind you all these people mentioned above could be spitting in the normal course but the new and recharged energy level brought to the proceedings easily convey that they have been prodded and duly asked to have the habit preserved.

Spitting kit is what keeps them enthusiastic round the year and if by chance they run out of posture and perseverance they look to the kit and run their writ. Had these unemployed men who remain only employed till the period they are spitting been duly assigned a constructive assignment they would not have been spitkind. Spitting is here to stay and one can easily distinguish between those who spit at will and those who spit when they have been prodded by others to spread the thrill. Part of the thrill should be shared by their masters; once this sporting endeavour has been shared by one and all they won't be complaining that they have to spit since they had failed to answer nature's call.

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