Saturday, November 3, 2012

The rally in national capital to raise fdi belly by Puneet Rajhans

The rally in national capital to raise fdi belly

The govt of the day, made possible by forces inside parliament and those holding other firmament, is of a firm view that it needs to overhaul itself to meddle in affairs where it sees least quantum of fears. The ruling party and the spate of revelations that are largely coming during day and truly reenergised by these set of revelations has truly revealed to itself that time has come to prepare itself for a motorcade-less rally and a resolution passed in a sitting posture post filling of the belly.

Preparations and preservatives

Preparations are in full swing in the National Capital, which primarily involves Delhi and other visible battle, to hold a rally where the party governing the nation for over eight years and fighting against eight fears would elaborately explore the possibility of winning the hearts of people on issues like multibrand retail and those opposing it by taking the stand of a rebel. As pictures began emerging in the publications of national capital ensnaring those with national outlook, the reading of the published illustration and text underscored the seriousness of those who had been assigned the task of making the rally a success and at no point convey a picture of stress.

creators, readers and leaders

The picture of a motley group of politicos who daily feed the news channels on their triple strengths of  creators, readers and leaders is meant to convey that they are true to the task of ringing the fdi fever come rain or discovery of a new river. In all five stages would be erected at the rally ground where speakers would be feted with a new set of crown. Speakers would be those who expressed their inability to speak in Parliament and having remained  speechless for this long would hand out fdi lore punctuated with rhymes which sensationalised others during their school floor. In the run up to this mega rally exemption would be made for those with mega belly by erecting a special stage for them where they can shine with their speech and bum.

KYC forms on fdi song

To make the rally a mega success, the govt has decided to give power tariff a breather for the period those in offices and homes switch on their tv sets and primarily watch and whistle for the rally best. For this purpose KYC (know your customer) forms have been distributed across households in the national capital where the residents have been told to elaborately explain the reasons they watched tv during this period when by and large on a Sunday during this time they entertain middlemen with no meddlesome nature in their private hut. A tariff breather here and a traffic advisory there, the govt and party would hold out such lollipops for those seeking a relief from high water and power fief. "You praise us in private and public, we will hand you more such reliefs that is true of a Republic."

Connection flaunt

As for the rally, the organisers have been clearly told to bring in attendance over 1lakh people and to make this happen they are flaunting a newspaper edit page article. Translated in Hindi and regional languages, the article conveys the sum and substance of bringing in fdi in godowns like fci and those who are championing the cause have won popular elections and they are no less than a boss. While most organisers have dismissed the article as another desperate attempt by the authorities to horn and media connection flaunt, it has not lulled their confidence and those behind the rally are of the view that time has come to give the country the fdi clue. Well this article is not the first  and surely won't be the last on how to put fdi in circulation in a country where millions don't have access to sanitation and wash basin. During the rally the speakers would be elaborately fed and photo framed by electronic and print wheels who would praise them that in this season of uncertainty they could elaborately undertake the story of fdi sail-cum-sell. There are no dearth of journos in print and electronic wheels who have been caught in fdi breeze. Their outstation assignments and out of country sensations every other month conveys the rising constituency of fdi bunch.

After the rally gets over the crowd would disperse in different directions desperately searching for loos and other non-fdi clues. Dispersed crowd would be of the view that it would have been better to spend the hours lost in the fdi roar in a toilet than listen to those who positioned themselves as multibrand fdi pilot. In their effort to disperse and reach the destinations from where they were picked and had fdi lines rehearsed came this piece of news that govt has decided to revise the auto and taxi fare in the capital as those running it have promised they would bat for fdi if their tariff is raised failing which they too would lend support to fdi fry.

Stomach tense?

As rally and rhetoric would come to an end, the print and electronic tentwallahs who pitched their tent to gauge the fdi sentiment would return to their homes/offices to understand what the rally was and how it damaged the entire cause. Sectors after sectors providing services and bartenders would seek a raise in tariff in lieu of blanket support for fdi horse. As a result, the governing party would spearhead an agitation that it be allowed to hold rally in the entire country than solely subjecting itself to activist bout. Cities and towns would be fed with fdi rally and in case some among those in attendance had stomach tense, remedial measures would be provided by doctors posing as fdi gents. In the run up to twenty fouteen, fdi would be the buzzword and if ever you come across any article or a story in print/electronic gym, better understand it as fdi hymn.

As for organisers, who held the rally by raising at the venue hoardings on departments of husbandry and hasta hua car battery, would seek a pledge from readers rediscovered as leaders to sing a song in praise of fdi reborn. Those who fail to do so would be dismissed as hailing from Hindi heartland and Bong birthland. As for those who sung and wept would be feted with fdi carpet possessing the qualities of sahi kapda heft.

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