Thursday, August 12, 2021

Cable connection ripped apart; Taliban surge that is no coward

Cable connection ripped apart; Taliban surge that is no coward

As the cable connection was ripped apart we were unable to watch news channel on Afghanistan Crescendo where different cities were falling to Taliban innuendo after partaking enough packets of snack necessarily sold in South Asia named Bingo. Power sharing formula we hope Taliban would accept in entirety as the outfit has enough arsenal in its kitty. The entire world is in a dilemma over Afghanistan crisis, when would peace return and halt it would be nothing less than series of surprises. Afghanistan is our neighbour and we are concerned over the developing instability and dilemma perhaps a day would come when surprise entry would be made by puma. Let better sense prevail over Taliban and it sheds gun with occasional application of balm.

 In India's Parliament as Marshals were called in Upper House it smacked of arrogance of the regime in grouse. Marshals dishevelled the opposition members and in the melee the opposition members got hurt and to explain the marshals misbehavior they had news channel to revert. We are living in times when from media to messiahs are being silenced; the regime is arrogant as it is short of delivery talent.

What would be delivered from Red Fort is not known. Probably the coating of announcement of contentious farm laws being scrapped should not be in secret kitty. As year after year different czars would get a chance to load their speech with enough promises from the ramparts of Red Fort that is few kms away from territory where the Gigantic Delhi City host and where innovators have enough occasions to roll out sizeable quotes. As for Thursday the belly got overheated given excess dry fruits that were feted it led to second round of loo and that was the underlying clue. This was very day when we procured groceries for Rupees 1346 from Garg store which makes tiresome effort to snick bill that is sore. Thursday was the very day when we wrote voluminous report on breaking news and the attire in which the anchors cruise. As TWITTER handle of opposition leaders is made history the undue pressure and interference by the czar is no creativity. Let DISSENT prevail, opposition hail and governance take true colour in a nation where Red Fort speech year after year should IGNITE PLUR. 

As tweets would resume soon, the opposition and regime is here to stay and their occasional acts can lumme. We take this opportunity to wish all the best to Maharashtra politicos and public in general where every individual is binaural. As the Cable Company lass says she is senior and doesn't look after whose cable connection is on and whose connection is off we are living in times when cable company is haughty and odd.

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