Saturday, August 28, 2021

Why we dread to step outside?

Why we dread to step outside? Rahul the driver and Ram the servant have unleashed reign of terror thanks to constant prodding from A 1/ 275

When carpenter Hriday Sharma came visiting us we had anathema to his application of cess. He went outside to fetch gate lock and handle tight in a nation where market sentiments are not bright. After visiting market Sharma came to us and started drilling in a nation where there is monthly power and water billing. Some dread to receive power and water bills every month in a nation where there are locales manufacturing gun. We dread to step outside as abuse galore and we stay away from fight furore. We have lived with this template for five years given the opposite house driver gall to intimidate us and make us live in constant fear. We can't step outside even to put locks to the gate what to talk about collecting groceries and parcel given the intimidation template set by driver and his henchmen including servant Ram and driver Rahul. They are employees of a Munim who is known for his past and all of this hullabaloo has been engineered by adjoining house A 1/275 where reside department people. They cajole, prod driver and servant who yell, scream and pass abuse every now and then. Screaming is in their blood and prodding servants, driver is their forte. When we placed a request for second floor to be vacated, the department people couldn't take it lying down and prodded the tenants to unleash a template that was painful. The department people residing in A 1/275 upped the ante and cajoled the driver to constantly switch on the abuse template given the cover they were enjoying from A 1/275. Driver has made living difficult in the colony and his participation in wreaking havoc is much to do with support extended by department people residing as tenants in A 1/275.

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