Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why do people tweet? Is their aversion to sleep that leads them to tweet

Why do people tweet? Is their aversion to sleep that leads them to tweet

Why do people tweet? Is their aversion to sleep that leads them to tweet. Well, there is no research to suggest that people took to tweeting when the country they resided in had a downgrade rating ; and perhaps to beat that downgrade depression they had their daily dose of tweeting sensation. Well, the research if and ever it comes before the tweet becomes no fun would correspond to the fact that tweets and their numbers are more or less the same from developed, developing or of the states whose status is yet to be known given no unfolding of envelope.

In the times of tweets and twists no one seems to be averse to this form of risk. Risk is least expected since the awakening message to awaken the Janata has to be 140-strong character adjusted. In the 140-strong-cum-supervising character, the object is to reach out to an audience which wants every update of tweeter shenanigans. Some tweet every hour of the rising and converting day; some tweet every day of the month and some tweet every month of the seasonal run. Amidst this there are few and disappearing tribe who tweet once in a while; necessarily translating to once in a year. Provocation is simple and solid: It is not just the solid waste that they flushed out in haste in one successful attempt from their toilet den; even the nagging constipation leading to thinking cap submission on the seat they fixed themselves to fight the tummy creation. In effect, from solid waste to constipation distaste has led them to imagine and become tweet race.

In the world driven by dissensions and fame, tweets are by some individuals who want their supremacy to reign. Supremacy they can least afford to let go and competitors they would like them to slow. In the competitive supremacy the number of followers tailing them is their show of strength and any figure less than one won't be seen as a trend. Followers in their bid to follow and fume follow those tweeters who tweet about the temperature in their city/state and the number of hours they stayed at home to free themselves from job gate. Job and career least interest them as tweeting gives them the weapon to advertise that this act of tweet followed randomly by fists has given them followers which no career on earth would have given them even when they would have turned their blowers. Forget followers any career they would have been disposed to would have not lend them evaders/ foes-turned-agitators as tweets have handed them. DEtails breaking to the number of hours slept and the number of hours wept are put in clinical fashion collaborating with the number of hours they intend to spend on getting their daily ration.

Well there are no golden rule to suggest that tweets have to be universally at this hour of the day as people tweet when they seem to have reached a feat. Feat would be how they assume their move they made at a particular hour leading them to a spate of followers barking at every waking hour.
The seasonal rush for tweets and seasonal abating is normally associated with the performance on different fronts. THe seasonal tweet from a sportsperson, largely defined as a cricket sensation, could well be his thrill at not participating in the forthcoming contests as that would make him more eligible from a long deserved rest. The tweet from a politico could well be at the prospect of not contesting polls as he could well be hauled up by his foes-turned-seniors that he could poll this much votes when they poured their heart and soul to defeat him with money fort.

The tweet from a middleman in the middle of nowhere could be on the meddlesome nature the system has been, meddling at his every move to milk it at the milking hours and depriving him of his daily cash shower.

Tweets that are to follow would be from the stable of ATMs; Instead of 24 hour ATMs, it could well read as 12 hour ATMs/12 hour CBMs (confidence building measures). Because to enter the atm one has to have the requisite confidence that once having withdrawn his pie he s/he won't be asked to part with the same once s/he steps out leaving them to a long spell of cry. Entering an ATM too calls for a degree of confidence as the ATM card holders have to assume that someone with an assumed name would have deposited the cash they wish to withdraw failing which they would tweet the turn of events as a system flaw.

As for the tweet from a laundrywallah could well be deposit 12 clothes in one go, take six and consequentially pay for six. Because most of the clothes sent for laundry have innumerable ruptures given the body that is seized within and struggling to cling and once freed the clothes have all to bleed. Torn and coloured apart is the fabric and the laundrywallah who attends to all clothes deposited would be a maverick.
Tweet from a trafficwallah could well be on the slow pace of vehicle movement and how s/he desires it to be enduring slow so that s/he does not have to step out on the road to give their tongue blow. If slow is the traffic fewer would be skirmishes and fewer would be the occasions to spot those vehiclewallah sporting rashes. Tweet from a buswallah would be on the bus carrying more than its desirable capacity and here the fuel tank has to be filled keeping in mind all adversity.

Tweets from a common man would generally ponder on the temerity clan; the clan who could hold his/her nerves against every bite and yet refuse to be drawn in for a fight. Tweets could be simple and on occasions not looking stale and yet not disposed to the idea of having a long trail.

So tweets in all are about the rules they tweaked and guidelines they shrieked. The weather they freaked and the return they desired to their fief. Tweets would come and go as long as people would sport a glow; tweets would be under threat if plateaued growth is the story that is fed. Because in the past 20 years the projections for growth change every day from decimal to a point given the quantum of agitators in the fray.
Hailing the tweet culture is the fad and enormity of the traffic and the content would be decided by those who day in day out have a job to act.

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